Posts by CodyFLS

    The pan control for the guitar channel on the mixing board needs to be set to the center for you to hear a mono guitar signal in both speakers when the PA is stereo.

    Yup - it was set to center and still only coming out of the left side. Even when I was panning it to the right side.

    Sorry if this has been covered before but I couldn't find a thread with this same situation.

    Last week I played my KPA at practice directly into the PA going stereo from the main outputs. I don't really need that - I don't use any true stereo effects right now. This week I wanted to see if I could just get by with just one XLR going from the Left Main Output to a single channel on the mixing board. I set my output to Master Mono - however it only came out of the left speaker. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation, but I feel like it should be able to be panned L/R or put center on the one channel. What am I doing wrong?

    I saw a video on Kemper's website featuring a band called Sabaton where they go through their kemper rig. They have a Tech 21 midi pedal that they use wirelessly to connect with their kemper rack. The guitarist makes a comment that Kemper should make a wireless version of the remote and the sound tech says "all you need is a MidiJet and Midi output" then directs the camera to the back of the rig where they have this fancy wireless system for switching setup. He made it sound possible, but the kemper remote doesn't have any midi switches on it to my knowledge. I'm just wanting to feel out if anyone has gotten creative with a solution like this for their Kemper Remote or it's even possible. Thanks!

    k- I can cover that too. There's a Wifi router Velcroed to the back of my mixer rack. You *never ever* rely on the venue's wifi. Always roll your own. That way you can (a) configure the router to give all of your devices the same IP address and (b) nobody's gonna mess with your connection.

    No internet connection is needed. You're creating a wireless local network to connect your devices through.

    Very helpful - I am going to get this hooked up today to try it out!

    I would just go stereo:

    * more space in your ears

    * less unlogical cable mess for you and/or stagehands/technicians, etc

    Personally, i just hand my ipad to the soundguy on duty to control my x32 ;)

    I've got a follow up question for you. I've seen many people say they can control their X32 with the ipad/iphone app while out on tour, but when I look at tutorials it looks like you need to hook it up (the X32) to a router and get an IP address and all this other jazz that I can't imagine is readily available at any old venue. So how is this connection accomplished without the wifi signal? Or is it just the case that you need to have a wireless router hooked up to the X32 Rack - no internet connection required, just something to be the middle man between the Console and your phone/iPad?

    Hey everyone,

    I'm getting ready to introduce two new pieces of equipment into our live set. One being my KPA - which I've used once at practice straight into the PA. Sounds great!

    The other piece i'm putting into motion soon is an IEM rack that will send everything input into a mic splitter (2 ART S8's) which will have one half of the split going to the X32 and the other side going to FOH.

    As far as getting my Kemper into that mix - I'm assuming I could go either mono/stereo out to the splitter. I've seen other people say that I need to go monitor out to the IEM and send the stereo mains to FOH. Any opinions on this? I haven't attempted to hook everything up yet and wanted to see if anyone has a similar setup!



    I'm a bit confused. Why do you want to put it on a board? I always think of the pedal board as being necessary to wrangle a bunch of small pedals, power supplies and cables into a manageable package. But, non of those things are necessary with the remote.

    Not trying to say your doing anything wrong, just trying to understand your motivation. :)

    My motivation is to keep my super expensive Kemper Remote off of the stages I play that are constantly littered with beer/sweat/spit. :thumbup::)

    Hello everyone!

    I'm building a very compact rig and I'm hoping to find a pedalboard that perfectly fits the remote. I've done some searching and there are some that come close, but are either too wide or too narrow. It would be great to find one that fits between the rails so I can easily store/remove inside the rack. I'm ready to design my own out of plexiglass or plywood at this point, but wanted to consult the boards (pun intended) before I went that route.

    Rack depth is about 12 1/4" and between the rails is just shy of 18".

    Any suggestions are appreciated!

    First, I agree with Zappledan. You might want to wait until you are more familiar with the Kemper and have your workflow, internal rigs, external rig(s) set up. At least see how it fares at more than one practice is my recommendation. I had to phase mine in due to my bandmates insecurity about me introducing new technology but overcoming their fear helped me to learn and iron out things with my workflow and set up before any lives gigs, and that was a good thing.

    Second, I don't think what Wheresthedug says is entirely accurate without specific context, but I don't want to imply this is inaccurate either. What I mean is that it really depends on how and what you are using for speakers for the Kemper, what others are using, how the stage is set up and what kind of sound reinforcement (if any) is used, what you are monitoring with, what your band mates are monitoring with, etc.

    I have found my basic rig fine for most 'pro/semi-pro' gigs meaning sound man, mic'd amps, etc. (I am still entry level with a Tech 21 Power Engine behind me and an Alto TS210 on the floor in front of me, but in these situations, they work fine for me). For that, I agree with Wheresthedug. However, I am in a bit of a woodshedding hiatus from pro level gigs, and have found that for less professional gigs, (open jams or gigs at venues that do not provide sound reinforcement), it IS different than just having a mic'd amp behind me. In those situations, I have to compete with tube amps and volume creep with no micing or use of the PA to mix the sound, and I have found that sometimes with and without my floor monitor, I do experience a lot of frequency cancellation and suffer from off-axis sound being inadequate. With the monitor, I can at least hear myself, but with just the Tech behind me, unless I start creeping the volume too, it can be challenging.

    Until I decide to invest in something more viable, I am going to experiment with bypassing the preamp and running my Kemper into the power amp of my fender blues deluxe - if nothing else, I will have a guitar cab and tube amp I can crank. Not perfect, but it will give me a chance to experiment with running stereo - one channel to the Fender, and one to the Tech 21.

    Ideally, I will just be running the Kemper split to my IEM and then to FOH. I don't plan to have any other cab with me.

    Hi Cody. You don't say how soon your first show is, but you really should get to know the Kemper before using it like that IMO. The Yamaha monitors should get you close, so start there. Can you get to your show early to try things out well in advance? That would cut some of the risk. What's your backup scenario? The Kemper is certainly more than capable of giving you amazing sounds, but like any new gear it requires some time to get to know ...

    The next show is June 8th, so I do have a little bit of time. Otherwise, my normal rig is mainly a KSR Orthos combo amp. I did try to plug in the KPA into the speakers of my KSR to see what that sounded like, but all I got was a low volume thin buzz sound. I had the cab sim turned off and wired it just like I would a normal head/cab.


    I just bought the Powered Kemper Rack with remote. I have downloaded some decent tones from either the rig manager or 3rd parties that sell kemper packs. I don't really have a great PA to plug into at home to do any "trial run" to see what this will sound like outside of headphones. I do have some powered Yamaha studio monitors/sub in my studio, but I don't know if that is a reflection of what I can expect to hear with a bigger PA system at a venue. This might be super dumb questions but I just don't want to take it to my first show with it and have it sound like trash.

    Hello Kemper community,

    I do not own a Kemper (yet). I am trying to *really* simplify my live rig and was wondering if someone could clarify some questions I have.

    I've seen artists like Trivium and Sevendust displaying their racks that have nothing but KPA + Wireless unit and they say they all just send everything to FOH. With that said, I'm also not playing in venues like they are but I do have an IEM system in place.

    Ideally, I can walk into a show with a KPA Rack, wireless unit and my guitar - hand the sound engineer a cable to run for FOH and be good to go.

    Do I *need* a cab for reference? Or will I be fine just running the KPA into my IEM and out to the FOH? It just seems most videos/examples I see of musicians using these live have them hooked up to cabs that are sometimes mic'd (which I think defeats the purpose) but since I am a rookie to the product, I wanted your collective input. Thanks!