Posts by Alaric6000


    I have played today with monitors turned up, and played with different cabs and found one cab that delivers the sound I was looking for! If anybody is interested, its the SinMix - Zilla SV 2X12. On the JCM800 and 69 Marshall it just makes them deliver the goods! It does feel like it adds a touch of gain, but that's fine with me. And probably down to a differently shaped high end.

    Turning up louder helped alot aswel, it does have to be pretty loud, but that is where it sounds the best. To my ear, it is leaps and bounds better sounding, and clearer to me than before. (sorry neighbors)

    I had an inkling it was something to do with the cab section, as when it's turned off, sonically the sound was in the speakers where I wanted it, although it sounded like I was being beckoned by some sort of demon with laryngitis!

    But anywho! Thankyou so much for all the help!

    I suppose I meant the fact that an amp EQ is very much part of the amp, where as the Kemper EQ feels like more of a “one size fits all” EQ. Ideally I would find a profile of those awesome amps I can’t afford at the settings I would use them at. But perhaps the infinite variables between cabs, mics, profile conditions, was it raining that day, who was prime minister. All have an effect on the sound, so finding the golden goose would be hard without synthesising something extra, on top the amp. But yes, I wouldn’t include external EQ’s pre or post stack as moving further from the amp, but rather working with the amp.

    And yes, you’re right about the differences between live and recording I just always loved the fact that the Kemper would allow you to have a consistent sound between live and studio at least dry, before EQing everything in post to have its place in the mix. I just couldn’t find the sound. But I’m looking forward to trying it out tomorrow.


    I have to say, this community is F@*king AWESOME! So many quick and helpful responses!

    So I’ve tried a few suggested tricks out, and after switching cabs with a few profiles, (One of the SinMix cabs, if you want to know which I will post it tomorrow) it seems my Kemper is in full slay mode, in headphones at least.

    I haven’t been able to try with monitors yet, as it’s a bit too late here to play loud. But will try them out cranked tomorrow, along with the other tips, and will test the headphones again with fresh ears.

    Regarding front EQ and presence controls, I tend to want to stay away from them, because as I understand it, the profiles are a snapshot of an amp, and by my thinking, the further I EQ to try and correct any issues, the further from the amp I become, perhaps that is flawed thinking.

    I am hoping that tomorrow with these new amp+cab combos I have created, that I will crank my monitors a bit louder and hopefully recreate the tone I just had in my headphones.

    This does pose another question though, and that is when it comes to mixing, if the Britt profiles, out of the box, are meant to be played loud, then does that mean that in a mix the tone won’t be good unless played at loud gig volumes? That seems counterintuitive to me, if that’s the case. As within my mixing the muffled tone doesn’t just go away with the addition of drums and bass.

    Hey Peter,

    Yes, I know what you mean, don’t worry it didn’t come across derogatory at all!

    I do have an Ibanez with Fishman Fluence Modern pups, and you’re right, it does tighten it up a bit, but even so, a stock Les Paul into a JCM800 should be the hammer of the gods tone, but I still couldn’t escape THE MUFF! I think maybe I just need to hone my skills with adjusting the profiles a bit more, and turn it up! As I know the tones to make my dreams come true are in there! Haha.


    Thankyou for your responses!

    Obviously it is my perception of it that is the problem, I generally do record and play quite quietly on my monitors (nice neighbours) but perhaps I should turn them up a bit to hit that 90db zone. Although again the demo’s I am comparing them to are played at the same volume, and it just seems like night and day.

    I just find it so frustrating that I can’t seem to find any tones (especially mid-high gain) that jive with me and my ear, but considering you all can’t hear a problem then I will persevere! I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t have a faulty one, or if there were any settings that I missed.


    Headphones do improve the sound to my ear, but only at a high volume, which obviously isn’t ideal if I want to be able to hear when I’m old haha.

    I thought it may be the monitors, but I have changed speakers, and I have actually moved house (not because of the Kemper lol) so they’re in a different room and setup now, than before, with the same issue.

    The demo’s I’m comparing to are on the same setup, and just sound a lot clearer generally.

    But it 100% could be my ear that’s the problem, they just feel like they’ve got some blankets over them to me. It’s interesting that they sound good to you though...hmmm.


    I have had my kemper (power rack) for a while now, and am always flip flopping between if it sounds good or not, the last few weeks i've been really honing in, learning all the settings ect.

    After alot of playing I have found that there is no escaping this dull muffled sound that is on all of my profiles, I have alot of third party profiles (Britt, Tone Jukies, SinMix). I am questioning if it is just me or not, so I thought I would record some samples of profiles that I use, to see if any of you folks can hear it the same as me, or if this sounds the same as your ones? The sound is less apparent on clean sounds, but it is still there to my ear.

    I have factory reset, set all global EQ to flat, I have high and low tone cut (80Hz low - 12K Hz high), Pure cab is set to 5, although messing around with this doesn't make any difference to the muffling. I have played with all the amp settings, definition, clarity ect, to no avail, I can make them sound better, but nothing compared to the sounds on YouTube, using the same guitars and profiles ect. I tried different interfaces and different speakers (KRK Rokit 5 and Kali LP6). I use the main out's in stereo with XLR cables.

    Any help would be massively appreciated, because I am at my wits end with this.

    Britt - 69 Marshall 50 8

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    TD - Kir Ham

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    Britt - J800 1 5 2

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    Tone Junkie - ACE 30 B2

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    All played through Gibson Les Paul Studio bridge pickup (although changing guitars does obviously change the tone, the general muffled sound doesn't change), into Focusrite 18i20, into Pro Tools.



    Hey! So I’m new to a Kemper I have the powered rack and when it comes to going through my cab (Marshall 1936 2X12) I’m overly impressed! I turn the cab sim off and it sounds amazing! I use pretty much exclusively Michael Britt profiles and some of the victory profiles by Rabea Masaad. My only problem is when it comes to recording, I use the two XLR main outs in stereo going into my Scarlett 2i2 interface with the cab sim on. I just find that the profiles sounds slightly muddy like there just muffled a bit I have come to the conclusion that it’s the cab sim. I have played with a few settings within the cab and amp sections and the main EQ. I have managed to get some good tones but nothing like what it’s sounds like through my cab. I’m just wondering if there’s anything’s I’m missing. Thanks in advance ! :)