Posts by Tankdave

    Is there such a thing as a Factory-Reset? as my Kemper "only" has Bass Profiles & IR's in it.

    It will be moving to a Guitarist so I'm taking a look at getting at back to the "default" state in came in when new. i.e. with loads of Guitar stuff in it.

    I see in Rig Manager a folder called "Rig Packs" that is 1403 in size and I'm sure some of these were the default ones, so how do I determine which ones?

    Is it as easy as just selecting the ones that start with "Kemper" ? or only the "Factory content 8.0 folder? unless all 1403 of them need installing?

    Or do I need to be doing something else?

    Thanks in Advance

    I been wondering if the front panel tone controls and their respective frequency centres are adjustable and do they already change if a Rig is set for guitar or bass ?

    I am fully aware I can set a parametric eq. into a slot, but I prefer to keep thing as simple as possible sometimes.

    I guess this is thee separate questions?

    1 - Will the tone control frequencies change for a Bass Rig?

    2 - What are the frequencies?

    3 - Are they in any way, adjustable?

    Not noticed this before but if I open "My Profiler" and "select all" my 412 profiles, Copy them, then Paste them into a new empty folder I now only have 409 profiles in my new folder

    I cannot fathom it out, checked for duplicates etc. but that should not make the total change anyhow?

    Any got any idea what might be going on or have I found a new bug?

    That looks pretty killer. Do you ONLY play bass through it, or is it an FRFR that can handle guitar, as well? I know the specs say it can handle a nice broad spectrum, but I couldn't find any freqeuency response plots on the website. :(

    Sorry, only bass but I do run a recently purchased BeatBuddy in the rear inputs and it sounds great, both kicks & cymbals. I have the horn full on, that is the whole point of using an FRFR cab.

    Whilst I use Cab IR's including a whole host of 8x10 cabs etc. I do find that if I turn off the Rigs Cab , so I get the "true" Barefaced sound, it always sounds very HiFi in comparison and the bass extension is "always" considerably more, this is no matter what Cab sim I use and I have hundreds from 1x12 to 1x18 to 2x10 to 8x10 & more.

    I actually have two of these Baby's with the toaster on top. (No wife, No kids, so I gotta spend my money on my hobby before you ask. It's also my reward for having such a cra**y job)

    Cable/lead came today, and I now have play along capability, nice that the MP3 player bypasses the effects & rigs section too. Whilst its not eq'able, it is a clean signal path.

    Now I understand this, my intention is to get a drum machine to practice with.

    Thanks for the advice

    My Intention is to plug in a drum machine or MP3 player to play along too and this is what I have found.

    If you use the "Alt" input you cannot play along to it because you have to unplug the front Input for the rear one to work. i.e. Drum machine works but Bass Guitar don't now.

    You can also use the "return input" and whilst you don't need to unplug your guitar, you do have to select the "return input" with the "input" button and "yes" it disconnects the front guitar.

    How are we suposed to listen to our MP3-Player and play along like it states on page 36 in the manual. (it does mention I will find the corresponding mix controls in the Output section) but I cannot get the guitar and the MP3 player to BOTH function at the same time with the options I can see.

    What am I missing?

    Hold Your Horses, just found something and power amp is back on.

    On the last output menu sceen, the one that has the "Power Amp On" tick, if you turn the adjust encoder another menu pops up that lets you choose some kind of "usage" type

    I selected another, power cycled, chose "Default" then power cycled again and its sorted, me not feeling so stupid now.

    I will post another "subject" question about using the "alt" input

    iI decided I would hook up my internet radio so I could test the rear "alt" input. So in my quest to gain a "play along" source, now can't play my bass. Grrrrr

    Initially I was able to get some sound from my radio but my signal was affected by the Rig I was using, I was hoping I could have the radio bypass this, so I studied the manual, it suggested I "could" hook up an MP3 player etc so I could play along to it, so I continued.

    I looked at the "input" & "output" section and now I have no-sound, I have noticed that when I adjust the "master" volume I have nothing in the power amp section, i.e. no bar graph.

    The power amp opt is "On" and if I turn on the monitor option my speakers work but they are not contraolable using the "master" volume.

    NB, I am using the powered head straight into an FRFR cab, my bass plugs straight into the front and nothing is now connected to the rear I/P's

    I have tried the search but could find nothing, so perhaps nobody else is as stupid as me

    I assume I'm saving the rig wrong then, what I nomally do is just press the store button & either "replace" or "save as".

    This does save any effects etc. but they don't seen to lock in place.

    As a bass player I will admit to being a complete novice when it comes to effects. "thats my apology out of the way"

    I have had my Kemper long enough to have a nice "load" of Amps / Rigs and Cab IRs, but have on occasion made use of a Compressor, a tad of reverb, a studio eq., and maybe 1 or 2 other effects.

    My intention would be to have a suite of my "default" chosen effects available at all times regardless of what Rig I have loaded.

    Sounds simple but I cannot suss it out apart from the obvious "mind numbing" method of setting the effects individially against all my 340 rigs, one at a time

    Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question, I have looked in the manual and my "gut" tells me I can't be done? Thought I should ask you "pedal" users first though.

    Never been into pedals so I was just wondering if any of you "Bass" users actually use any of the overdrive stomps or effects to add a bit of "grit"? I know I can select an Amp that is a bit dirty but I was thinking a Stomp is am easy way to add OD if I'm using a clean amp.

    I did test some but they did not seem suitable at all, maybe they are ok with certain settings? or do I just follow my ears and leave them alone.

    So far I have used the Compressor, the Para-Eq and a wee bit of Reverb maybe.

    Sorry if this is a daft questions but pedals are complete mystery. =O

    Love my Kemper


    Say I have an IR for the 15" bass speaker and a horn. Individually they are not what I need, what I need is to "Combine" the two together into a new "complete" IR. This will then reproduce the full range sound of the cab.

    So after stomping up cash for these bass cab IR's from a well known site, how do I go about the "simple sounding" task to be able to use the "single mic" IR's, assuming I need too?

    I assume I do because why do I get separate IR's for woofer & tweeter for each mic in the first place, they have to be combined if I want both the tweeter and woofer to be heard.

    So much to learn but fun all the same & thanks in advance


    I am struggling to hear this option make a difference to my Bass sound, despite using a FRFR cab and I like to hear a bit of "clank" out of the horn

    So I was going to un-tick it in the Global section after I read-up that it seems to be a high-frequency thing for you Guitar chaps, It looks like I can still add "pure cabinet" back at the "Cab" level anyhow.

    This is me just checking that I'm not being silly?

    I am getting into it some more, getting Cab IR's into the Kemper is a bit or PITA because they can't be edited in the Rig Manager.

    I had to get a "file renamer" for my laptop to save the wavs as something more logical, but I got the "workflow" sussed.

    Saving Cabs into Rigs is my next topic, I could not get my head around it last night.

    I have got rid of all the "Guitar" junk :evil: and now only have Bass stuff in mine now, AKA seeing the wood from the trees style.

    I have also bought a Zilla case to put my Kemper in and have also ordered some rubberised knobs, I have very dry hands and find these types much better to use. I changed the ones on my keyboard & bass already, these will be in "loud" colours. :huh: