Posts by Crash 317

    The Dan Auerbach is pretty sick. The base profile plus the gain staging with recti shaper + drive + muff is right up my alley. I kicked up the delay time/feedback/mix and reverb mix a little to taste but that's about it. Sounds glorious with a 335 w/ PAFs.

    Not trying to speak for him but I think his point was fuzzes are kinda rough on the Kemper. I'm happy with the Fuzz DS effect. It sounds great into the right profile. But it definitely doesn't cover the same ground as some common fuzzes.

    All of this is kinda a success problem -- the delays, reverbs and now drives are great, so there are fewer things to focus our bitching and moaning on.

    Got a chance to A/B:

    • 808 Mid preset against my TS Mini pedal. Turned the definition down to 3.0 and it's indistinguishable.
    • Tim Bass 1 against my Timmy v2 pedal. Turned the bass down on the pedal a little and it's indistinguishable.

    This is going straight into Kemper out to headphones.

    I noticed the Kemper Drive and OC sound significantly better into a Fender profile (Deluxe Reverb) than it does a Vox profile (AC 15/30). That's not the case with my real Deluxe Reverb and AC15. Point being -- highly recommend testing these new drives with profiles you don't normally use. Might be pleasantly surprised.

    I'd use these in place of my real pedals in a heartbeat, but I use buttons 1-5 for different amps (Fender - Vox - Marshall - Hiwatt - Mesa/Rivera). I'd have to give those up to use those buttons for switching drives. I know MIDI is a thing but it's just such a pain in the ass to maintain over time if you ever switch stuff in and out. What I really want is a bigger remote with 10 buttons.

    Just want to share a positive experience with support. A row of pixels went dead on my profiler's screen. Quick email to support on 12/30, shipped it to Colorado 1/3 on their dime, received it back today 1/13. Cost me zero dollars. Parker was a pleasure to work with. Thank you Kemper for taking care of your customers!:thumbup:

    Seems hard to argue that an updated Kemper offering Stereo rigs with either two amps+cabs or two full signal paths (at a price point less than purchasing two Kempers, in the convenience of one unit, and controllable with one remote) would make them a lot of money. They've walked away from a lot of money before, though. So who knows.

    Copy/paste below from the discussion thread with a recording sample of the wet mixes being louder. Volume parameter would solve the problem.


    Here's a recording of a loop (at input) at Mix 50%, Mix 100%/100% and Mix 100% wet.

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    You can see by the waveform that wet mixes are significantly louder.

    I cannot reproduce such behavior. Between 0% and 100% you dial the wet portion of the signal. Beyond 100% the wet portion stays flat at maximum and the dry signal portion is decreasing. The overall signal doesn't increase. As intended.

    Hi there. Appreciate your testing this.

    Here's a recording of a loop (at input) at Mix 50%, Mix 100%/100% and Mix 100% wet.

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    You can see by the waveform that wet mixes are significantly louder.

    Bottom line -- what I'm looking for is to be able to engage this Reverb without changing the overall output volume. Is there a way to make that happen?

    Not sure if it matters, but this was recorded via 1/4" outs into a Scarlett 18i20 into Reaper. DLY+REV is at 0.

    Thank you for your time!

    Dual amps is the biggest thing I miss about my old stereo tube amp rig. My Kemper sounds as good as any amp I've had the budget to own and a lot more. But it doesn't sound as good as my old AC15 and Deluxe Reverb with stereo delay and reverb effects separating the field.

    More of a question as I've learned there's usually a way to do whatever I dream up.

    Is there a way to get a tremolo rate even slower than the lowest 1/2 rate without tapping? I use it with stereo maxed out as a 1-touch stereo planner and I'd like it to pan uber slow.

    Forgive me as I'm very new to this.

    When I crank up the mix on Ionosphere Reverb presets to 100% wet, the overall signal volume increases drastically. My DLY+REV is set to 0%. Is there a way to counteract this? A volume parameter/setting would cover this neatly.

    Total tangents:

    • The Brass effect/setting is amazing. I was just about to buy a starter synth to cover sci-fi, cinematic synthy sounds but now my Kemper's got the sound in my head.
    • It'd be awesome if we could set the attack time to zero. It's pretty quick at the 0.12s minimum but it's still a hair of delay. For 100% wet + brass synthy sounds it'd be great to have zero swell/lag. But perhaps this time is the minimum the system needs to track accurately.

    For example, I'd love to program a 6-switch MIDI controller so that each footswitch changes the Reverb Effect slot to a different Reverb preset with one press.

    With that I could utilize a single slot for each effect type -- one for Delay, one for Reverb, one Tremolo, but exponentially expand what each slot can do with a single press of a footswitch.

    Even better would be if it were similar to some other MIDI-based preset pedals in which the one code/press (1) engages the slot and (2) selects that particular preset. That way, for example, if you wanted to turn on an ambient reverb when no reverb is currently on, one press on the MIDI footswitch board is all it takes. A second press turns off Reverb altogether. Very similar to the preset switches on the Line 6 DL4. Even more useful if your MIDI controller has an LED screen with a title of the preset.

    All of this becomes more useful as more top-shelf reverbs are released. I'm sure it's a serious challenge. But the power it would unlock would be astronomical and Kemper is great at creative solutions I could never have imagined.

    Sorry to resurrect this thread. But wanted to bring it back around to the earlier question. Perhaps more of a feature request.

    That is -- MIDI control that switches effect presets (e.g. Reverb, Delay, Tremolo, etc.).

    For example, I'd love to have a 6-switch MIDI controller programmed so that each switch changes to a different Reverb preset with one press. That effectively expands the 4 stereo slots exponentially. It would also allow us to utilize only one stereo slot for Delay, one for Reverb, one for Tremolo.

    All of this becomes more useful as more top-shelf reverbs are released. I don't know how to make that happen, but Kemper is great at creative solutions I could never have imagined.

    With the new Reverbs out, and the Delays still being awesome, what's everyone assigning their 4 stereo slots to?

    I feel super limited by the 4 slots. Mostly because I'm in a jam band where I don't have predetermined tones. I need effects available to mix in on the fly. Trem last, leaving me with 3 slots for delays/verbs. I really want at least 3 of each (reverb and delay) instantly accessible.

    Performance rigs don't suffice as I use those five slots for different base tones. Morphing doesn't cut it either as I want to do more than just tweak parameters on whichever delay and reverb that rig has selected.

    Bottom line for me is I'm looking at forgoing all of the killer reverb and delays, instead falling back to using the stereo loop with reverb and delay pedals. Which seems like such a waste given how great the Kemper's delays and reverbs are. If it had seven or eight stereo slots I would certainly go that route instead.

    I do have a simple 4 button MIDI controller but as far as I know you can't change which delay or reverb preset is in a slot via MIDI?