Posts by stickman

    yep, welcome to the club of EMI victims ... have the same issue and tried everything without any significant result ... i gave up and try to stay as far away as necessary from the puter box when playing which is an issue when recording and needing to acess the mouse and keyboard. i'm planning at some point to move the computer to another location but it will require recabling my whole studio which i haven't gotten round to yet.

    Haven't tried the tinfoil test yet whic i probably should ...

    i have to admit i'm quite a fan of the built in looper it's just really cool to be able to control everything on the remote. but i just couldn't live with the baked together mixes i record when i jam and not being able to load back an older loopjam.

    so i bought the new Ditto+ looper which is pretty cheap and i was addicted to the firt one way before i got the Kemper so it's easy to fall back into that routine and also it's pretty similar to the Kemper looper as well. It's now got presets you can transfer over USB.

    So then i conncetd an ABY switch with one output to nothing and the other to the Ditto. Then i put an fx loop into the last slot of the FX of the Kemper and run the Send to the Splitter. The out of the Ditto goes to an input on my interface.

    So now i have the out of the Ditto and the outs of the Kemper on separate channels. which is much cooler cause now i can pan and submix my loopnoodling.

    The only one thing that is still a pain is that i have to mute the lloper channel when i'm recording on the DItto otherwise i have both channels running into the mixer at once, which is no huge deal but much louder. So when i record a loop i have to hit the splitter first, then the ditto, ditto again to stop recording, then Splitter again so you can hear the recorded loop ... yeah , not really ideal, becomes a tapdance when i'm overdubbing a lot. I've got the mute on a big touchscreen button on my phone or on a MIDI pedal with touchOSC which helps but still the fiddling around with the footswitches and remembering which order is what is annoying to say the least.

    now if only Kemper would upgrade the looper with separate outs and saved loops through rig manager i could forgo all these shenanigans ;(

    but at least i'm more happy with this situation than before cause having separate tracks recorded and a nice panned submix is more important to me at the moment than simplicity.

    still working on this, maybe it'll become intutitive over time or

    I would create two different Output Presets.

    Preset 1 would be for recording etc which would have the required output sources set for each output and would have the Monitor Out Volume unlinked from the master volume knob.

    Preset 2 would have the outputs set for the Kabinet and would have the Monitor Out volume linked to th master volume knob.

    that sounds reasonable .. but so i'm not trippin, there isn't a way to have the Kabinet in Kone mode with a master mono adn have the monitor output set to sth different (stack or guit studio) ? The monitor out is always the same output as the Speaker out on the powered Kemper ?

    hey there,

    so i have a powered toaster with the Kabinet. For recording my daily noodles with headphones and/or monitors I have this connection setup:

    Main Outs L/R TRS ->Master Stereo -> Interface Stereo channel

    Monitor Out -> Stack -> Interface Mono Channel

    Direct Out -> Guitar Studio -> Interface Mono channel

    That way i can record the main noodle mix including Looper (set to post) for listening, and the DI signal and the dry 'amped' signal if i want to use the solo guitar without looper/FX or just the DI signal takes later on.

    Now for sure sometimes (during daytime) i'd like to use the Kabinet for listening while i'm playing but the problem i have is that when i enable the power Amp and switch on Kone mode i have to change the outputs settings in order to hear the FX section through the Kabinet, so Monitor out needs to be Master Mono and i loose the abilty to use the Monitor Out as i want.

    So basically depending on wether i'm using the Kabinet or not i need to do a lot of switcheroo in thew Kemper menus to switch between output settings or disable the Kabinet if i want to have the ouputs assigned as above.

    Am i doing this wrong ? Is there a way to have the Kabinet work in Kone mode and still use the Monitor and Direct outs as independant DI/Stack outs ?

    Maybe some of you have solved this issue and found a way to do both without having to switch ouputs ?

    PS: Also still haven't found a convenient way to control the volume on the Kabinet when the poweramp is on, my Master Volume knob usually controls headphone volume, so again depending on wether i play with headphones or Kabinet i need to work the menus to find the right volume control. I should probably RTFM again :saint: i did RTFM a couple times already and also watched the ouputs video several times but couldn't find a straoightforward solution from that.

    ground lift has no effect at all.

    i can hear the same noises through the headphones connected to the Kempers headphone out. When i switch off the audio interface the clicking sounds go away but the nasty noise when i click the mouse or start recording remains. When i switch off the computer of course the noises are gone.

    hey everyone. so i got the age old problem of tracking down unwanted noise in my audio chain. For the moment i can't figure out where it's coming from. I have a Metric Halo ULN-8 interface and a hackintosh with an Asus Hero X motherboard and Dynaudio monitors with an Adam sub. Only using quality balanced cables. The audio clips are all recorded directly from the audio interface recording panel.

    The problem is twofold:

    1. when the Kemper is powered off i have a slight but constant hum on the Main Outputs (i normalized the audio to 0dB so you might wanna turn down the volume before listening), sometimes it's louder than others, haven't figured out yet what trigeers it to be louder or not, it ranges from -75dB to -65dB and just to reitterate: this is with the Kemper powered off:

    2. When the Kemper is on i get pretty nasty electrical interference noises, even with humbuckers there is a constant noisy clicking sound. I can minimize it by facing the guitar in a certain direction from the monitors. When i move and click the mouse (i use a wireless mouse) i can hear the noise changing/getting worse.

    Here's the noise, in the beginning of the recording i'm facing the monitors and in the second half i turn the guitar 90° away from the monitors):

    Weirdly when i start recording in Cubase the noise gets worse, you can hear the noise changing/getting worse here when i start recording at aroun 8 seconds in:

    Strangely enough, when i start recording in Cubase despite the worsening noise, the noise changes when clicking the mouse is gone. When i stop recording in Cubase i can hear the noise chanbging when clicking the mouse again.

    I tried pluging in the Kemper into different power outlets of my place but the problem is exactly the same with all outlets. I also tried connecting the Kemper to a power filter (not a high end Furman though, just a basic APC). I am using balanced cables throughout, balanced from Kemper to Audio interface, balanced from Audio interface to Monitors, balanced from monitors to Subwoofer.

    The problems also persist when i unplug the USB from the Kemper (which i normally keep connected for rig manager). Also tried plugin the computer and audio interface into different power outlets of my place in various combinations with no luck.

    Not sure which steps to take next, i'm tempted to get a Furman to see if that solves anything but not sure if it would help. Tried googling around and although there's many threads around none really helped so far.

    Btw i live in a very old building and although i don't have any obvious electrical problems and enough Ampere on the circuit i do get the lights flickering when i turn on the vacuum cleaner. I also see voulme spikes in the Kemper channels when switching on/off any electrical devices or lights in the flat (again even with the Kemper powered off), the spikes are much higher when i switch on/off my pedal board power suply and desklamp which are on the same circuit than the Kemper but i do get visible spikes when switching on/off any device in the flat. Not sure if that's related but probably is. Getting an electrician in here to check and sort out the power circuit in my place would be really expensive so i'm holding off on that for the moment. Maybe there is another solution and a high end Furman would fix it ?

    Any ideas ?

    just wondering, been listening to my collection the last couple of days and just occured to me (again) that besides it being an awesome band on all accounts what initially drew me in was probably the amazing guitars. that and the fact that i was already a huge Gong fan and the two always remind me of each other somehow.

    can't really decide on a favorite album, they are all masterworks for me. For those who haven't heard of them the Afterwish compilation is probably a good entry point.

    listening to Jurassic Shift at the moment and keep reaching for the volume button to pump it up :P

    The title track 'Jurassic Shift' is a great example of Ed Wynne's guitar wizardry.

    Another great guitar track is 'Eternal Wheel' from Erpland.

    Just seen that he 's planning to tour again but all shows have been canceled until end of the year. Guess i'll have to travel to brexitland end of the year if this happens 8o

    ATT: stickman

    It’s weird. I never experienced latency when playing guitar through an audio interface. Neither my new pc with i7 processor or my very old pc with i3 processor have had any noticeable latency. I never really understood the problem people talk about. I know it’s there of course. But I never felt it any different from playing an amp.

    i think it's one of those things that you can get used to but also it's one of those things that some people can live with and others can't. I've always been extremely sensitive to it and where i didn't mind it at some point (as long as it's below 10ms roundtrip) it has come back with a vengeance on keyboards now that i've been playing my analog piano so much. I recently went through all my guitar plugins again which i hadn't touched since i got the Kemper .. and even when cranking the latency as low as it would go it still didn't feel as immediat as my analog amp or the Kemper. But i know what you mean, i've had many people say to me "what the hell you mean .. it's fine" ^^

    been through pretty much every amp plugin on the market over the years, where all of them fall flat for me is

    1. latency

    2. the need to use a mouse and keyboard, and a computer

    the one thing i enjoy with the K is to be able to just switch it on and concentrate on the playing and have a familiar and easy to use physical knob interface to quickly and intuitively make the basic adjustments i need while playing.

    it's the same with keyboards btw, over the years i completely stopped using all the amazingly realistic grand piano plugins i have, and find myself really enjoying my physical piano because i can just sit down and go from idea to actual music in an instant. most times with any plugin i already forgot the initial idea by the time the computer, DAW and plugin is fired up and set up and having to turn away from my instrument and pick up the mouse to do adjustments and look at the screen is a pain and completely counterproductive and unintuitive for me.

    the latency thing is still a huge thing, even with a stable 10ms roundtrip latency it just doesn't feel immediate enough for me and is equally distracting on guitar and keyboard.

    keyboard players have always been embracing digital emulations heavily in the studio and at home for composing and producing .. but you still don't see many using laptops and master keyboards on stage and the stage piano and synthesizer market is still very much alive for the same reason i feel many will always prefer to have an actual Kemper on stage.

    did it yesterday, no probs detected after a couple horus of playing.

    however i'm still unable to use the check for update feature of the RM, has been like this since ages, when i select it it just does nothing at all. Anyone knows what's up with that and how to get that feature back working ?

    Amp setup - the real thing is set up cooking. it almost goes to fuzz land with guitar maxed. Many studio players have said using this trick to get rich harmonic clean sounds, but . Rev' the amp, but turn the guitar volume down where playing softly it's seemingly clean (but rich in harmonics) and digging in it breaks, works especially well with non-master volume amp.

    i think this is a good example of that technique from Tim Pierce:

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    the Kemper not behaving like the real amp in this case

    there's a loser bottom end. These kind of things are clearly audible for me

    well a profiler rig is only one snapshot of the profiled amps settings, that's why most good commercial profilers have several versions of the same amp profiled at different settings. you can extend the range of the 'snapshot' a bit with the K's settings but you'll still be navigating around the same ballpark settings. With several profiles you can extend that range a bit but you'll never have a clone that provides a 1:1 settings equivalence (what i mean is the K's gain/master/b/m/t/presence settings will never behave exactly like the amp). so unless your supro profile was profiled with the exact same settings than he's playing on it can be a bit of a goose chase to emulate a sound of another player recorded in a completely different setting.

    my question wasn't about the lick or technique but about the Kemper not behaving like the real amp in this case

    yes i got that but what makes the amp behave like this :/ everything is related i think.

    i'm really not trying to say you're not right .. you feel and hear what you feel and hear i don't doubt that. i just doubt that with all the amazing profiles out there and with so many professional guitar gods and tone nerds out ther who are completely happy with the K over real amps there aren't some combinations that will hit your spot at one point. maybe it just takes a bit more time and experimenting for you to find what you're lookin for and that's why i was suggestiong to stick with one lick and sound and work that to death because it makes it easier to understand how the K behaves vs an amp.

    btw have you ever tried the Kemper with a Kabinet ? i know of some people who also didn't fall in love with the K right away like i did but when they tried it on the Kabinet they saw the light.

    Here I tried it again after turning the compressor off: Same thing, no compressor

    tbh i don't think the actual sound is the problem at all. it sounds like a pretty good base sound and as others have said i don't really hear anything 'wrong' about it. not sure how long you have been practicing this exact lick or how long you've been playing on that rig preset. if getting as close as possible to the sound of the supro guy in the video is important to you i would stick with it for a while: practice that lick until it becomes second nature. Once you got the lick down completely and can close your eyes and play it while concentrating (or deconcentrating .. opininons vary on that one) on the FEEL start tweaking the rig settings. record everything so you can analyze the progress and differences in settings with a fresh mind and ear. nothing is ever plug and play, every musician and engineer has their personal bag of tricks. but in the end it really is all in the hands ;)

    once you have a good recording put it in a mastering suite/plugin and add some post processing, just some gentle old school analog style mastering, maybe a tad of convolution reverb to add some room depth.

    also not sure about this video but do you have the exact same guitar as he does? do you know if he has his volume or tone rolled off ? is he using a Kemper and the exact same preset as you ? it wouldn't surprise me if he was playing on a Supro amp recorded with a killer mic (or two) through a high end pre and someone who knows his stuff about mastering tweaked it all in the end, and the guy is a really good player .. so really not surprising his version sounds 'better' :) but i'm pretty sure if he had a Kemper with your preset and the same post processing he'd sound extremely close and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a blind test.

    hey Kaschko .. wish i could help since i've been super happy with the K's sound since i got it. I'm also using the exact same headphones as you and actually nearly prefer the headphone sound to to my monitors and even the Kabinet. my workflow for sound blis is usually jam and record either on the Kabinet (during daytime) or the DT880pros (in the evening mostly but sometimes also during the day when i want to be more immersed) and then listen back what i record (straight from the Main Outs into the computer) on my tiny Dynaudio Lyd5 monitors (with and Adam Sub8) .. in all these configs i find the sound fantastic most of the times.

    that being said a couple things come to mind from my experience witht he K but not sure if anything will help (also waiting for my rice to be cooked and passing the time ramblin a bit):

    • some profiles i like more than others (i mainly use Mbritt stuff and bought most of his profile packs), sometimes a profile i thought i didn't like comes to life with a different guitar/pickup, there are some i don't like on all my 8 different guitars but those profiles i DO like don't necessarily work on all of them equally well.
    • some profiles sound a bit muddy or too harsh but sometimes when i listen back to the recordings of them on the monitors they sound amazing. i've made a habit to hit the record button everytime i play for post analysis .. it's just HD space of which i got enough so might as well. that really helped and my 'tone' has improved much over the 2 ywears with the K.
    • i work a lot with the looper to noodle and solo over loops and always use either a different pup, a boost/drive/delay or a different profile for the solo parts but always use the same guitar for both parts (out of lazyness mostly but also because in the end it works out nicely). sometimes i don't fuzz too much about the sound and will roll with something i at that moment think doesn't sound so great because i'm more about the ideas/music i play then the sound. and then when i listen back it sound amazing and i wish i could remember which profiles i used that day.
    • i'm a big fan of the definition and clean sense settings, they make a huge difference on different guitars and that's one of the only things i usually dial in for each guitar/pup type
    • if i get frustrated with my playing or i'm not in the 'zone' it usually reflects on my sound, i've come to realize that the 'it's all in the hands' saying is a universal truth .. when i'm in the zone the sound usually folllows the flow no matter the profile
    • i never ever dial up the gain knob, i haven't come across a single profile that takes this well and as soon as the gain knobv goes up the magic dissapears for me. i do however dial down the gain knob quite a bit on some profiles and that seems to work really well and some profiles i would have dismissed since i hate high gain came to life when i cleaned them up with the gain knob.
    • i have learned to throw my previous preconceptions over board with the K. I used to truely hate VOX and HIWATT amps (having played on some really good vintage ones that were loaned to me for years) .. on the K i've got quite a few Vox and Hiwatt rigs i'm fond of now.
    • the first thing i do with most profiles is to switch of the compressor since almost all profiles come with it enabled. i hate compressors, they suckk all the dynamics and tone out of a guitar. they have their place in a live band context or for certain music styles for sure but most times they are the best way to fuck up a perfectly good guitar tone

    now for your sound samples they are suuuper dry and personally i would never play or judge a dry sound like that unless it's in a band or mix context. i mostly play alone and rarely with other instruments because for composing i just like to stick with only the guitar. i don't use loads of FX but often a bit of boost (i use an EP boost pedal dialed down all the way which i prefer because i'm used to it and love it) and always a tiny bit of verb and sometimes a bit of chors/phas/flange and delay, nothin fancy but i definitely need something to 'open up' the sound to be able to fall in love with it. i have never ever been able to work with a super dry amp sound .. even with a Dumble i would hate it.

    and speaking of Dumbles that also reminds me that sound is so super subjective that most times i wonder what people are even talkin about when thy discuss 'legendary tone'. I was once in the first row of a jazz club in a Robben Ford gig, sitting about 2 meters away from him with his Dumble right behind him .. and not just any Dumble ... he has THE Dumble. It was one of the worst guitar tones i've ever heard in my life, super dry, super harsh, super loud. After half an hour or so i went to get a beer and moved around in the room to see if it was just because i was too close to it .. nope, sounded like shit from everywhere in the room (and it wasn't the room acoustics neither since i saw many other gigs that week in the same place and a lot sounded great). Funnily enough i quite like the Mbritt dumble profiles. Another time i went to see Eric Gales who's sound (and music) i love on record and even on youtube. He was playing his strat and a Victory stack .. same thing super dry, super harsh and super loud. In both instances i talked to other guitarists after the gig and most thought they sounded amazing (and nearly broke out the tar and feathers when i mentioned my opionion of the 'tone'). And don't even get me started on 'the Clapton beano tone' and other such internet delusions :D

    All this to say that i learned over the years to focus on the music and the sound i like in the moment and not so much on what i think/want/wish it should sound like or the sound other people accept as good.

    oki, ramblings of an old hungry man are over cause the rice is done :P