Posts by Nitocris

    What version of Windows 11 do you have? I think the "S mode" version won't let you install non-certicafe software. It's Microsoft's way of controlling you.

    Thank you for the info
    What is strange I did get Rig_Manager_3_4_51_Windows 64-to load up. On the bottom it stated it couldn't find my Kemper but I figure it was due to the fact that I was able to update my Kemper to the newest operating system with my Win 10 PC. When I updated Rig Manager it ran the software v3.5.27 but then Kemper disappeared in my USB devices and was replaced with a USB device error and Rig Manager completely froze. I've spent half the day messing with this and no success. Oh well at least I was able to get things to run and update on my Win 10 PC..

    This doesn't sound "scooped" to me, sounds pretty accurate.

    For me that is scooped. Eddies brown sound is a scooped sound thats why Eddie sounded on fire. As far as the Friedman BE100 I'm * not * a huge fan of that amp. I was 18 when VH 1 was released and yes can still clearly remember Ed shaking up the guitar world but his tone was very original and very different then what players like Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Ronnie Montrose, Thin Lizzy, Aerosmith. Pat Travers, AC/DC, Michael Schenker, Gary Moore, Scorpions, the list goes on and on
    The sound sample link you shared has no similarity to the OP reference to Slash. Slash's tone is not nearly as over driven as Eddie Van Halen's tone. Having said that I find Slash's sound a little scooped as well. It was bands like Slayer, Metallica and Thrash that started leading guitar players to scooped guitar sound. Pretty much Starting at the 90's to this day
    Slash is a player influenced and inspired by players from the 60's and 70's and his tone is a reflection of that. He is old school player who uses his volume control to manage his sound not a bunch of presets
    Different strokes for different folks. Some of us older players still use the volume knob on our guitar to go from overdriven to clean sounds. That's what Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, and yes Slash. It takes a certain amp and setting to achieve that. I love my Kemper but it is a tricky beast to get those classic tones. For many players now the sound is too clean for them

    Trust me, it's the profiles and cabs you're using. I have profiles that have the biggest sweetest mids. I have ones that can nail the tone on solos like "Sister Christian" or Skid row "I remember you". I Don't think there's an 80's rock or metal tone I couldn't get from the KPA. I've already managed to get all the ones that have always been the most difficult for me to duplicate with other amps. White lion, Dokken, Whitesnake, Dio, SRV etc etc It's all right there. If it's not, it's because of your profile not the KPA!

    No idea what profiles your using but I have literally thousands from Michael Britt, Top Jimi, Tone Junkie, Bert Meulendijk and some others and its always the same issue
    I would love to know what profiles you are using?
    Right now with the set up listed up I love my tone, but it won't do EVH, Thrash or any kind of NU-Metal or Power metal. Those sounds are much more scooped

    Currenty using Top Jimi TJ-68SLead Low M profile + Celestion G12MHeritage Hi-Gn 421+57
    * PURE CABINET TURNED OFF { Make sure you turn Pure Cab off at the Output stage as well)
    Amp settings
    Gain 2.8
    Bass -2.5
    Mid +3.5
    Treb -1.8
    Pres +3.4

    Turned up full Classic rock ala Aerosmith
    Turn volume control down cleans up like a amp does
    If you need a bit more dirt turn up the gain up a bit or try the Top Jimi TJ-68SLead Medium M profile with the same Amp settings above

    The issue with the Kemper I find is it scoops everything. Which is fine for NU Metal players but not for classic rock or 80s rock and metal. You need mids for that kind of tone. it makes a huge difference in how your guitar sounds, feels and how your volume control responds.

    Just want to add how Slash has no problems endorsing IK Multimedia Amplitude and even raves about writing songs with the phone app version, but some how between his tech and himself they can't make the Kemper work for them.
    I have a feeling that if Kemper was paying Slash a licensing fee for the use of his name Slash would miraculously be able to dial in and make *approved "Slash profiles" for Kemper ;)

    I have Amplitude 4 with the free upgrade. I am pretty impressed. As a classic rocker ala old school Aerosmith 70s - 80s classic rock and metal ( Scorps, Priest, Maiden, Saxon ) I think IKM Amplitude nails it easily. Best of all you can hit a power cord and let it ring out and you don't get that horrible digital fizzle on the tail end of the fade,
    If you have IKM 4/5 try the Tube Vintage combo with its 2x12 cab ( Pres - 4oclock, Vol - 3oclock ) add the BOSS DS-1 ( Tone - 3oclock, Dis-off/7oclock, Level-2oclock)
    I love it. For me its a classic rock sound heard through the 70s and 80s try it, you'll love it

    They should have hired a outside software design team to make the editor years ago. I have no desire dealing with squinting at a tiny 1990's display and twirling 1 knob back and forth for effects. Honestly I don't even bother with the onboard effects and instead use my Universal Audio effects.

    Has anyone profiled the Sansamp "Geddy Lee" Tech 21 GED 2112?
    I saw a related thread that was never replied to. This popped up "The last reply was more than 60 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead. So I thought I would ask around once again
