Posts by jon9max

    Still waiting for this. It's the biggest issue I have with the Kemper and it seems like it's easily doable as they did it with Layout "C" I have to do an elaborate setup with 2 Fresnel lenses back to back. Cut to the display size with 2 strips of velcro to 2 1' high blocks of wood (with velcro) on either side so it can enlarge the tiny type of the chosen "rig" I use as songs. I would simply like an explanation as to why this cannot be done. I play large stages with lights.I switch my rig for just about every song. It's really hard to see that tiny type if you’re not 25 to

    After I updated to 3.5.24, I cannot save rigs nor can others. 3.5.24 may be a beta version or not yet posted?? I just updated it about 2 days ago.

    I understand. What I was saying is, I downloaded the update automatically within RM but I did not try to actually save anything and I saw your post. Then I went to the download link that I posted, and it said it was 3.5.20.

    Downloaded, & installed. But I did not want to check to see if it worked because I do not want to mess anything up as I have everything working and I need it for shows I just wanted to know if indeed it reverted everything back and now functions properly.

    I'm just hoping someone at Kemper sees this and makes a remote layout "D" where the "Rigs" have that huge font like they use for the performances on layout "C" it seemed like it would be easy? (not saying that is is) It's so small and hard to read at a show. Please.

    The Remote is it own controller-system for Kemper profiler, although it does not exclude Midi control from it.

    This means you can use both, but f.g. expression pedals connected to the remote will work only for the profiler, while connected to the Maestro will work for what you set it up to in the Maestro, including the Kemper...

    Thank you. Your answer is not totally clear to me. I want to understand. I am aware of how the remote works. I use it with 2 expression pedals and 2 switch pedals attached. I want to know if I also connected the midi pedal to my Kemper Rack (that one specifically) will Everything attached to the remote continue to operate as is, And the midi Pedal can work as well to give me more control at my feet.

    It is possible to even out the bass volume without compression, but it takes highly developed technique. Of course, it is a grey area as perfect eveness is not possible. There are some very good players that refuse to use compression.

    As an example, Jamerson utilized the one finger technique mainly for this reason. Fingering on one string or minimizing the number of strings used can help even things out as well, but it depends on the part.

    I mentioned it to rule it in or out. As in, Shut it off to see if the problem goes away, or if it's still there. Shut everything off one by one. it's the only way you can isolate the issue.

    Yes, I can't believe guys that work on large stages with lots of lights aren't Also constantly begging for this. With each new update, I hope...and...Nope, Not this one either. Layout C shows us it CAN be done. Kemper Guys Please make a Layout D with the big fonts for "Rigs" So we can see what we are doing during a show. I and I'm sure many others use the Kemper like I do, and Need this. I'll pay you, really. Let me know what you want. (I won't tell anyone. I promise)

    When they were first gathering requirements for the initial RM, the topic of sliders vs knobs was raised. I wanted sliders, but knobs were the clear winner and I think they're great with a mouse set up.

    On a touchscreen I'd still prefer sliders.

    I use a MacBook with a touch pad. I need precise accuracy sometimes. It would be great if we could click and enter the exact number we want. It's tough and I don't want to use a mouse.

    jon9max your profile sounds almost identical to mine. I'm going to try it on my LP neck in split mode instead of the strat middle. I tried some others on RE with 5 star ratings but I am still not convinced it sounds convincing. ha.

    Good luck. It's why I went back to a real acoustic for two songs. One is a fingerpicking kind of classical thing that was hard to play on an electric. I used to use a Fishman Aura Spectrum DI which was another rig that had to be set up, sound checked, different, wireless unit, input, effects...But the Kemper does it way better. One rig, Just another transmitter on the same wireless unit and it sounds better. Just have to be sure to switch the patch (if it has gain/overdrive)before you switch on the Acoustic.

    So does it override, work with, Have a steeper curve, or does the most "Cut" win out over the global setting in the output section? There are a few rigs that I would like it adjusted. But with those filters in the output section, I can't. Would I have to lose the settings in the output section and do this per rig? Or per cabinet? Or is this just for the "monitor out" "Cab out" section, and doesn't affect the main outputs? Also, there are High and low cuts in the EQ effects. So, for one of my rigs, there then would be three layers of High and Low cut filters, on the cab, an EQ added in the effects, and the global output. How are these working together when they are stacked? Or Not working together? I don't want to assume even though I think I may know the answer.

    15 years ago, a Tone Master Deluxe Reverb would have been laughed out of the room. When it debuted, people wanted to hate it. But it’s *very* good.

    The market has, and continues to shift. Entire generations are growing up never using a tube amp. It isn’t bad or good….just different.

    IMHO it’d be irresponsible for Fender to not offer something people clearly want and are opting for more and more over ‘traditional’ solutions. They’d become Marshall…leaning on their brand name while not releasing anything terribly exciting in years.

    $1,600 for a new Deluxe Reverb? Please…and….you *can’t* turn it up without pissing someone off…..can’t record it without a bunch of gear….and it basically makes two sounds.

    Or…..A Tone Master Pro for the same money and none of the above is true.

    Yeah, I have a room full of tube amps, some vintage that I'll probably never use (on a stage) again.. That's why I have a Kemper.

    Thanks guys. I feel a bit dumb here. I have been gigging out for 4 years and never knew about that. I used a 2 x 12 and tended to alter my profiles to sound best through that cabinet. Thanks, we never stop learning, but dang I was late to this one.

    When I get a new product. I try to hit ALL the buttons and twist All the knobs to see what they do. I feel like kicking myself when I find out something was there all along. :cursing:

    He forgot to say "above the Kemper and not as good". ^^ Liquid Profiling blows them away by miles. I think Fender should stick to guitars and amps. I've never heard anyone consider their effects department as "high end" or above mediocre except for maybe their spring reverb. Prove me wrong.

    I'll never understand how companies operate. I know it's just capitalism and how that works. But Fender or any company Doesn’t have to do everything and keep expanding, and expanding. When they're huge, the people who run and invest in the company have Nothing to do with or care about the "product" It's just a means to an end. As far as music companies, Sure, people want new shiny products, great. Let new companies exist that do different things well. But as far as specific brands, Fender, Gibson, Marshall, etc. All Anyone ever talks about, and what a majority of their marketing is geared toward is those few products that were the best ever made, way back when. It isn't nostalgia (which they are marketing) It's that they were really, really better. I own examples of those products. The company was focused on a very few products (even though some of these audio miracles were really just a fluke.) But a product takes off, the company then needs actual business people and then it's cutting corner, and greed time because it’s only about money. Then the original founders, and workers leave and get bought out and it's a "BRAND" that they sell us. Greed is the ruination of everything. Make your awesome product, treat your employees well, stick to what you’re good at make your million, make 2, 3,4,5. You deserve it. Stop trying to make it a billion. These "Brands" care more about their t-shirts and merch department than what got them there. The people who run it, and they have to at this point, just look at the charts, and graphs, their employee's "productivity" and pay them the minimal required for their position while demanding they always do more, faster, with less, so the big important guys at the top can justify paying themselves more. A company doesn’t have to be huge, and they can still meet demand if they only focus on what they do great. Nothing sounds better than my '54 tele straight through my blackface bassman. it's heaven.

    I've had this issue for a long time, ever since I got my Kemper (2019) and it was for one particular rig. It happened with every update, the same thing . What is was, and I've heard others talk about it too, was this rig had every effects slot filled, and one in the efx loop. Maybe it was too many, they didn't interact well, The type, used up too many resources. But a lot of the time it would do exactly as you described. it would work sometimes if I rebooted the Kemper, so I thought it was that. So when I had a show I would check it and reboot until it worked, then it seemed to work, for that show, as long as it was on. Until it didn’t, only to come back.

    What I did was to eliminate one of the effects that I didn't need and it now it works every time. I only use it on one song, So I imagine with some of my other rigs that use every available slot and effect. Try it. let me know if it works.