Posts by thx1227

    One basic thing to not overlook is your output levels -- make sure that you're not pushing too hard and clipping your interface inputs.

    I like like to double-track my rhythm guitars -- one track on the left, one on the right -- and I try not to use the same profiles on each track, just to add a bit more depth to the tune. I like to find tones that compliment each other in the mix (one of the great benefits of having hundreds of tones at my disposal with the Kemper).

    I have a full digital setup, but when I record I like to treat it as if we're working all analog. (My band, and the bands that I've worked with like this approach as well.) We try to get as much captured in full band takes as we can, and we'll overdub vocals or guitars if/when we need to. With that, I like to use my Kemper like I would an amp -- I capture my dirty tones and will record any pedals -- or internal effects -- that the songs may call for. (Of course, there's always some experimentation with EQs and effects once we get to the mix - I tend to save reverbs and delays for then.)

    Thanks for your time.

    Hello all,

    I hope this finds you all well. I just wanted to say a quick "hello" as I joined the Kemper family on Christmas morning. (My wife and kids tend to take very good care of me at the holidays.) With that, I've been on the boards almost daily but haven't had much time to check in.

    I'm looking forward to profiling my Carvin Legacy 3 and my original 5150 so I can start recording more in my small home studio. If I can get them sounding half as good as some of the profiles that I've already downloaded I'll definitely share them.

    Thanks for being such a warm and welcoming crew -- I've been checking out the forum for the last few months and have been blown away by the support that you all offer each other. Looking forward to adding to the conversations.

    Thanks for your time! Now back to my Profiler...

    Best regards,
