Posts by jon9max

    Is there a difference if you plug into the headphone jack on the Kemper? I use IEM’s (64 Audio) in a wireless situation, not hard wired like you which typically sounds better. My sound is pretty much the same from home studio speakers Adam Audio, ATH m50 headphones, kemper Kone speaker, As it should be. Sure a speaker in the room has more bottom end due to the room. If you’re going to stay wired iem, try a presonus hp2. It’s better than the Behringer, and still inexpensive.

    Are you using an attenuator or are these loud tube amps that you're talking about?

    First, unfortunately, I don't use these amps much as they're loud as F*** at their sweet spot. (It's why I have the Kemper)I did build and install a Variable Voltage Regulator (VVR) circuit in my AC30 which is kind of an attenuator. But what I'm saying is old amps don't have a master volume control, so no Gain, drive, or preamp knob. They’re clean amps, you have to turn the volume up to get overdrive. So, the "Gain" knob on the Kemper for a bassman, or Deluxe Reverb, or AC30 would be the profiled amp's volume knob? Those amps sound great with the volume down low and they’re clean, AND in the middle with just a bit of breakup, the AND with the volume way up distorting the tubes. With that though the actual volume goes way, way, painfully up. That right now would require three separate profiles. But on the amp, the only knob you would have touched is the one volume knob. The Kemper cannot work that way because those amps don't have a distortion knob, where the output volume stays the same but the overdrive goes up. Would the "gain" knob simulate what the volume knob does, but without actual volume? But to do that it would be a "modeled" gain, overdrive(whatever you call it) It would no longer be a Profile of the actual gain of that amp at that volume? Wouldn't the profile be a better example of the amp not a simulated/model of the sweep of the volume pot? That after all is why WE feel profiling sounds better. Right?

    Fortunately, that last statement is untrue. CK states exactly that the gain knob will behave like a real gain knob. (see HW's Video on YouTube, min. 7:15) But then again, what else should he say, seen from a marketing point of view...

    What if the amp doesn't have a gain knob. My Bassman, AC30, DR, and Marshall, don't have a "Gain" knob. They have volume knobs. I like turning up the "Volume" to overdrive those amps. My Bassman sounds amazing cranked up. The amp goes crazy, It sags more, the louder you crank it up. That's what I would want. I don't like fake gain that acts like a distortion pedal. Is that what it's going to do? I don't know how, because of the way all of the components and speakers react to the volume change is part of it. That would be awesome.

    I was playing today and noticed the sound seemed off. I checked the output settings and they were not correct. I thought maybe I had the wrong preset. But then I saw that ALL of my presets were gone. This is kind of a big deal. Has this happened to anyone else on this update? I did find my main one in the presets in rig manager because I had saved it there. But the rest of my customized outputs are gone. Also, just got the crash screen (when I was adjusting something in a profile) asking to send picture in. Anyone having issues?

    How about the low and high pass filters on the s/pdif? I have specific output settings for this so I want them to be the same as the main outputs, unless I don't, which then could easily be set to zero. Otherwise I would have to make another profile or use an eq plugin. Then it wouldn't be the same, just an approximation. I would like the option to have no change in sound and level (and be able to control it) between my main outputs, and S/PDIF. (other than not having the conversion) The output section in general is pretty bad. I go back and forth from home practice/recording/rehearsal/gig , as a lot of us do. Separate output settings in their Entirety should be able to be saved, so we can just hit one button and not have to change levels or wonder why something isn't right.

    I always use morphing to boost for solos. You can change a number of parameters that way. To make them really stand out.. Volume with either the amplifier volume or rig volume. Definitely change the EQ. Boost those mids. Also, you most likely need more volume than you think you need for a solo boost. Especially live, unless you have a dedicated FOH person that knows all the cues. If they boost you at all, it’ll be halfway through the solo.

    You seem to be the only one I've come across that thinks it sounds bad. It is sold out everywhere and the consensus is it is a game changer.

    The consensus from whom? All of the paid-for youtube reviews that say "It's a gamechanger" at the same time? Everyone I've seen is so over-processed with tons of gain. One guy talks of how it's sooo inexpensive compared to Kemper and procedes to put it through his $3000 pedal board and probably $2000 amp. Come on man. What major artists have them out on the road? Where are the videos of people using "the gamechanger" live sounding like a specific amp? Hey, I'm ALWAYS wanting more and better but this is way less right now.

    When people talk about, It "sounds" awful." or it "sounds" great could you please also relate to what sound you are going for? Dropped tuning death metal with NO dynamics, and massive noise gate differs greatly from a '65 Fender Deluxe reverb or a Vox ac 30. But we don't know if you’re just spitting out. "It's great, "it sux." If a ToneX pedal is your gigging Rig. You're not doing what I'm doing. Let's have some context. Also, I use Kemper because it feels and responds like my tube amps. No one EVER talks about how these things feel, and if they inspire you. I'm beginning to think a lot of people really don't know what tube amps feel like, or what they sound like, mic'd up, especially out FOH Loud in a mix. Which is fine. If it sounds good to you it is good. But that means different things to different people. Again, if it's metal, you’re not looking for touch sensitivity. It's funny how ALL of the "youtube" guys all have a review that coincides with the release of the pedal and they all pretty much, Love it. it's really suspect. Hey, it might be great. But I don't think it serves the same market.

    Thanks brother...maybe i will revisit a kemper someday but for now i think its for the best i just walk on.

    Rock on dude! \m/

    I think before spending all that money, and time you could’ve asked somebody on the forum here to maybe do a zoom type call with you and maybe they could have seen what your issue was. Because this is definitely either an issue with your , not thee Kemper, the hardware you’re plugging it into or an issue with your understanding of it. Before I even purchased the Kemper, I went through every video tutorial. After I got it, it still took a few weeks for me to understand it. I have a room full of tube amps and vintage tube amps. The kemper nails the sound of a mic’d up amp, and the Kemper Kone sounds great too. FOH engineers love them, and if you have to play with IEM’s nothing beats it.

    Yes, same with my Apollo. :(

    Are you using a pedal for a volume pedal? If you left your kemper on between SC and Show and that pedal accidentally got unplugged from the remote, it could become uncalibrated (system button 6-11) I have had it happen and it resulted in the "full volume" only being 3/4 of the way up, resulting in lower output of everything including gain and volume.

    Who gets paid to play music in this day and age? ;(

    I do. So if you're currently gigging be careful even with full-release versions. This past summer I had to haul my rack out of the truck and up to the hotel room and update a full-release version to an update because the sound was dropping. If everything is working Leave it alone, and let people that aren't gigging make sure a Beta, or full release is stable. I have a few months off right now so Beta me up, I'll do my turn as beta-tester....