Posts by stickman

    hey everyone, i was thinkin it would be nice to try out the Kemper with some virtual instruments or sample players to get a bit more lively sound out of modeled or sampled emulations of those e-pianos (or connect a passive Rhodes when i find a good affordable one around here someday) ... the built in amp/speaker all have a very special characteristic ... haven't played one in ages but can still remember the magic of the sound.

    i'm trying to convince a friend to do it, he's a backliner and possibly has access to both and a bunch of cool Mics... but he doesn't have a Kemper and lives in another country so it's not looking good ...

    ... i'm waiting for a new keyboard to arrive later this week (i'm moving away from plugins and wanted sth i could just switch on and play like the Kemper) which has pretty good emulations and will give it a go with the guitar amp profiles ... i used to do it with amp modlers and/or IRs but it was always such a fuzz to set it up but now with the Kemper i might as well ... i'll let you know how it goes .... but in any case it sure would be nice to have the originals profiled so if anyone has some connections to make this happen i could maybe provide some motivation 8o

    here are some pics of the beasts there are several versions, i'm not lookin for any one in partiular:

    hey thanks for your input everyone, interesting you all recommend PA speakers, hadn't thought of that before but totally makes sense, although in a venue i prefer the sound of the bass cab on stage to the bass coming out of the PA or stage monitors.

    ... i agree that it's worth taking a 15" .. i tried some of the 2x10 neodym speakers and although they sounded ok they were only marginally better than my monitors .. thing is with the 5" monitors and a 8" sub i'm just not moving enough air for my taste i think.

    That aguilar looks sexyer the more i look at it and i'm tempted to order it online to try with the 30 day like it or return policy most places have, i think the PA speakers i can try out at the shop that has a Kemper in demo.

    and i should probably stop browsing reverb which is putting silly ideas like this into my head:…lutrim-dripedge … so beautiful, so cheap and from my birth year as well :love: totally not what i need volume wise and not FR but very tempting just for the esthetics of it

    although i'm pretty pre-sold on the upcoming Kemper speaker it sounds like it will be guitar centric so i really need to get a bass cab in any case ... my monitors and sub (Dynaudio LYD5 and Adam Sub8) sound pretty good with bass but just don't have enough real bass amp ooompf and i'm a bit scared of blowing the monitors when i get carried away.

    i'm tempted to just get a passive bass cab like a small 2x10 Markbass or sth since i have the powered head but i'm wondering if i can't find a FR speaker for bass which would surely be more versatile and maybe also bridge the gap for guitar until the Kemper speaker comes to market. sound wise i mostly play funky stuff on my Fender Jazzbass but might have a more modern bass incoming at some point. I don't gig, it's just for jammin at home so 2x10 or 1x12 would be best i think.

    The only FR cab that is advertised as both Guitar and Bass FR is this one, but it's powered:…eucedeluxe.html

    also wondering how a pure bass FR cab might sound with guitar, something like the DB112:

    any ideas ?

    after 4 months with the Kemper i'm still in the exploratory stage, i have way too many profiles multiplied by too many guitars to check out before i start making decisions

    i also kinda gave up on trying to find a workflow for naming profiles when i heard about the new upcoming editor with preset management, so i'm waiting for that. as it stands when i find a profile i like and mod it i just hit save as and change the first character of the profile.

    since there isn't a way to organize the presets into groups for browsing on the hardware easily i often delete everything in the profiler and drag some presets i wanna play with to it in the rig manager which makes it easier to use the browser to find stuff.

    i had big plans for building complicated custom rigs before i got the K but everytime i switch it on it just sucks me in and i'm playing instead of fiddling around with controls and routing .... i might get back to proper organizing/naming when there is a better workflow for it ... or just keep on playin like now :)

    It is a fabulous time to be making music as technology has developed so far and the choices open to us are mind blowing.

    With that in mind the issue probably has nothing to do with whether the consumer thinks the profiler IS the valve amp. The issues is whether the consumer even wants a valve in the first place. I honestly can't see me buying another valve amp again (unless a used Soldano HR25 comes up at a bargain price) because they are more hassle than they are worth. There is a whole generation of players coming up (i'm 50 in a few days time so I'm not one of them) who probably don't even care who Dave Friedman is, or Randy Smith or Jim Marshall or Howard Dumble............. all they care about is getting great tones in a convenient package which they can take to gigs in the back of an Uber as venues now have sound limiters, horrendous get ins, and cities have no parking near venues etc. The world has moved on. Whether I like it or not doesn't matter. I often sit moaning at my kids about what it used to be like when I was their age. Real amps, really guitars, real music - none of that rubbish you listen to son :D To their credit, they just humour me then stick their crappy apple earbuds in their head and listen to some crap that never had a Marshall Plexi within 100 miles of it.

    Rant over!

    well said man 8o

    so one thing i couldn't figure out from all the videos is if the 'Preset Management' will also apply to the rig presets, one of the things that's bugging me the most is to browse through the presets on the hardware with just one master list and no categories ... are we getting preset banks now so we can organize our rig presets properly (like say i'd like to have banks by amp type or by author or Mbritt pack or by speaker) ??? or is the preset management only for fx chains and we're stuck with favorites and the few filters in the browse dialog for rigs ?

    hey everyone, new to the forum and still in total love with my Kemper which i got about a month ago.

    Although the KPA sounds glorious over my nearfields and headphones i have a small cheap (but really nice) combo sitting around so this weekend i drilled a hole in the back and soldered a speaker-in switching jack socket into it, so now without a jack pluged into it the amp still is connected to the speaker and working as before and when i plug in a jack to the Kempers speaker out the Vox amp is separated from the speaker and the Kemper is going directly to the speaker. The amp is a VOX AV30

    I still haven't had time to really dig into the KPAs settings to dial it in for this speaker though and maybe i'm missing sth. When i switch the monitor cab off the sound is a bit harsh and with the cab simulation on it sounds a bit better but quite muffled. Of course i have to dial the master out waaaay back so i don't blow the speaker. I'm still not sure how exactly i have to set up the powered Kemper with a guitar cab, i asked the guy in the shop if i need to switch of the cab simulation when trying out the KPA with a Bass cab and he said i don't have to do anything that it's automatic when you use the speaker out jack.

    What are the correct setting for running the KPA through a cab ?

    hey Monkeyman, thx for your help, i contacted support and they were super quick to reply, even on a Sunday :) Initially the store told me i bought the last unit and Kemper support offered to replace the unit directly. For sure it was a faulty front-panel and nothing that could've been fixed with software. But only half a Kemper was a bit frustrating so Monday morning i phoned the shop again and it turned out that they double-booked the unit out of their stock management system so theyx had another one sitting in the warehouse literally with my name on it :P

    so i've finally arrived in total Kemper heaven, bleeding fingers and all ... this thing really is off the hook, i'm glad my ampquest is finally settled.

    btw: happy new year everyone !!!

    hi everyone, glad to have finally arrived here :)

    picked up my power head and remote today and after playing with it for a while i noticed that 5 buttons are not working (Amp button, EQ button, stomp buttons) the leads are dead (except fro the EQ which is always on) and button presses don't work. Used the diagonsttic tool to confirm these buttons aren't wirking. Did a factory reset, updated the OS to official latest and then to spring reverb beta, buttopns still not working. Followed all tips and instructions i could find online .. the oonly thing i haven't tried is to re-install the firmware since i can't find a download for that anywhere. The unit is brand new and came sealed so it hadn't been out of the protective cadboard boxes.

    any ideas ?

    i can still use it to browse presets and do some fx editing but the stomp section is dead and no acess to the amp section and EQs is also a bit cruel for the first weekend with it ;(

    but apart from that it's totally awesome 8o