Posts by alexburnsred

    this has been asked a few dozen times in the last 10 years and Kemper support basically shit us in the face, saying they know the problem but have it (very) low in priority, which is a hit in the face to the customers considering the number they have been asked to have this issue fixed...

    concerning the "big news": I don't want anything new except a working software. well, that's not true. I'd only be hoping for a Profiler 2.0 version with a lot stronger chipset and a nice color-display that doesn't look like a mobile phone from 1995.

    Sorry but I have to flame a little now.

    I and lots of people in Facebook Kemper Groups are experiencing more and more software problems. Especially with Rig Manager.

    For example:

    I was playing at home. nothing touched. all of a sudden the remote lost connection and shut down. I dis- and reconnected a few times but in the end had to restart the Profiler to get a connection again.

    Besides: why is the tap STILL (years and years after many requests on here) not flashing in time and why are some of the leds flashing randomly even though I am connected with the original ethernet cable?

    next example:
    rig manager crashing and/or losing connection to profiler regularly. WHY???

    Now a new error: when trying to copy rigs from the local library to perfomance slots "paste" is not selectable in rig manager. I literally can't add rigs to perfomance slots in RM.

    next example:
    randomly I can paste rigs to perfomance slots somehow. Set up a complete performance - saved it, turn profiler off. next day, nothing I saved is there but sometimes the older rigs or even random rigs.

    next example:
    transpose set up in 2 different -2, one -3. trying at home - everything is fine.
    at the show: play one song - change perferformance and rig. transpose did not change to -3 even though i tested it a day before.

    I could go on...

    but seriously Kemper: when is a new Software Core coming? it's been due for so long now. you should get into the Facebook Groups to actually see what we (the users) have to deal with.

    Ich glaube es liegt eher nicht an dir. Ich hatte ähnliche Probleme und die Softwareseitigen Probleme werden irgendwie immer häufiger und kurioser.

    Ich nutze die transpose Funktion auch oft. Auch wenn mich die Latenz schon oft abfuckt. Überlege schon wieder aufs Digitech Drop umzusteigen, aber das kann halt nur runter und manchmal muss ich auch 1-2 halbtöne hoch.

    jedenfalls habe ich in 2 Performances Transpose eingestellt, eine -2, eine -3.
    er hat einfach mal beim songwechsel die Schritte nicht von 2-3 gestellt sondern blieb gleich.
    Sehr geil wenn man anfängt und der Rest der Band setzt ein und hat auf einmal eine andere Tonart. Sorry, absolutes Gehör haben wir nicht...

    Passt aber zu anderen Fehlern, wie Performance wechseln, Rig auswählen und es wird einfach irgendwas komplett anderes geladen, was gar nicht in der Performance oder eine davor gespeichert wurde oder so.

    Die Software wird immer unzuverlässiger und das nervt. Wäre es nicht mit so viel Aufwand und Kosten verbunden wäre ich schon beim Axe...

    Titel says it.

    yesterday everything was fine. nothing was moved or touched. Kemper is in a rack and has a rackmounted Ethercon Port, so the Ethernet-Port is NEVER touched.

    Now I can't get the Remote to get Connection.
    Power check is done and then it is "Waiting for Connection". and the TAP-LED is pulsing.

    Tried 3 different Cables, also the Original one. Tried with and without the patched Ethercon-Port. Tried with and without PoE-Injector.
    LEDs of the Kemper's Ethernet Port are working/flashing.

    Is my remote broken?
    I have shows on friday and saturday. Tried to call Kemper Support (I'm in Germany) but was too late for their working hours.
    And I bought it used about 4 years ago, so I don't have a receipt and I'm afraid I won't get anything repaired because of that or have to pay a sh*tload of money...


    Ich würde meine Remote und das EP-1 von mission Engineering gern auf ein Pedalboard packen.

    Wichtig ist mir, dass es möglichst schlank (es soll nicht zu viel Platz drauf frei bleiben)und leicht bleibt und am besten eine Umhängetasche dabei hat.

    Mir kommt dabei die Bauform vom Pedaltrain in den Sinn, das hatte ich früher vor meiner Kemper Zeit.

    kann da jemand was empfehlen?

    Celestion has a new Modeling speaker out with a triple-cone design that's supposed to respond better than the X200. Still, I would use Kones. You may find another imprint that fits better and you can lock in your tone with that just as easily. You at least have the imprint option with Kones - and they are proven with the Kemper.

    well, i supposed that the F12-X200 would be better than the triple cone as it costs about 30% more ?

    I'm also leaning towards the Kones- they are even a little cheaper than the X200 plus the posiibility to use imprints. but i think i would mostly use FRFR mode. I want to hear, what the audience hears.

    I listended to a comparision of the triple cone and the X200 and i think the X200 sounded better, more "guitar speaker-like".

    The Kemper Kone is just a modified X200, is that correct?

    I read quite a few times now, that the FRFR mode of the Kone is not that great. But that's what i would want mostly from it. so maybe the F12-X200 will be better for my needs?


    i have the idea to swap the V30s in my Mesa2x12 Recto Cab to make it FRFR. Would make things a lot easier as most of the profiles sound bad with my cab, if its not a Mesa cab in the profile. And yes, of course Monitor Cab is off ;)

    I'm just not shure if it would work? Would it sound a lot different than a real FRFR? there might be a bit more resonance but i could dial that out with the monitor EQ i guess?

    So what are your thoughts on this?

    And would you go Kemper Kone or the Celestion F12-X200 ? Don't actually know if would use imprints at all, as i want nearly the same sound as the FOH from my cabinet.

    i know that video. i also watched the video of guido bungenstock at 48Volt Studio showing how they profile and refine.

    did it the same way.

    as i already said I am capturing the sound i want with the mic (sennheiser e906). it sounds great. but the profile is just missing body.


    yesterday i wanted to profile my Friedman Pink Taco.

    I have a studio invironment that should be good enough for that purpose.

    Doesn't matter if I make a direct/merged or studio profile - but i can't get the profiles sound like the actual amp.

    I'm not talking about "amp in the room sound" - I'm talking about the A/B comparison after the actual profiling procedure.
    And no matter how much or often I refine - the profile is justing missing body / fullness compared to the actual amp. I don't mean bass. the bass response is ok. it's really just the fullness of the sound i get from the amp. It also sounds a little digital, but thats not as bad as the thin sound of the profile.

    I also tried playing around with the bass shift and high shift in the cab section after saving a profile.

    Any ideas what i can do?

    I start losing my faith in the profiler. I just can't get it sound like i want to(and I've had it for 2,5 years now) , because if you start tweaking commercial profiles you have already lost as it doesnt' react like an amp EQ.


    i want to make my own profiles, in a good quality of course.

    How important ist the cable quality for the profiling process?

    Would you say if you only use good and expensive cables it would make a difference to if you used one or two cables that are smaller in diameter?

    Normally in the amp world you say, the most important cable is the one going from your guitar to the first device that buffers the signal. After that you wouldn't hear a difference if the other cables were smaller.

    Speaking of studio and direct/merged profiling.
