Posts by arlowest

    I really would like to see Kemper embrace a dedicated Dante output on the amp.

    Dante on the Kemper would integrate into a Dante studio so well and the latency with Dante is so incredibly low.

    Not to mention the routing capabilities, the clean clear possibilities.

    Another very cool feature is you could have your 412 cab in the cellar sound proofed to the max with mic's in place and control room 3 stories above with excellent results.

    Wishful thinking and probably been asked and debated ad nauseam here but just my 2 cents.

    Only had my Kemper for a few weeks now but GAWD I love it! Cudos to Michael Britt for the outstanding work on profiling amps. I bought everything he had. 8)

    Thanks everyone for the responses.

    I did hear from Mission and the SP25L Pro Aero is not really made for use with the Kemper.

    It will work with limited switching is what I was told.

    I sprung for EP1-KP and I am used to cry baby so it should be fine.

    I guess the sweep on the Aero seemed much wider so I was attracted to that.

    Regards to all.
