Posts by 4sqbbs

    Really pleased for you!

    I will just say again, guitar cabs add massive colouration. The KPA is there to emulate the whole signal chain and so you make a profile including the cab, artificially remove it and replace it with a real cab - the results are less predictable.

    I agree with you on FRFR in that it can be very clinical but not all FRFR's are equal.

    The Kone is meant to be a solution in between FRFR and a guitar cab, giving you the best of both worlds. For me it works brilliantly although not the same for others. If you can find a way to try before you buy then I would suggest its definitely worth a shot.

    Thanks. Yeah because I'm using it purely from home as my main amp I've decided just to go full 'amp in the room' and get a 1x12. So I'll be able to use either the blue or g12-65. My thought was that if I do find it too colouring of he sound in a negative way I can buy the Kone and put it in the 1x12, or even just buy the Kone. I did the whole FRFR thing the first time I got a kemper and it just didn't do it for me, this was with the Laney 1x12 FRFR they brought out. Then tried the Kone but I just ended up leaving most profiles on the same speaker which was why I just thought well I can just get a cab with that speaker and then if for whatever reason I want another amp head in the future I can use it with that too. Got a lot of options either way though.

    Well, the Kemper arrived today, only had a short time to power it up and have a go but all seems well so far. Updated it and played through my valve amps cab with a celestion blue in it with some two rock profiles.. sounded amazing, really great. Thanks for the help everyone, just got to order a cab now, I think I'm just gonna go down the normal guitar cab route, tried FRFR in the past and wasn't a fan, not sure I want to bother with the Kone either but we'll see.

    Fab. I have the powered rack and love it. I use a Kabinet but I have run it with a 4 x12 and FRFR previously.

    Just be aware that the speakers make a huge difference to the sound. Way more than I ever realized..

    yeah I'm not fully set on kone or traditional cab, but given I'm looking for that dumble / two rock type I figured a cab with a g12-65 in would be fine for me, there's blue in the cab of my valve amp as well so I'd have two options at least.

    Thanks, yeah I think I'm going to give it a go. I've had some reliability issues with my valve amp so it's not like they're indestructible either! I'll be sure to post back here once it turns up.

    The problem is you never located the fault and so that risk will exist.

    I've had my Kemper for over 8 years now, never experienced that type of issue, so definitely not typical.

    A Two Rock and Kemper are totally different beasts so it does depend on what that itch is, but of course I did vote Kemper :). What is probably most telling from my perspective is since I've had my Kemper I've NEVER had that itch....used to have it all the time, buying amps, cables, its only

    Well the itch really is for that Two-Rock / dumble style clean, but of course it comes with a high price tag and also an element of risk that I don't actually like the amp after taking the plunge (I can't try before I buy) so the Kemper removes that really given a profile is much cheaper than a Two-Rock..

    When I did have the Kemper and used it after the hiss had dissipated it was great, used it with the Kone and loved it, but I just couldn't get past the issue. Seeing so many that have owned one for years (a decade for some!) with no issues makes me think maybe give it another go. The shop I'm looking at has a good returns policy so I'm thinking it's relatively low risk.

    Hi Everyone. I realise this is definitely not the least biased location to ask this, but about three years ago I had a Kemper, it seemed to have an issue with hiss where there would be this weird build up over ten minutes or so where it would go from inaudible to louder than the guitar before dissipating and not being heard again until the next time I turned the unit on. Long story short, sent it in for repairs a few times, nothing fixed it, I moved it along and got a valve amp again.

    I've been happy with my current amp and have no plans of selling it, but I've been getting the itch for a second amp, something like a Two-Rock most likely, and given I still have all the profiles I bought saved on my laptop (including some Two-Rock) the thought came up about getting another Kemper. I realise the unit I had was likely defective, but what do you guys think, is there a likelihood it could be some weird static in the electricity in my flat that was causing the issue, and so it would just happen again with another unit? I don't get any static hiss with my valve amp, nor do I with my HX stomp for extra info.

    So what do we think? Risk it and get another unit to use alongside my current amp? or get a second valve amp?

    I've been loving the kabinet for a few months now. I never really minded going FRFR as I used fairly heavy pure cab settings, so the change hasn't been drastic, but certainly welcome and has me much closer to where I wanted to be being a purely at home user.

    I do wonder when we will start seeing some profile packs being released (maybe we have already?) where the profile was ground up designed to be used at home with the kabinet, as, as some others have mentioned, some profiles take to kabinet use much easier than others. I've been loving a lot of michael britts profiles with the kabinet though.

    I'll try and answer as best I can, but for some of the questions I use my kemper differently so I'll have to give a best guess.

    1. I've never really felt the kemper was overpriced given how expensive the AxeFX is, and even that the Helix is not that far off price wise, but of course the it's only worth what the customer will pay so YMMV on that one. In terms of the issues you experienced; I have the toaster and haven't really had any issues at all. At the end of the day it is essentially a small computer running a very basic OS and as such it might crash every now and again, but generally speaking for me it's been fine. I haven't used the floor unit though.

    2. This was something I was surprised about too. I don't use it plugged in to the computer, but since one of it's intended uses is studio work, you would have rightly assumed it could function as an interface via the USB. Like I say I don't use it with the computer so for me it doesn't matter, but I can understand it being an irritation or even concern.

    3. I use the delays and reverbs in the kemper head and have no complaints. They sound as good as any others I've ever used so take that as you will.

    4. I had this thought too before buying as I only bought mine around 12-18 months ago at which time the kpa had been out a good few years. From what I understand kemper 'got it right the first time' (their words not mine), and have no intention of bringing out a kemper 2. Now I can't say whether that's true or not regarding ever making a kemper 2, but I have to agree they got it right, and I don't see a massive reason for a kemper 2. I don't see how it could sound or feel better, so it would just be something like a colour screen? I don't know, that doesn't much matter to me, but if you're not sure then used is the way to go. If they did bring out a kemper 2, you'd lose a little money on the kemper resale but not much if you bought it used.

    5. I haven't used Neural, but I did used to own the bias amp head. It was fine, but that's about all I can say for it. The kemper blows its amp tones out of the water. Not tried biasfx so I couldn't comment on the kemper vs bias with effects.

    I decided on the kemper as I'm normally a set and forget guy with amps, but it doesn't stop me wanting to try out different amps. Buying and selling amps isn't practical but buying a new profile pack is, so I chose kemper. I just use it at home with the kemper kone and don't see any real reason why I'd choose to go back to a traditional set up, the kemper just feels and sounds so close to what a traditional amp does that it's almost indistinguishable from the real thing, so why wouldn't I want the flexibility of picking different amp profiles whenever the mood hits.

    Hope that helps

    Glad it worked out for you in the end! I know it's probably a bit of a faff now, but it would great to hear your thoughts on similarity between the original speaker from the victory cab as opposed to the imprint of the same speaker with the kone in the victory cab

    Looking at the specs for both and the only difference I can tell (Based on something Mr Kemper said) is the tweaked whizzer cone which Im guessing alters the hf dispersion. Im sure curiosity will get the better of me and Ill get my hands on a Kone one day to try out but for now, know that the imprints sound pretty amazing on the stock K12H.

    I havent had a chance to really try FRFR on this speaker so it might fall down there, but Ill never use it that way personally so its a mute point for me.

    Im so impressed with the imprints vs FRFR. Finally feels like an amp and cab. Im now lusting after a quad of these in an a nice 4x12. Damn you Kemper!

    Yeah I've been loving the imprints so far. Feels like you have the real thing behind you when playing! I'm like you, I don't think I'll really ever use FRFR mode. When I was using the kemper with FRFR I was trying to get it to sound more amp in the room, but I didn't want to switch to using a normal cab because then I'd only be able to use the profiles with that one speaker, so the kabinet is perfect for me

    Almost finished my 1x12 cab loaded with a Celestion K12H-200TC. It sounds massive with the Kone imprints. I took a gamble on the K12H rather than the Kemper Kone version of that speaker as its literally almost 1/3 the price here in Australia. Couldnt be happier with the sound, I finally have the amp in the room sound with the flexibility of imprints for different tonal flavours. I seriously cant imagine the Kone sounding 3 times better for the price.

    I suppose the only thing to bare in mind is that the imprints were designed specifically around the the frequency response of the kone, so while I'm sure it sounds great (and that's what really matters at the end of the day), it won't be exactly the same as using the kone

    I'm not sure how the noise gate would help at all in this scenario though as I'm sure the kemper isn't supposed to make a phasey swish sound after each note.

    Haven't tried with headphones, however this issue appeared a while ago, before I owned the camplifier/ kabinet, and has in fact gone again since posting this, but it was there with my Laney LFR-112. My kpa has always had a bit of a hiss issue though (this comes through all outputs, headphones included. It's a strange hiss that builds after around 2 minutes and dissipates after a further 3 or so minutes not to be heard again until the next time the kpa is powered on), which may be unrelated but potentially worth mentioning. I have a support ticket open for that though.

    Sorry that was a miss-type! I was meaning that I was plugged directly guitar > kemper. I'm using the camplifier to power the kabinet, however back when I had the bias head with the similar sound that was the built in poweramp for that head being used. I also had a similar sound when I was using the kemper with the Laney LFR-112, so I'm fairly confident the camplifier is fine.


    How much gain does the profile have?

    Is the noise gate that's in the front on at all?

    What are the amp settings?

    Profile is of a Lazy J clean. I tried a few profiles (all clean) and the noise persisted at the time.

    Noise gate is normally completely off as usually the most gain I have is just over edge of breakup, however when I got this noise I tried turning up the noise gate with no benefit, and also a high cut filter on the effects after the profile to see if that made a difference.

    I'm sorry I'm not sure which settings you mean for the amp settings. For the recording noise gate was high, no effects before or after the profile or from my pedalboard (plugged direct guitar in to amp). Power amp is camplifier studio, however unplugging the monitor out from the camplifier (camplifier still plugged in to the kabinet), the kabinet is dead silent.

    Thanks for your help!

    Hi, have You already tried to switch On/Off the ground lift .. just to try if the hiss remains.

    Yeah I've tried the ground lifts and no change

    Hellu .

    Same "buzz sound" in headphones ?

    Something loose in the cab ?

    Something vibrating in your room ? :/

    Cheers !

    Not tested in headphones, but the sound is definitely coming from the speaker rather than the cab itself. Curiously I've just been back on the issue is no longer present again :/. Maybe pointing toward something external to the kemper causing the issue?

    This is the sound I've been getting this morning. I can't say I've had it more than a couple of times before, or if I have I just haven't really noticed it the other occasions, but it's been pretty evident this morning. You can hear it right after each note is played. I tried a few different profiles, all of my guitars (including humbucker equipped), and no effects in the chain either on the pedalboard or in the kemper.

    Not sure where it's come from but I've had weird hiss type sounds before from the kemper, most notably some hiss that would build for a time before dissipating and not being heard again until the next time I started it up. Makes me wonder if there's something up with the kemper head itself, but then I used to own a bias amp head which exhibited something similar. I've actually got a recording here from back when it was happening and it's fairly similar. Anyone think there could be something else at play here?

    For context this is the set up I currently have in my apartment. As you can see it's pretty close to the TV/ Wi-Fi router but there isn't anywhere else it can all go. I've tried to use good quality shielded cables to prevent any interference but I don't know if they could still be having an effect, or even if this kind of effect can come from the other electricals?

    Thanks for any help :)

    My first memory of wanting to play the guitar was seeing the edge on TV when I was about 6 and picking up a tennis racket to try and emulate him, which my parents must have seen because that Christmas I had my first guitar under the tree. Once I started, and really got in to it though (took me a few years...), it was Hendrix and Angus Young that had the biggest influence on me along with Page too. I'm not sure why I didn't really get in to U2 or the Edge specifically after I started playing. Maybe it was more the look? I dunno, but I'm glad that I saw it to start me on this journey