Posts by dgraycon

    Thanks Wheresthedug,

    As I say, through my studio monitors, there is no discernable problem.

    The problem is there with fill range mode. It's worse in some cases.

    The strat sounds absolutely fine through my tube amps. It was well setup by the custom shop only 2 years ago, and I've recently had it serviced.

    I've just tried it with my Tele, and if anything, it's a little worse... Certainly on the bridge pickup.



    I've recently purchased the Powered Kemper Kabinet which I have connected to the Monitor Out on my rack Kemper.

    I'm experiencing some horrible high frequency distortion with many of my profiles. I have the "Monitor Cab Off" enabled in the Output stage. Changing the imprint does have mixed results, but doesn't ever truly rid this harshness (although changing the imprint would not be a good enough solution anyway)

    I am only detecting this with my Strat and its largely on those profiles set around breakup. My 335 does not appear to have the same problem, but could simply be my bad ears. I have a 25db mid boost circuit in my Strat, and with that higher output, again the problem is less pronounced.

    I've experimented with the "Clean Sens" and "Distortion Sens", and although in some combinations it does reduce the problem, it is still there.

    Some profiles seem fine, all AC15 and AC30 profiles are good for example. My JTM45 profiles seem to be the worse, but the problem is certainly not limited to these.

    I have not detected the problem using my Studio monitors (Main Output running into my audio interface); it just seems to be when running through the Kabinet.

    Your help and suggestions will be very gratefully received.
