Posts by TheSystem

    I knew CK had said it, so thanks for finding it and saving me the time!!

    Given that the tone stacks are modeled - I took his use of the term reference amp to indicate the type of tone stack. Meaning they modeled the tone stack of a Plexi, Twin, JCM 800, AC30 etc. These can be applied to any profile (like a Plexi tone stack on a Deluxe Reverb etc.).

    That you can apply them to existing Profiles opens up all sorts of non-standard possibilities. :)

    Oh I see now and I should have gotten that based on HW's response.

    So when CK says that if you know the original Gain setting of the reference amp AND if there is a model of that amp's tone stack, do you think a LP can be easily created? If so, that is still pretty sweet to me.

    I guess why I am asking is that even though I might have written down where the physical Gain knob was set to when the amp was profiled, how does that translate to the Gain setting in a profile? Doesn't the Kemper set the Gain knob of the profile when the Amp is profiled initially? This leads me back to 'if you know what the profile Gain was set to when profiled then all you should need at that point is a model of that amp's tone stack' to convert to a LP.

    I have not done much profiling so I am not sure.

    I guess I have to be patient like everyone else and 'wait and see. '

    CK also says something that I am not 100% clear on later in this video around 8:20 mark.

    What he says makes me think that if you know or have not changed the original Gain value of a Kemper profile, it can be easily converted to a Liquid Profile. He says 'reference amp' though but then later he says it is possible for a 'model' that does not exist yet. So when he says 'reference amp,' I think he MIGHT mean profile? Dunno I sure hope so. If this is true as well then the # of amp profiles needed just went down.

    I can 100% clearly see why 3rd party profilers would not be so gung ho about it. No market to sell LPs of existing profiles. Or new LPs might only be on profile per amp like I think Michael_dk mentioned.

    Am I the only one who sees it this way or should I put down the crack pipe :)

    Ok so here is what I remember.

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    Around around 7:20 mark.

    So I am with Ruefus when said he was looking forward to "the gain knob sounding better when increasing gain" based on what CK says in this video.

    I hope this is true cuz if so then that effin' (and every other version of that word) ROCKS!

    In my humble opinion.

    I recommend watching what he says leading up to the timestamp I noted to get more context.

    That's just guessing. ;)

    But you bring up another point that was omitted in the HW/Britt video. Did they adjust the gain to show how much better the gain knob will sound when increasing it? Maybe they just forgot the significant stuff? ^^

    I will have to go to back re-watch CKs video but I seem to recall that he said something to the effect that with LPs, the gain knob will react more like the real gain knob of the amp.

    I hope my memory has not failed me here because that is what has me hoping that LP will be worth the wait.

    the reference manual refers to the actual hardware.

    I was looking in the USB Audio Section starting at p. 131 of the Main Manual 9.0.

    "In the Rig Manager software Amp recording is active as long as Reamping is inactive. "

    I see the change you describe on my Kemper display when I toggle Reampingbetween Actve/Inactive.



    This is all good but where the heck is this?

    "Select “Amp Recording” on the “USB Audio” page in the Output Section and select “Profiler” as the audio destination

    in your PC settings"

    I do not see a "USB Audio" page in RM or under System on my Rack. I figure it should be in RM since the sentence before it says:

    "If you have already been using Rig Manager for Windows® or macOS®, just use the USB cable connecting the USB

    type B socket of the PROFILER with your PC. Rig Manager can communicate simultaneously, but it is not a
    prerequisite for USB audio."

    I see USB Reamping in the Output section in RM not Amp Recording.



    Since you have access to this recording maybe this will work.

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    I know it is YT and compressed but maybe this will get close?


    TheSystem Hi! It really is a matter of taste, of course. But in general, I prefer profiles that are open sounding and allow good dynamics with my guitar's volume knobs. Not all of them do that, not even those of some more famous profilers. Picking profiles I'd also go with amps that traditionally work well with pedals. I tried out Fender Deluxe Reverbs, Fender Bassmans and Pro Reverbs as well as Marshall 50w Plexis and Marshall Bluesbreakers. They all work well but each one tells a different story.

    If you go to the rig exchange, search for the profiles from Martin Suijs. He has a 71 Plexi and a Deluxe Reverb that both work really well with pedals (and are generally amazing profiles, better than most you can buy, really). I'd pick a profile that has around 2.5 or 3 gain and then lower the gain to 2. (Generally it works better to lower gain on profiles than raising it). There's some sort of sweet spot around 2 to use profiles with fuzzes - but that of course depends on your guitar. I play a Gibson with P90s.

    If the profile is slightly breaking up, it's usually pretty good for Fuzz. Your Silicone fuzz, like my Tone Bender, should clean up very nicely. I usually pick a profile where I like the sound of my guitar without effects around 9-10 on the volume knob, but usually, I then lower the volume on my guitar some steps to use my fuzz in its sweet spot. It's always great if there's some room up and down on the volume knob.

    Hope that helps.

    This helps immensely. I have tried some Fender and Marshall profiles. I will try the ones you noted from RE.

    I have been using a late 80s Strat Ultra Plus and an early 90s Tele Plus. Both have Lace Sensor which may be an issue. I have also a 90s MIM Tele with stock PuPs that I will try when I string it up. We are moving and I packed up my strings. Ooops! So I am awaiting for some to arrive.

    I also tried my late 80s RG-770. The real amps I tried (most are packed now) are an early 80s JCM 4210 Combo. I can get a great edge of breakup sound on it. Peavey VTM60. It might boil down the the PuPs. Oh I tried my 85 MIJ Fernandes too.

    I gotta say that the fuzz I built on a Carvin Legacy profile I got from RE and my Ibanez sound amazing together.

    Thanks for the help


    maybe for this reason? dunno though.

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    Hi Pre-Amp,

    Right now I am using a USB to MIDI interface only because ATM I do not have an audio interface with a fully functioning MIDI interface. Yeah my $2k+ Lynx Aurora has MIDI ports but they do not support MIDI but are there for file updates and such.

    I plan to buy a cheap Focusrite and use it when I am ready to get back out there.

    What I have is similar to this.…r/dp/B00ACGMOA6

    It is finnicky but at least allows me to experiment.

    Yes MidiMonitor is a plugin.

    I guess the ease depends on how complicated you want to make it :)

    But for what I plan to do, it is pretty easy.


    "Boy I am kicking myself. I was seeing the Wah Manual in Rig Manager move when I press play in Reaper as it should move. Like a dummy I made the huge mistake of assuming that all works correctly. That is when I send CC messages from Reaper that Rig Manager would update to reflect the changes. Not good. Since it doesn't."

    Well this seems to be working now. Not sure why it was not updating initially but now RM shows the changes.