Posts by gkbradshaw

    Hi all, I haven't decided yet if I'll go FRFR route or the traditional cab route yet. I'm not in a hurry so I'm doing my homework. I was curious if anyone has tried out one of the new Barefaced Audio cabs with their Kemper. It seems to be a good idea. I love the idea of a better dispersion and light weight cab. Let me know what are your thoughts on this "new" design. The Reformer 112 send quite attractive in design and it sure would look good with the Kemper in their Raging Green.

    Hello everyone. First, I'd like to say that this is an awesome forum. I have had my Kemper for only a few weeks but this place has already answered so many, specific, questions that I've come across. So thanks to all who are contributing and especially thanks to those who are already very experienced, since you are probably the one giving more than receiving in terms of knowledge.

    Second, I'd like to say that I'm really having fun with the Kemper. I still have a lot to learn and I don't even know yet which direction I want to go with my powered toaster in terms of cabinets but I'm getting some really good sounds. I know some of the forums say that Kemper lacks in effects but other than a handful of wishes I think they're great.

    There's no need for a long intro so I'll leave you for now but I look forward to many more discussions as I learn this awesome machine!

    I think a lot of it also to do with the profiled sound being A/B'd to an amp in the room when profiled.

    Robman, I think you're right. No matter how good a profile is, it's still going to sound different the direct sound of an amp in the room, and I just haven't quite wrapped my brain around it. I have a feeling that as I start playing in a band setting or recording that this may become less of an issue.

    Chris, yes you are absolutely correct and I didn't really mean for it to be taken that way, although reading my question again it certainly reads like that. What I mean to say, is that, at least for my setup, things just don't sound right for quite a few of the profiles that are published, free or commercial. I'm not a metal guy at all so I just skip all the ones that have high gain in rig manager to begin with but when i'm looking at the lower gain ones, I'm getting a weird digitally sound in the lower drive profiles that I can't get past. I'm not sure what setting I might have wrong. Basically the only way I've found to get low crunch profile is through the addition of one of the stomps or Soft shaper to an already very clean profile. There are plenty of great clean profiles that I really, really enjoy.

    And by the way to anyone reading this, I'm very thankful that we have this community and extremely grateful for any responses that you all provide as I learn more about this awesome machine! Thanks Chris for keeping me in check.

    I uploaded a profile that was my first attempt and although it isn't bad, I've continued to tweek it such that I think it is much better than my original one. In an effort to not clutter the exchange with garbage, how do I delete my old uploaded profile?

    I wish others would go in and do the same thing because there are definitely too many profiles on there that have no business being on the exchange, IMO.

    I am still new to Kemper land and am so far having a great time and enjoying it. One thing, however, that is concerning is the number of profiles on the rig exchange that sound "not present". Granted this is subjective but you can tell a quality profile from one that isn't as good, even if the tone isn't what I like. I'm wondering how much tweeking goes into these profiles that are up on the exchange. What do you do before uploading and how much time to you put into?

    Thanks for everyone's help.

    I actually had an Apogee Jam laying around so I used it and it seems to do the job okay. I used a low-z to hi-z converter from the Kemper into the Apogee Jam and then went into the iPhone and iPad. It records from the Kemper now. It's not perfect though because the Jam gets overloaded rather easily...the signal level on the interface.

    Why do you need the low to hi-z converter? Can you not just turn the gain down on the Jam to prevent it from overloading? I have recorded straight into iPhone GarageBand before from a cab sim pedal and it worked well, but haven't tried yet with the Kemper output.

    Sometimes it is difficult to 1) remember if I've already cleared my loop while I'm playing and 2) if I haven't it takes three bottom clicks to do so, while playing and thinking about that. It would be useful to be able to clear the loop without having to go into the looper mode and clear the loop by just holding the looper button down for two seconds.