Posts by inchoates

    I agree with the above, it's worth noting that cranking the gain way up on most profiles will lead to all kinds of nasty distortions. I you want some vintage tones, use a spring verb ( very low mix like 2 or 3% to keep some punch) on any profile, pre amp ,it really gives a vintage vibe, that I dig a lot.

    I most often use a real fuzz pedal in front to ease the mix and bandpass ,even on already cranked profiles.

    I used a free JMP 100 from Dennis Koehne in the past , tone is fantastic for stoner , but not easy to mix.

    Check the descriptions of my stoner & psych tracks here, you'll gather a few good references . PM for the best commercial references.

    I also plan a specific stoner & psych pack in the future, but I'm still waiting for the editor.

    Dude. The track "Elements of Doom' on your Choon channel is awesome!

    I did just get a Wampler Fuzztration to put in front of the Kemper. I looked at a bunch of different fuzz pedals and liked what this one sounded like. I was tempted to go with a classic like the Big Muff but trying something new.