Posts by jlooknyc

    I also just got the Moore Prime S1 and it is surprisingly good. I wanted the Player as a backup but since I would have to start there from scratch with all the limitations I thought I can also start from scratch with a cheaper and smaller unit with a display.
    I will maybe get a cry baby mini wah for it.

    Here are two of the Kemper Legends Tribute Profiles. The Steve Vai and the Kim Thayil.
    One with the Stage and the other one how it looks with the Player.
    They do sound different (and with the Kim Thayil profile you are missing morph where the distorted part is so you just get 1/2 of the sound)
    I guess he biggest problem if you hear those sounds on Youtube and hope to get them with the Player you don't even know why they sound different because you have no idea what is missing.

    I have been reading the Player manual and watching various videos as they are being uploaded. I understand that any profile from say the Rig Exchange or any commercial profiler can be loaded into the Player, Liquid Profiles included.

    They can be loaded but maybe don't work as expected. There are many effects missing at the Player. For example I don't think any of the Kemper Legends Tribute Profiles from the 4 collections would work the same way since they are using the studio Equalizer plus other effects.
    Also be sure that the Player does not have performances.
    In the posting #115 you will find a list of the effects that are included.

    Pretty sure this is has never been their intention. In fact, judging by the pics I am seeing around, the most enthusiast about the Player are the pedalboard people.

    Yes and I know already two where a missing display is even a plus because it looks less digital.
    I would love to have a player that is really just a player for live gigs. Like a smaller stage without any of the buttons to set up the device. A screen, foot switches and maybe a master volume. Like the remote with a build in Kemper.
    And I am not complaining about the price. I know this would cost more.

    Well done, Kemper! You made my life as gigging musician better yet again!

    Unfortunately not for me.
    There are almost none of my existing rigs I can use. Some I could adjust, some just won't work at all.
    Even with an upgrade to all effects there is still the fact that the way the rigs are organized is completely different and doesn't work with my workflow.
    I have separate performances for every song that I can bring in order for the gigs (what is usually about 35 to 40 songs with 2 rigs each on average)

    The structure of the Player is not based on performances so this is more for players with just a few sounds what is not me (I play in cover bands). Together with the missing display, for me useless tuner and just one expression pedal I don't see it for live usage if you use more than a handful rigs.
    I got mine this week and I will wait another week and see if there any announcement how the upgrade would look like but otherwise I will send it back.
    Great product if you start from scratch and play with less than 10 sounds but not even close to replace the bigger units if you play live.

    I don't really think that LCD is all that important. I have KPA since 2016 and apart of short periods of time when I do experiment with FXs I noticed that I constantly use one performance - 5 sounds in total which cover 100% of my needs

    I have there a very different situation. I guess mostly because I play in cover bands.
    I used to have a large rack with Mesa Boogie and Soldano preamps plus different effects controlled by a TC2290.
    I love the fact that I can have now a different amp for every song if I want. (I am using a Kemper Rack or Stage depending on the gig)
    I have a performance for every song and just get them in the order for the next gig.

    I got the Player now two days ago and for me it would really just be a very basic backup (I am glad that Kemper is so reliable that I don't really think I will ever need it) and for a quick session.
    The way the rigs are organized in the banks but not performances would make it very time consuming to quickly bring them in order for the next gig. I guess I could work with 50 rigs total. I just counted it and the last gig last weekend was a total of about 70 rigs. Out of them maybe 10 would work the way they are. Everything else is with more effects or effect that don't exists in the Player.

    With a footboard with display plus maybe an Eventide H90 for the missing effects I would save maybe 12cm on the floor but it would take longer to set up the sounds and all together more expensive than the Stage.

    So if you just need a few (and always the same) sounds I think the Player can be great. But I was hoping for a real Player and not a Player Light.

    To me, a backup is like the small spare tire for when you get a flat. Never an exact replacement.

    Not as good as the regular…..but enough to get you through just fine.

    You have already the limitations when you are using it. No display, less banks, not a good option to select the 5 rigs per bank etc.
    Here you have a spare tire where you need many hours setting it up before you can put it into your car. So when you have to set it up from scratch for a backup why not do the same with a ToneX for example for a lot less.

    If thinking of existing KPA owners as a backup:

    Missing 4 efx slots and premium efx will lose many potential customers, but it's the only game in town if you want to have KPA sounds in a small form factor.

    I thought it will be great for me as a backup but it will be just to at least have some sounds if my stage or rack stop working.
    Missing the slots is already a problem but for me more missing some of the effects. Most of my sounds have the studio EQ included for example. With some other effects missing I can use maybe 10% of my current rigs as they are. Some I can't use at all (with Pitch Shifter for example).
    I use about 120 performances live in rotation at the moment with up to 5 rigs each so changing all of them or creating them again from scratch is too much work.
    So at the moment as it is it will be just a small amp if I play with others for fun or a very basic backup.
    I hope they announce the (paid) upgrade soon. Otherwise I will send it most likely back within the 30 days.

    My two cents:

    - perfect Kemper stage backup is... a second stage.

    Perfect for having exactly the same but not perfect if you also have to carry it.
    I am using a stage or the rack head depending on the gigs and I plan to use the Player as a simpler backup that can safe a gig if needed. Also if I play somewhere where I don't need all my sounds. With liquid profiling I can have pretty much have 10 amps with me that I can adjust almost like the original amp directly on the Player.
    Now I just want a 1U rack version with all the options of the current rack version plus whatever Kemper comes up with where I didn't knew I needed it :)

    I am also using the Seymour Duncan Powerstage. I have the 170 where I never had problems next to a very loud drummer. And small enough to fit into the front pocket of my guitar bag. I am using it with the rack and the stage when there is a cabinet on the location and if I don't bring my powered cabinet or if there is a decent amp where I can use the FX return.

    I would mostly like to have a version without all the controls on it. I use Rig Manager for everything and just last Saturday for example at a gig I must have touched another button when I was switching off an effect and it went into a menu where I had to reach down to get out of it.

    I would love to have one version like the stage but just with the size of the remote (and also just the same buttons and I guess one on/off plus USB)
    And a small rack unit with just a display and on/off button on the front and a wireless remote for it.

    Equipment like the Midas MR18 mixer that we are using in the band shows that you don't really need any physical controls anymore.