Posts by Trebor

    Last thread was closed but mod mentioned listing 1000 rigs on one screen. Wouldn’t need to see all 1000 rigs at once, just a grid / list that had a bunch of rigs (same number as the player maybe as that already exists) but could then scroll/page through.

    Or just showed favourites.

    (Feel free to add comment to previous thread and delete this but I thought it worth adding due to the last comment, thank you)

    I don't get to experiment much with the Kemper in live venues and rely mainly on headphones. Not ideal but the only way for me at the moment.

    But I recently read this in the manual and wondered why 50% stereo/90% stereo settings would be recomended to give the nicest stereo image. I pretty much use just delay and reverb in stereo.


    When I started using the Kemper I turned down the main output to -20 db and also selected the -12db toggle in the output section (reading around I didn’t want to give too much signal to the sound desk playing live).

    I have run this for a while; however, my last sound guy asked for more signal and wasn’t happy until I turned up to -3db (with -12db toggle switch still selected.)

    any thoughts on best practice here? Should I even be using the -12db switch?

    thank you

    I have a guitar with a P90 in the neck and a Humbucker in the bridge. Volume is slightly lower in neck pup because this gives me a middle position I like.

    When setting clean sense, the best volume balance between clean and distorted values for my guitar is just above 0. However, the P90 sounds much more 'alive' when the clean sense is turned up (6.5). At this setting neither bridge or neck send clip the input but moving between clean and distorted profiles sees a big jump in volume.

    Is this p90 improvement just a perceived difference just because of a volume bump (louder sounds better) or does the cleans sense help open up single coils? If it does open them up, is there a single setting in the amp section that I can use to get the same effect while keeping the global input section set for the humbucker? (like gain is to distortion sense)

    Hope that makes sense...


    With the Kemper, I find great clean/edge of break up tones I really like and then want to push them into overdrive where I can still really hear the character of the original tone. I am struggle to find the best way to do this. Any thoughts?

    I don't get much time to mess around when playing live and am used to boosting the lower mid frequencies when I want a little more meat.

    However, as the kemper is so flexible I wanted to try boosting by lowering the high/low end and then raising the volume of the profile by the DB of my largest reduction. Anyone had success with this or is a mid boost actually more pleasing to the ears. Been playing around and not having much success right now...


    (Hope the post is ok in this section)

    After having my kemper for a little while now, I realised today (don’t judge me) how differently profiles sound depending on the headphone listening volume. Lightbulb moment of how much undoing of tweaking is needed when I get to a live venue...

    Is there an optimum headphone level for someone who wants to get into the ball park at home (I can’t play anywhere near gig volume)?

    thanks very much