Posts by alerich

    What stops people from uploading paid profiles now? How would a performance be any different?

    It’s ALL subjective. The idea is to provide some tools to cull it down.

    The banner at the top of the Rig Exchange mentions 'your own creations' or 'your own rigs' three different places. I thought that the implication was pretty self explanatory. I haven't tried uploading profiles that I did not create myself so I don't really know if there are any safeguards against it nor am I about to test it.

    It is all subjective. On paper it's a great idea until you try to quantify how input from one anonymous group of Kemper users on one side of the room is somehow more relevant than input from another anonymous group of Kemper users on the other side of the room. I just fail to see how adding more purely subjective tools helps un-muddy the water.

    I also think a Performance Exchange would be welcome. Then you could get both song and artist specific choices.

    That would be fun but there's a catch. They could only be assembled from free user profiles. That would be difficult to police. I don't see a performance exchange coming to a venue near you any time soon.

    I've read through this thread but I don't think there's really a workable solution. 5 star system. Download counter. Thumbs up. Thumbs down. It's all too subjective. There is one profile in the RE that is uber popular. Way more downloads than anything else. Bunches of Kemper users swear by it. The name escapes me at the moment but I took it for a test drive once and said 'meh'. Really popular but wasn't for me.

    This reminds me about going into the guitar forums asking for recommendations on speakers or guitar pickups.

    My Kemper did something similar back in the summer of 2021 during a firmware update but pressing Exit and rebooting cleared the issue. It only did it one time. After pressing Exit it rebooted and all was well and the new firmware showed installed. Kemper support suggested that it may have been a memory buffer issue during the update. They should get back to you pretty promptly. Always make a backup before any firmware updates in case they go awry and you need to do a factory reset.

    Did you make the Tonex captures with a microphone or with the amp output connected directly to the Tonex Capture device? If it was direct then you have cut the one big variable (cab miking) out of the equation. I think the quality of mic(s), outboard gear and miking technique is what separates really good Kemper profiles from just average Kemper profiles. Most of my profiles I have made of my own amps sound ok but I never use them. I'm simply sticking a SM57 in front of the cab straight in to the Kemper. Since the Tonex Capture can eliminate that and seems to do it quite well the Kemper is then able to make a faithful profile from that capture. That's my guess.

    It would be interesting to compare direct and miked captures on the Tonex of the same amp.

    I fired up Neural Dsp's Gojira plugin and it just kicked butt!

    Im still considering going into a guitar store to test another kemper.

    Imagine i test out another unit and it sounds incredible! I would literally cry lol.

    I took Neural's SLO 100 plugin for a test drive. Jeepers, it sounds so good. I'm going to buy it for my laptop when I travel and can't take my Kemper.

    The GC thing is a good idea. If your Kemper does have an issue a side by side comparison will bear that out it. If they both sound the same with the same profiles (very important) then it's unlikely they both have the same issue. Then it could be the profiles. Or maybe your ears just don't jive with the Kemper. It happens.

    Let's assume your Kemper has an issue. That being the case, how do you plan to get someone to buy it as is? But then again I traded for my Kemper without trying it out or ever even having heard one in person so there ya go. Good luck in your sonic journey wherever it takes you.

    I can't imagine ever selling my Kemper but if I did I would sell it as is (profiles, performances and personal tweaks) and include a thumb drive with all of my Kemper profiles and stuff and delete same on my PC. I am a computer packrat by nature. I have every firmware update, every Rig Manager update and every backup I have done since I bought mine used in March 2019. The paid profiles were all purchased and paid for. I would consider the licenses transferred to the new owner and call it a day. Is that legal? I don't know and I don't really care. The disclaimers on the paid profilers sites are about as clear as mud. All they need is one more sentence that starts with "If you ever sell your Kemper...". Problem solved.

    If I decided to clear my Kemper before sale I'd simply delete all the profiles and performances and download and install some of the current free profiles available in the downloads section. I would not do a factory reset and force the new owner down that firmware upgrade rabbit hole. The new owner can do that if they so desire. Then they will be here asking for help and being told RTFM.

    As I said, this is all moot since I'll sell my Kemper right after I sell my beloved 1984 Gibson Explorer but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    I think the POE injectors are "intelligent" and supply the amount of power needed. So a short run would not require much or any, and I think the POE injector would not "oversupply" power. Somebody else please confirm or deny.

    It's not like phantom power that hits 48v all the time.

    The POE supplies a constant voltage and then devices downstream draw what ever current they need. Not so much intelligent but just the way voltage and current work. If you have a power supply that puts out 12VDC and can supply 20 amps of total current and you hook up a device that needs 12VDC and only draws 1 amp the other 19 amps of available current just sits there unused. It's actually very much like 48V phantom power. I suppose different mics draws different amounts of current depending on their size and circuitry.

    For quite some time now I've used a powered QSC K8 (1000W class D) pretty light cab with a handle bar for my powered Profiler. A good cab but I guess not really intended to be used in combination with a profiler.

    Says who? Lots of folks use powered cabinets similar to your QSC K8. I use two Yamaha DXR10 monitors. Love them. Have no interest in the Kemper Kabinet or the Kone. You cannot ask this question in the Kemper forum. All you're going to get is "Kemper Kab, Kemper Kab, Kemper Kab". Pose your question in a more neutral guitar forum and you might get a wider array of input.

    I downloaded the Milkman pack and bought the Favorites pack. They're OK. The JCM800 sounded really good in the video and that's why I bought it. It's clearly my favorite of the pack but not my favorite among the JCM800 profiles I have. The others were kinda "meh" to me but I'm a high gain guy. I suspected going in that I probably wasn't going to be overwhelmed since I have never bonded with HW's profiles before and I have purchased a dozen of his packs (got most of them for $5 each when he was running sales) and they have never tripped my trigger. I like how Josh worked together with HW on this. I travel to Nashville regularly. I wonder if I could get Michael Britt to profile my Soldano Hot Rod 50? 8) I'll write this one off as $40 to support the Kemper community.

    I traded for a powered Kemper toaster back in the spring of 2019. I used it with a few traditional guitar cabs at first and while I wasn't knocked out it seemed like it had promise. Researched FRFR options (no Kemper Kab/Kone back then) and settled on the Yamaha DXR10 based largely on a glowing review it got right here on the Kemper forums. Within a minute after I powered it up I was hooked. It was totally plug and play for me. No tweaks. No adjustments. I ordered a second DXR10 because I wanted a wider sound stage. I haven't looked back. Interestingly, the guy who recommended the DXR10 moved on to a Headrush FRFR and from there to the Kemper Kab. A buddy uses two Headrush 108 FRFR cabs that he raves about. I have never heard them in person but they get excellent reviews.

    When I read threads like this I wish I had something constructive to offer but my experience was so completely different I don't know where to start. I don't even know how to tweak this thing. It really has been a plug and play experience for me.

    I would kill to have my old Aria Pro II Les Paul Custom back!

    We've all been there. I bought a new 1984 Gibson Explorer in May of 1984. Played it about 6 years and traded it away for something else. Over the years it became that one guitar that got away that I wish I had kept. In April of 2021 it showed up for repair in a little music shop in the town I used to live in. The shop owner is a friend who sent me a text about it. I offered the owner a bundle of cash and he accepted. 31 years later I got back "the one that got away". These stories don't happen often but it's a great feeling.

    I took up the guitar in eleventh grade in the spring of 1977. Cheap pawn shop guitar just like the ones that are now "vintage" and commanding stupid money on Reverb and Craigslist. My first amp I hacked together using a cassette recorder and a 12" speaker I swiped from the old man's console stereo and mounted in a cardboard box. Kids learning guitar today don't know how easy they have it. Never took lessons. Wore out several copies of "Still Alive And Well" by Johnny Winter that summer trying to learn those licks. My stock answer when someone asks me how long I have been playing has always been "Long enough to be a whole lot better at it than what I am".

    From the symptoms you describe and the photos above I would suspect that input jack. They are pretty generic as far as replacements go. If you own a soldering iron and are handy with soldering you might try simply reheating and reflowing the solder joints on that jack. You might simply have a cracked solder joint that makes an intermittent connection when the cable is inserted or removed. It has worked for me in the past on input jack connections as well as tube socket connections on board mounted tube sockets.

    I primarily use paid profiles. Even then I purchased packs from a variety of sellers before I settled on one seller's profiles that worked for me. If I only had the factory profiles and the Rig Exchange profiles available to me I likely would have sold my Kemper within a month of getting it. As you can see from the responses there are many folks for whom the factory and Rig Exchange profiles work quite well. It's all a matter of personal preference. I've quit purchasing profiles after having settled into a handful that serve my needs well. It just takes some patience and a little trial and error to find what works for you. Sorta like shopping for a guitar or amp to find the right fit.

    This is an experience that everybody complaining about the learning curve on a modeler/profiler should do. Studio 22, Mark II, Mark IV and LS....Mark IV was like the Rubik Cube...

    I had a MK IIC+ combo with an EV speaker back in the late 80's early 90s. I stumbled upon a tone I could live with and never touched the controls again until I sold it. I bought a new and heavily discounted JP2C head in 2017 simply because it was so marked down I figured I could sell it to get my money back if it didn't sounded as amazing at home as it did in all the YouTube videos. It made me misty eyed for my MK IIC+. Largely collected dust for two years. I traded it for a mint Kemper powered toaster, remote and bag. Best gear deal I ever made in 45 years. Do not miss those Boogies.

    As far as Rhett is concerned, he's complaining that the device won't do what the device was not intended to do. I've seen a fair amount of his content. You have to wonder sometimes "Is Rhett Still Worth It In 2022?". I used to watch a lot of these YouTube presenter videos until I realized that most of them are just shills for the manufacturers and honestly none of these guys would be on anyone's radar if it were not for YouTube. It's hard to find a video from any of them of a new product they don't like. In this case, Rhett is not and has never been a Kemper guy. Life goes on.

    I wouldn't call it overrated - it just doesn't seem to matter much to most guitar players. YouTube is glaring evidence of that. I've always put a premium on it. Tried to learn all the little maintenance stuff I could about nuts and bridges and frets to help the guitar stay in tune. Then you have to learn to tune to your playing style and learn how to play the instrument in tune. I have an old school Peterson 450 strobe tuner that I have had since the late 80s. I have found the Kemper strobe tuner to be so reliable I use it for everything now including setting intonation.

    All that goes out the window if your guitar parts are buried under bass and keys and sax.

    My gigging days were far behind me long before I ever got my Kemper but I feel your pain. Most days I play in bare feet or only wearing socks and it works OK but I wear a size 12/13 shoe. I have often pondered how I would ever use the remote in a live situation. The bottom row of buttons works alright but changing stomps would be a struggle. If I start to play with shoes on they immediate come off. I guess I would have to play barefoot.

    Yes, you can. I use a short six foot generic ethernet cable for my rig for home use and it works fine. Shorter is actually probably better since the remote is powered by the USB connection and a shorter cable has less wire and resistance.