Posts by svenelof

    redcloud That's a little reassuring, great that they actually told you the problem has been identified, they accept its a flaw and they confirmed they have changed it for future units. But, I wish my support was as reassuring. Hopefully when they see my unit once it's returned they will let me know that the issues with the knobs has been checked and future units will be sorted. I want to give the Stage another shot, but just need a little more confidence in it.

    I think I will wait a while anyway as more and more issues by other users are being posted on here.

    I wonder if you can request a "newly built" Stage when buying from Kemper instead of one of the first batch. :/

    I’m sure the stage will have been built to withstand lots of abuse just like the remote

    It didn't survive 3 days in my bedroom. Hoping Kemper will be changing the building ways. They've said the foot switch problem has been sorted and changes are on the assembly line now. Just waiting for the rest to be confirmed, they are waiting for my unit to return to investigate the broken knob issues. So unit's being sent out now could potentially still have this broken knob issue.

    MyAlterEgoHamish Yeah I think Kemper have really shot themselves in the foot with the Stage launch. Support said they didn't know why knobs were falling off and they wanted my replacement knobs that also didn't work back so they could look in to it. I thought they'd have already begun looking in to that! Haha. Just makes me think there's a whole bunch more units out there waiting to go wrong. Some of my issues didn't come to surface until a week in of use. I'd hate to find these problems came to light after my 30 day money back guarantee.

    redcloud did you buy direct from Kemper? Kemper support sent me an email with a refund slip and a FREE POSTAGE label to be stuck on the outside of the box. I dropped it off at my local UPS collection location just now. I have not paid a thing


    I'd advise anyone returning products for a replacement to simply get a refund from where you bought it from (so your 30 day money back refund is still good) Then purchase a new one (direct from kemper is best to avoid any hassle getting parts/replacement units/full refunds)

    Recently, the Focusrite no longer locks onto the Kemper as the external S/PDIF clock when you select this option in Focusrite Control.

    It now locks, IF you set it to spdif first (with kemper switched off) and then turn on the Kemper. Not ideal at all when producing but at least it locks... However, It still crashes. Bizarre. Even when I unplug the spdif and back in again like you did, that doesn't work. I have to fully shut down the Kemper and go through the steps again in order to get it to lock... but then like i said, it still crashes.

    Update from Kemper Support, there is a 30 day return policy starting from when I purchased the first (faulty) Kemper Stage. It does not renew or start again from when I get sent a replacement. So it took a week to identify all the problems, a week for them to send me a returns box, probably a week to reach them and then a week to get the replacement back to me. At which point, if the replacement has any faults I can only exchange for another one, not refund for my money back. So I advise everyone if you have faults, do not take an exchange! Refund it! Buy another one, so your 30 days returns policy starts from scratch. Then if you keep getting problems and want your money back, you can.

    Hey folks, another issue I've found.

    Could be hardware or software... When using the Kemper Stage to record in the studio via spdif:

    Using it as the clock source and with spdif as the sync source it wont lock that source. Pro Tools and the Kemper Stage are both set to the same 44.1 setting. This then causes pro tools to crash along with Scarlett Mix Control (used to select the clock source) and you have to reboot the computer, turn off and on again your audio interface.

    Tried another test, even if you don't select spdif as the sync source, when you connect the Kemper to your audio interface via spdif to record, everything just crashes.

    Just listing another software problem for folks to check theirs. Will message support too. Still waiting on a reply from support of my last problem (no it's not in spam folder).

    When I am in browser mode just playing after selecting a rig. If I rotate the type knob (to change from all rigs, favourites ,no favourites menu etc) then the Kemper Stage will freeze and I have to hard reboot. First time this has happened, worked perfect up until now. Seems to be more unfolding every day.

    I also tried my spdif cable in to pro tools today to check if I get the same noise problems as with the Monitor and Main Ouput, but it's fine, crystal clear. Might help Kemper pin point something. Will message support too.

    Greentea sorry to hear you also have hardware issues.

    Almost immediately I found a problem with the Browse knob which turns about 1 whole revolution to get to the next rig and sometimes more :( It's generally very quirky and unresponsive

    I found more and more hidden problems as the days went on. The quality does not justify the price for me. I had originally planned on exchanging mine for a replacement unit but instead i'll be asking for a refund.

    I'm hoping in 6 months time this forum isn't full of problems listed and then I'll think about it again. But honestly it's beyond disappointing and even replacement parts sent to me did not work which leads me to think it's deeper than a surface parts problem. The quality is just poor. If you are posting on here because your unit has no hardware faults... I wouldn't risk it is my friendly advice. I had new hardware faults appearing as time went on. Yours might seem fine now, but it might not be. You have 30 days return as it says on the Kemper website.

    LiamUK I didn't find your posts annoying, I found your feedback thought provoking and interesting to see an array of perceptions and to be honest if I was reading this forum thread without owning a Kemper, I also wouldn't buy one. Kemper are hard at work on software issues but I hope they're also hard at work on hardware issues instead of just sending out more units in the blind hope that they work ok.

    Cheers KrlosRodz I am waiting a week for Kemper to send me a box to return mine in.

    Also if anyone else has a Kemper Stage, check for this new problem in the Main & Monitor Outputs

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    Different than the headphone noise issue, different noise and occuring at different times with different settings. Even if you set output to off, it's still there. Just seeing if anyone else is experiencing this too?

    This is the noise from the Kemper Stage monitor output. On all output settings in the menu. Half way through I switch the output to "off" in the Output menu (Still noise but a different noise) Then back cycling through all until I get to stereo.

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    Again, this is also on the main outputs that I'd normally send to FOH for "great sound". This does NOT happen on the headphone output when Kemper is on and I'm listening/playing with headphones on. The headphone noise comes when the Kemper Stage is switched off (and it's a different noise than the main and monitor output)

    I just found another new problem with the Kemper Stage. I've just tried out the main output and the monitor output for the first time and there's an unbelievable amount of noise floor. So much background hiss...even when I set the main or monitor output to off in the output settings. FOH and my FRFR cab will not like this haha.

    The headphone output is dead silent with no background noise at all so it's not something external affecting the whole unit.

    It's not a ground loop thing as the ground loop options did nothing but also I plugged it in to the same power plug circuit as my Golden Age Project Pre73 to test things... I cranked the gain and output of the pre 73 and still didn't get as high a noise floor. So it's definitely not external factors or dimmer circuits affecting things. It's an issue with the outputs on the Kemper Stage I think? I had white noise from the headphone output on Kemper Stage when the Kemper is off and Kemper Support said they knew of the bug.... Do they know of the bug with the main and monitor outs too? :(

    drop the sun Yeah probably a wise decision. I just found another new problem with the Kemper Stage. I've just tried out the main output and the monitor output for the first time and there's an unbelievable amount of noise floor. So much background hiss...even when I set the main or monitor output to off in the output settings.

    The headphone output is dead silent with no background noise at all so it's not something external affecting the whole unit.

    It's not a ground loop thing as the ground loop options did nothing but also I plugged it in to the same power plug circuit as my Golden Age Project Pre73 to test things... I cranked the gain and output of the pre 73 and still didn't get as high a noise floor. So it's definitely an issue with the outputs on the Kemper Stage I think? I had white noise from the headphone output on Kemper Stage when the Kemper is off and Kemper Support said they knew of the bug.... Do they know of the bug with the main and monitor outs too?

    I have so many problems I feel I need to post this additional problem in a new topic. Sorry for the complaint bombarding. Very unfortunate :(

    Got told to buy a large proper box to ship back but instead I'm getting them to post me a returns box. Will take a week to arrive they said. Then a week to get my faulty unit back to them. And then a week to get the replacement unit to me. So 3 weeks no Kemper unfortunately means I'll be missing out on some gigs. I'm going to ask support if it's easier to just refund that one and I'll buy a new one.

    Anyone know any good backups? If you don't use a guitar cab (as was just hooking Kempers up to FOH and getting feed to monitors or IEM's. Any cheap pedals that emulate a cab that I can throw on the end of a small pedalboard and DI straight to PA?

    KrlosRodz I have just received 6 replacement knobs in the post thanks to Kemper Support..... but none of them worked. They all still slid right off so the hardware problem is the metal prong that the knob slides on to. Also safe to bet that the browser push knob is a hardware issue too with it not registering. Kemper have asked me to post the faulty unit back to Germany in exchange for a new unit. Disappointed in the lack of quality control. I wouldn't bet on yours being a software thing. Get yours replaced to be safe. Everyone else with the same software as you does not have that problem (me for example).

    Wheresthedug I could use a beer right now haha! But I am honestly am worried about this thing surviving the stage :huh: