Posts by Kahuna59

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    Wow, I just flashback'd to 1972. Is glitterboy actually playing that guitar or just dancing with it? Good tune.

    If you ever played in a Texas dance band this one was always on your set list.8)

    Great performance but highlights one of my pet peeves about music videos. I don't know if others feel like I do but I get really annoyed when the video looks like it was edited by someone who has no understanding of appreciation for the musicians. It seems like every time I watch a video of a live performance, waiting for a specific guitar solo, bass line, drum fill etc., right when it starts they pan to backup singers that aren't singing or rhythm guitar, or some dude in a control booth. Instead of highlighting the musicians when it's their time to shine they just pick some random shot of someone in the band bopping their head. There weren't even any shots of the backup singers in this video and we barely got a glimpse of the horns. But maybe as a musician my perspective is biased.

    Guitar number 3 of my 5 builds at college this year. The fourth is on my work bench at home getting set up but the final one will need to wait until after my holidays to get finished as there is still a lot of work to do to it.

    This one is called "Voil" after the loch we live beside. It is an headless, multi scale acoustic with an ergonomic body shape to reduce back neck and shoulder strain when playing seated. It is very much a prototype at the moment and there are several things I want to change already but the basic proof of concept has worked out much better than I could have expected.

    Wow! That must be a great school you're attending and you must be the star student. That's next level stuff. Thanks for the info on the finish technique - it's more forgiving to sand wood than lacquer.

    I'd like to order one with the optional mini bar in the sound hole please. :)

    Wow. Still don't understand the process but it sure turned out beautiful!

    I'm curious, how does a chrome finish on wood age? Is it expected to be tolerant to temperature change cycles over the years or would you expect eventual cracking like nitro?

    Regardless, first class job!

    Sorry, not my latest guitar but funny as hell and people who know me would not have been surprised at all if I had actually tried this.

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    It's a somewhat common occurrence on guitars with a sharper neck angle and the tailpiece set really low or flush with the body. I've read about it for years but this is the first one I have actually seen. The pic is not of my bridges, just an example of the phenomenon.

    Wow. Looks like a car ran over it.

    This coming from someone who is already perfectly satisfied with the capabilities and sounds in the current Kemper regardless of potential future improvements. I think these latest surprise improvements are great and I welcome them. It's like owning a Ferrari and every once in a while the factory decides to give you a new and improved engine or transmission for free. The Profiler has already eliminated a whole category of gear purchases for me, saving $$$ and carrying costs, i.e, back pain. I'm definitely a fan. In my nearly 5 decades of playing and buying gear the Kemper continues to be my best investment. The improvements keep coming and the price remains at a comfortable level of zero. CK, I thank you, and more importantly, my wife thanks you (although she suspects the money saved by not buying amps and pedals is somehow getting diverted to more guitars).

    yep, really no magic there

    Yeah, won't make you play or sound any better but I dig old stuff. Like touching it, like playing it, like wondering about it's story. I also restore old vintage radios and amps. To me they're time machines, that's where the magic is.. Wouldn't spend that kind of money though. Luckily, stuff I bought when younger and held onto is now vintage....just like me.