Posts by FormerRogues

    Hi everyone,
    I am curious to see what the bassist here are using to push a cabinet with an unpowered Kemper (toaster/rack/stage). Also, I am curious about suggestions.

    After looking at FRFR cabinets, I think I might be more satisfied using the FX loop return of a bass amp into a cabinet paring of my choice. I run the Kemper without a cabinet section anyways, and this would just be for on-stage volume. My direct signal would still be sent to FOH.

    The Orange Terror Bass has caught my eye, and from experiencing technical issues, I think using a bass amp for live playing offers a redundancy plan. If the Kemper has an issue, I can at lease use an amp (+DI out) to keep the show going, and only lose out on my effects.

    Thoughts, ideas, opinions on live monitoring solutions?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the KPA, and purchased the Stage as my introduction. It is a great machine for guitarists, and that seems to be where all the attention is. I'm wondering as a guitarist AND bassist, what suggestions are there for running the Kemper through a cab.

    Is there a recommended FRFR cab to handle both guitar and bass that anyone has experience with, or am I better getting a power amp and separate cabs?

    I already own a 212 8 ohm cab for guitar, but don't yet have a dedicated bass cab aside from my combo amp.


    I have seen this thread around before, but I wanted to reiterate that a multiband compressor would be awesome. Truth be told, I moved to a Kemper to make gigging easier as a bassist (but also because I write all songs on guitar and wanted the Kemper guitar-ness). The Profiler really seems to neglect bassists who want more than a simple bass tone, but doesn't offer the same bells and whistles.

    Honestly, the Kemper compressor is mediocre at best for bass. I need to use a pedal in front of the Kemper to get the kind of signal I want from the Kemper. More control over compression would be great, and I would really like to see multiband compression specifically tailored to bassists.


    The fun has begun, for sure. I am doing my best to replicate my ampless tones for bass. Looks like I need my multiband compressor before the Kemper to really get there though. There isn't really a great option to profile my full bass signal chain, according to the Profiler manual, but having to recreate the tones helps me deep dive and learn the Kemper.

    I am having a ton of fun so far.

    Hi everyone.

    I have been on here for a few months asking around and getting info. I bought a Kemper Stage as my intro to the Kemper and a direct replacement for my crazy big live pedalboard.

    I play bass in a band called Råte, so the Kemper seems like a godsend for both live and recording applications. As both a bassist and guitarist I am blown away by the stock profiles and lush reverb/delay effects already. Gotta say I am not entirely satisfied with routing options just yet but I might find some work arounds.

    For sure, I am curious about hearing what people here do with their bass signals to get metal tones, both clean and distorted that sit well in a live mix.

    Cheers from Oslo, Norway.

    I just purchased a Kemper Stage and it is my first experience with a Kemper, and I have a rather noob question regarding the parallel path option.

    Is it possible to select where along the signal chain you can insert a parallel path and is it possible to have multiple parallel paths? This is a possibility with my Boss ES8 and is awesome for creating stereo sends, running reverb/delay in parallel instead of series, and blending OD/distortion pedals for wicked tones. This is an amazing tool for me as both a guitarist and a bassist.

    My current understanding is that the Kemper seems to create a DI signal, which I don't always want, from the input, splitting the signal through FX slots A and B, then merging at the output with the other FX, amp and cab signal chain.

    I would very much like to know if the option of merging the parallel path BEFORE the amp, or creating a parallel path AFTER the amp/cab section is possible or if such an option is being planned for release.

    The Kemper suits all my needs as a guitarist, but so far seems really lacking for signal routing options for bassists. Maybe demanding bassists were an after thought, or maybe more experimental routing options were never thought of. The main reason I bought the stage was to have a simpler, all-in-one live solution with the benefits of doubling as a bass and guitar amp/cab system for recording. However, if the signal routing option isn't available, I may as well keep using the Boss ES8 and my pedals live.

    Wheresthedug Yeah, I discovered this and dialed in some great bass tones. Different flavour with the Direct signal than with my current pedalboard setup, for sure, but I was pleased.

    So, I decided to splurge (at the expense of some gear now for sale) and bought the Kemper Stage. I will get it tomorrow. I am sure that if it cannot handle exactly what I need, I can keep a pedal or two to dial in exactly what I want.

    Thanks for all the tips, Kemper forum folks.

    The guitarist in my band loaned me his kemper and I am starting to mess around with it. I have only had an hour on it so far.

    I agree as a guitarist that I would prefer amp gain over pedal gain, but as a bassist I really rely on cross over frequencies to keep the bass clear and the mids and trebles high. Not sure if the Kemoer offers this kind of function.

    The Darkglass stock profiles are pretty wicked and the B3k/B7K tones are a big part of my sound, but not all of my sound. So far I have been underwhelmed by the stock OD/Distortion pedals in the Kemper. This is probably because amp gain sounds are so good that the OD pedals are kind of overlooked. Plus they seem to be guitar-focused effects and that doesn't cut it on the bass.

    My two favourite pedals - Empress Multidrive and DOD Boneshaker- don't seem to have an equivalent in the Kemper. Both these pedals offer a load of blending functionality, EQ and drive control that is absent (to my minimal knowledge) in the Kemper.

    The Empress has three parallel signals for independent fuzz, OD and Distortion (with three distinct, switchable stages), independent HP/LP filters on each channel and a very bass friendly master EQ. The DOD has a sweepable 3 band EQ and allows for frequency specific distortion. Also great for the clean lows and grinding mids and highs.

    Perhaps I should keep these pedals in front of the Kemper instead of trying to profile them.

    However, I was blown away by the delays and reverbs the Kemper offers and the EQ options. There are also a lot of amazing sounding stock bass profiles. A bit more time with it and I might be able to make a more informed decision on whether I should get one or stick with the pedalboard.

    Wheresthedug I don't have a Kemper yet, but I am saving for one. I will test this idea out. I lile to biamp with guitar for the same reason, just blending tones.

    V8guitar I came into the pedal world after being a Boss GT 8 user for a long time. I never really did deep dives, and realized that pedals offered a simpler interface. So I spent the last 6 years or so grabbing, trading and experimenting with pedals, parallel signal paths and loopers. A lot of this hands on 'knob twisting' knowledge has given me a way better understanding of what the digital solutions do, so I am feeling ready to get back into the digital realm. The only problem I see with Kemper is that the OD and distortion effects seem a bit generic. No gnarly fuzz tones lile the Wampler Leviathan, nothing like the routing and EQ power of the Empress Multidrive, and so forth. Gain staging with amps is also cool to just get something different.

    Hence why I made this thread. I just wanted to see if the Kemper could let me profile all these crazy pedal tones that are a core part of my love with music.

    First time poster with some questions about the Kemper. I am considering buying one to replace packing my pedalboard around to gigs and practice.

    I am in an interesting spot as a bassist and guitarist who uses huge pedalboards for both instruments. So, I was hoping to ask a few questions about what the Kemper can do.

    1. Can I profile my current OD and distortion pedals WITH a stock amp profile?

    I don't have a great bass amp, but have been impressed with some stock profiles. I want to just have one of those profiles with my pedals, so is it possible to profile the pedal in conjunction with a preferred profiled amp?

    2. Has anyone tried profiling an ampless bass signal chain, including a cab sim?

    I run a TC Hypergravity as a multiband compressor/preamp, a Two Notes CAB pedal and an MXR 10 band EQ as always on pedals. I was wondering if I could peofile the whole chain to retain my current setup's sound.

    3. How many parallel routing options are there with the Kemper?

    I usually run a parallel dry signal with some distortions, and at the same time run that parallel signal into a parallel delay and reverb. Basically two signal splits in one chain. Is this possible with a kemper?

    A Kemper could make my life easier, and if anyone could help me out, I would appreciate it.