Posts by uncleozzy

    Hi all,

    I realized this morning that I never uploaded my DSL40 profiles to Rig Exchange. I don't know if you guys will like them, but I really love them, and I've used them on just about everything I've recorded for the last 2 years or so.

    It's a stock DSL40CR, miced with an SM57 right on the grill cloth, on-axis. I don't recall exactly where on the cone it was (2 years ago!) but it was likely just off the dustcap.

    The profiles are super thick, tons of mid and bass. I use them for recording, and generally wind up cranking the air (the CLA SSL high shelf "trick") and pulling out a little bit of low-mid, but otherwise they fit great as-is.

    OD1 is my go-to for just about everything right now. Not too much gain, plenty thick, responds well to dynamics. OD2 is pretty fuzzy and gnarly. Clean is spanky with just a little dirt if you dig in with hot pickups. The crunch profile I don't use much, but I uploaded it anyhow.

    They're on Rig Exchange as:

    AR - DSL40 Clean

    AR - DSL40 Crunch

    AR - DSL40 OD1

    AR - DSL40 OD2

    Hope you enjoy!

    Hi all,

    New to the forums, thought I would share some profiles of my personal amps. I uploaded three profiles of my Blackheart Killer Ant -- a one-knob, quarter-watt amp powered by a pair of 12AX7 tubes -- along with one profile of an Orange Micro Crush -- a 9v-powered micro amp -- and a profile of my preferred setting for bass on a SansAmp ParaDriver DI (it's SVT-ish).

    You can find them all by searching for author "Alpaca Room" on Rig Exchange:

    AR - Little Ant 10:30 -- The Killer Ant a little before noon

    AR - Little Ant 1:30 -- The Killer Ant a little after noon

    AR - Little Ant Dime -- The Killer Ant with the knob all the way up

    AR - Oranje Micro Crash -- The Micro Crush on the dirty channel with the gain all the way up

    AR - ParaSVT 1 -- The ParaDriver DI in an SVT-ish setting with a little bit of dirt

    There's EQ on all the Killer Ant profiles in both the EQ section and in the X slot, but you can disable it for a more raw sound. It's a weird little amp that's sort of like a hot rodded Marshall with a little different mid character. I don't record it too often, but when I do, I usually need to really juice the mids to get it to sit in the mix.

    The Micro Crush profile sounds just like the real thing, cellophane (??) speaker and all. It's small and cruddy, but it's a pretty cool sound, when you need it. This amp is actually on a track that appears on a cable news show every week here in the US... who would have thought!

    The bass profile is my go-to for tracking bass. It's thick and a little dirty and sits really well in a rock mix. The DI box is still sitting on my desk, but when I know I need this exact sound, it's easier to just plug into the Kemper.

    Anyway, hope you all enjoy!