Posts by beff92

    I had the same issue (also posted here on the forum a couple of weeks ago). You can contact the support. I sent my Remote in for repair, but ended up buying a new remote as the repair was about 75% of the price of a new remote (with another ethernet cable and warranty).

    I get this, BUT for this case I do not want to use it for the reasons described above.

    I believe the main input is unbalanced though so even using an XLR to TRS cable will still result in an unbalanced signal.

    This is why I would like to use the return input as the main input - because the return input is balanced according to the manual.

    I just find it weird that the input source keeps resetting on the STAGE. Just tried it on my Rack Kemper. There the input source remains the same if you set it to something other than Front Input.

    Hi everyone,

    I do have a question regarding the input source of my Kemper Stage. The guitar signal is coming from a Sennheiser Wireless which is sitting in a rack something like 5-10m from the Kemper unit. As there is at least a 10m connection I would like to use the balanced XLR-output of the Sennheiser Wireless to connect to the Kemper Stage (Return Input 1 with a TRS-Jack). This works pretty well as you can set the input of the Kemper to "Return Input 1". However, every time the unit restarts the input source is reset to the normal jack input, which means every I boot the unit you need to make the adjustment again. Locking does not help.

    Is there a way to make the Return Input the default input source? I mean you could just readjust every time, but having it fixed would be great for the sake of convenience.

    In addition, I figured that if i connect the xlr to trs-cable to the usual guitar input on the kemper it also seems to work quite fine. Is there any chance of damage?

    Thanks for any answers.

    I can enter the Menu, yes.

    However it only displays AUTOSELECT (is activated) but no Serial Number of the Profiler (at least I don't see it). I cannot go UP/DOWN. I can enter Info via TUNER which then displays Software Version, Serial (which is obviously not the Serial of the Kemper), IP Address and so on. It does display an IP-Adress (169......). It is NOT

    If I close the Menu it goes back to "Waiting for connection" and shows a small "3" in the bottom right of the display.

    Since yesterday I do have an issue with my Remote, which is not connecting to the Kemper PowerRack anymore.

    Upon plugging it in it is performing the Power-Up Test then the screen switches to " Waiting for connection". After a while it does not display the "waiting for connection" anymore and only the TAP LED is slowly pulsing. The green light on the ethernet-port of the kemper is constantly lit and the orange light is flashing (in a fast and regular pattern).

    Following the advices i found on other threads I tried

    - different cables (also the original one),

    - downgrading to a lower software version (7.3.2), then upgrading again (8.7.3) trying to rule out firmware issues. Last week, I did upgrade from a beta version (7.5something, cannot remember the correct version) to 8.7.3. Upon the first check after the upgrade last week everything seemed fine.

    - using a PoE-Injector (TP-Link TL-POE150s) in between Kemper and Remote

    - inspecting the ethernet ports of the remote and Kemper. I didn't see any abnormalities regarding the pins.

    - Wiggling the connectors in the ethernet ports

    However, the issue remains. The Kemper itself works perfectly fine. Interestingly, if I attach a WiFi-Router to the Kemper I can access it via the iPad Rig Manager. Given the fact, the port does at least something if I plug in the remote and it works via the iOS Rig Manager, I assume the port on the kemper is fine and it's something wrong with the Remote Unfortunately I don't have another Remote to check this.

    Did anybody have similar issues? How did you fix it? Is there anything more I could try, besides - of course - contacting the support next week? ;)

    Thanks for your help!