Posts by rik777

    Thanks for the condescending tone. I have made plenty of merged profiles the "right" way and wasn't knocked out by them. Perhaps I'm just an idiot, like you imply. I never said, "do it this way". I just said I did it this way and I like it. As far as your opinion of how I get the tones I like for myself, I kinda don't care, but I do get offended when you imply that I'm stupid for not knowing better. Please move on.

    lonestargtr is correct. I agree

    lonestargtr where can I find this Magic Cab?

    Thanks for the condescending tone. I have made plenty of merged profiles the "right" way and wasn't knocked out by them. Perhaps I'm just an idiot, like you imply. I never said, "do it this way". I just said I did it this way and I like it. As far as your opinion of how I get the tones I like for myself, I kinda don't care, but I do get offended when you imply that I'm stupid for not knowing better. Please move on.

    lonestargtr , Mr Ibot39 is out of line to say what he said. Not cool. I think you have been around the block a few times. Don't let the ignorant comments bother you. We ALL know your work and how great it is.

    That seems to be a pretty strict definition of a Merged profile and I'm not attempting to sell any such profiles, anyway. And as for completely wrong results... I respectfully beg to differ. And just saving a cab to a direct profile does not sound good. It works fine for doing that with studio profiles, but just adding a cab to a direct profile, at least the way I've been doing it the last few days, just sounds wrong.

    I'm not saying that this is the recommended way of doing things, nor am I saying that the manual is wrong (of course it's not). I'm just saying that I am getting great results for myself by doing this. It was an experiment to see if it worked and for me, it did. I do not know everything there is to know about the cabdriver algorithm, but there is absolutely no way that the direct amp profile "knows" what cab is being added to it, be it from the studio profile or another studio profile.

    Congratulations on your son's graduation. Sorry to hear about your singer leaving the band. That's always a pain in the butt.

    lonestargtr what is the Magic Cab?? Never heard of this.

    Kaschko that 69 Marshall is one of my favourite rigs ever too. The first gig I ever used the Kemper on that was my default rig and both the FOH engineer and Monitor Engineer came up at the end and said the combination of that and my PRS513 was the best live sound they had heard ?

    I can’t say that I’ve found the Greenback imprints to be troublesome with any rigs I’ve tried although I haven’t done an A/B with that rig.

    You could try running that rig in Full Range mode on the Kabinet instead of with an imprint and see if that works any better for you.

    Wheresthedug which mbritt pack is that 69 from?

    Hi guys,

    so Britt's 69 Marshall with the Celestion 25w greenback belong to the best profiles I know. They actually are 1 of my 2 go to profiles now. It's especially about the cab - which is of course a rare one for Britt.

    However, I am struggling to use it on the Kabinet. If I use the Greenback imprint it just doesn't sound right. And I also don't think there's any other imprint that fits 100%, the closest is probably the G12-100 (at least to my ears they are closer than the creambacks).

    That's troubling me a little since the profile is only have as good as it could be if I can't use it through the Kabinet and be sure it sounds the same as what comes to FOH. I don't have that problem with other cabinets - usually the imprints are very close to what the creators profiled. But the greenback imprint just doesn't work.

    Any else having issues with the greenback imprint? I'm sure Britt captured it well. Maybe his speakers were broken in and the Kemper imprint has fresh and noisy speakers? Please enlighten me.

    Kaschko which pack is that mbritt 69 Marshall with the greenbacks?

    MrThommy do you have any sale or discount for this pack please?

    Not yet. Between real work, studio work, and kids I haven’t had much time to even play guitar lately. When I do have time I keep going back to profile my Cameron mics, new cabs, new techniques, trying to better the profiles I already made.

    I have a pretty healthy amp collection I hope to get to and the Wizards are next on the list. Here is a fairly recent pic.

    [Blocked Image:]

    Thanks Webb and a very nice picture! Look forward to your future works.

    Generally, we are very consciously avoiding sound changes with OS updates and any innovations we introduce.

    Unfortunately, people tend to relate any issue they experience to the last update. And given our innovation rate there is always a last update.;)

    Very true Burkhard. Thank you for reply.

    I've owned my Kemper since 2018. I've read in the forums that a lot of people have had issues with OS updates. I've read people complaining about their tones, profiles, performances, effects changing or sounding different after updating to newer OS. I would love to know from Kemper if these updates do in fact change the tones or alter what we have saved in our Kempers. Is what we have saved in our Kemper supposed to change after OS updates? I would love to hear from you guys especially from people at Kemper. I'd like to add that I haven't sensed or heard a difference in my profiles and performances. Just curious after reading others on the forums that have had issues.

    Thank you.

    As hafi19 and Monkey_Man already stated ( thanks guys) indeed it’s a V-Empire Greenpoint 30.
    Unfortunately this company doesn’t exist anymore..that’s a pity because they’ve build great amps. This Greenpoint is a great example but I also have the Blue rumble MK II which is an unbelievable 4 channel amp. It’s an equivalent of a Bogner ecstacy and maybe even better.
    But unfortunately very unknown so I’m hesitating to release it as a single pack.

    Blue Rumble? Better than an Ecstacy?? breu PLEASE release this pack! I'm positive you'll have some buyers. Number 1 right here!

    A lot depends on the desk at FOH too. In many rehearsal studios where I've plugged straight into the in-house desk nothing will take the signal low enough to be workable. This happens when the desk has a mic preamp on the XLR inputs that can't be bypassed. In these cases plugging in to the line input using the TS connection is the best solution. So live venues may have desks with similar input limitations.

    Yes! I've encountered this a few times where the FOH preamps cannot be bypassed. Thanks for the tip. I didn't know to use the TS into line input.