Posts by doomtoof

    Hey Everyone! First time poster(maybe? I can't remember if I've ever posted before) long time lurker. I've been having the hardest time trying to get the settings on the focusrite 8i6 to work with reamping within protools. I was wondering if there was anyone who has successfully done this with the set up? My protools hardware IO doesn't even show SPDIF as an output option. I'm so confused and have checked out so many different videos on youtube and explanations on this forum here and I am just stumped. I really appreciate you Kemper Wizards.

    I sent in a request to see what I can do about a repair since my Kemper started smoking, smelling like burned electronics and gives off sparks on the IEC when i plug in the power... I got a response about there being a repair center in Colorado and basically the dude ended the convo with this:

    "Burn marks on circuit boards inside the unit are not covered under warranty though. We can tell if it is a manufacturing defect or not."

    I even mentioned I would pay for the repair if it's out of warranty, but I just feel like maybe they think I'm trying to scam them or something. Am I being crazy? I just bought this thing 2 months ago, still learning how to use it, and I feel like i'm being treated as if I'm trying to pull one over on them. Am I being crazy?