Posts by Eyetri2015

    Check out my latest cover song, recorded on the KPA of course. "Forever" by Skid Row, this was a really fun one to play. If anyone wants to collab sometime on a rock/metal song, hit me up! :thumbup:

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    Happy holidays everyone! Hope guitar playing/kemper recording has kept most of you sane despite the crazy year we've had.

    I wanted share one of my latest music videos I just published. It’s a Van Halen cover I did with a vocalist from Chile. I wanted to do a tribute to the late Eddie Van Halen. Enjoy! Be sure to subscribe to my channel! :thumbup:


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    Hey Kemper Community!

    Hope everyone is doing well. If you're into modern metal, check out my latest KSE cover for their new song "The Signal Fire". I've been using the DI track to edit/tighten up my guitar parts and man what a difference it makes. :thumbup:

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    Hey Guys! Just recently figured out how to insert streaming tabs into my guitar videos and was super excited. I recorded the solo to Metallica's Nothing Else Matters to celebrate.

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    Great track Kevin, thanks for sharing! Well done, nice playing from all of you. Guitars sound great, great power. To my taste the drums are a bit thin, lacking the depth and power of the real drums. Actually I don't know the original track so I can not judge if that is just a style thing. For me a bit more cut through and body of the drums would fit better.

    By the way: I have similar topics sometimes as I am guitar player and sound mixer in the band. Drummer often complains "too much guitar, not enough drums" 8o8)

    Thanks for the advice! You know in the back of my mind, I thought I could have boosted the drums just a bit, or even just the snare. I'm find myself often obsessing over minute details when mixing, only to say enough it enough. Next project I'll pay more attention to where the drums are sitting.

    Could this also potentially be attributed to youtube's compression on top of my own compression on the mix? I mean, sitting in my home studio I think it sounds incredible, now that we're listening on youtube, I have to agree with you.

    Hey guys! One positive that has come out of this quarantine is more time to play the kemper! I just wrapped up my latest metal cover of one of Killswitch Engage's new songs. This was my 1st time mixing real drum tracks. Overall I am happy with the finished product. Let me know what you think!



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    Hey Guys!

    Just finished up my 1st kemper recording project with the new drum VST GetGood Drums Invasion. Totally happy with the finished product! Thanks for watching!

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    Hey Everyone! I just finished my first recording project using the KPA w/ an acoustic electric. I was happy with the final product however I was told at GuitarCenter that acoustic guitars should always be mic'd and not plugged in directly like this for recording. Thoughts/opinions? What is everyone else doing to capture a quality acoustic guitar tone?

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    Hello everyone! This might be a silly question but I'm more looking for confirmation of what I think is correct.

    My goal is to record DI/Wet tracks into DAW simultaneously with the wet track being complete w/ all pre/post fx, exactly as the commercial profile came and was demo'd in the promo videos. For this to happen, I must change the spdif output to "git/master", correct? I originally had it set to git/stack which sounded ok but then I realized this setting omits all of the pre/post fx that the profile comes with.

    Thanks in advance!:thumbup:


    Totally depends on what I want to achieve. I have quad tracked with exactly the same riff just with a different sound and guitar. And I used quads only for the single note bass tones of the riff or used a higher version for more sparkle and so one.

    I use quad tracking with the exact same riff normally when I want to make everything wider and deeper, it takes everything a bit back and not so in your face like with only two or three tracks. You can edit the s*** out of it to make it ultra tight but normally 2 or 3 tracks does their job too and for tone stacking you can do tone stacking with different reamps. :)

    But sometimes just adding a different guitar brings out the tone that you want. I have a tone for my own music where I sometimes use my PRS and a Tele with the same riff. I try to play them as close as possible and than edit them a bit. That has such a great power with the additional twang and the lovely bass attack of the Tele together with the dark and warm sound of the PRS. They are blended together nearly at the same level but from passage to passage in the riff one of them is a bit more dominant.

    If I combine different styles of the riff I normally have a main tone and the other ones are a bit back. So as an example if I quad with a single note bass line I want this to support the riff and not to be totally in front of the main riff. But sometimes it's nice to automate this for dramatic effects.

    Awesome! Thanks for the tips.

    Hey Everyone!

    For those of you who quad track guitars to help create that thick/punchy metal sound, I was curious to know what is your approach?

    Do you have a primary rig right/left with a secondary rig mixed in lower, or is rig 1 the main right channel and rig 2 the main left channel for example? I understand there's no black/white answer here but I was wondering what people have used to produce satisfactory outcomes in the past?

    Thanks in advance! :thumbup:


    Hey Everyone!

    I just posted my latest recording project w/ the KPA, Pat Benatar's Invincible. I'm really stoked on how it came out. Thanks to all of you :thumbup: I continue to learn little tips and tricks on the KPA with each song I do. Overall, I'm really happy with the guitar tones on this song.

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    Thanks everyone for your comments, experiences, and tips here! I agree that I'm underestimating drums/bass. I actually just picked up a nice bass guitar so I'm excited to see how this can improve my mixes. I'm also going to experiment more with quad tracking.

    Also, I know this may be a completely subjective question, however what seems to be the consensus on highest quality/most user friendly VST drum software? Up until now, I've either manually programmed drums into the DAW with my Boss Dr. Rhythm pad, or imported MIDI directly from guitar pro. Both functional/rookie options indeed, I feel I'm just scratching the surface. I know I can massively improve my mixes with a better drum VST software.

    Watching youtube or even browsing sweetwater/guitar center, my ears/eyes just glaze over and I feel overwhelmed with the amount of choices for VST drums. I was looking at getgood drums, but then it seems superior drummer may be more user friendly? :/Then there are metal expansion packs for each brand 8|. The last thing I want is a terabyte of drum samples only to use 5% of the sounds available...

    Thanks again guys!

    Hey Guys!

    My primary interest as a proud KPA owner has been home recording, however next year I may have the opportunity to play live with a band.

    For those of you who gig with the KPA, do you have any tips for dialing in your live sound? Is it just trial and error at the specific venue? Do you get it most of the way there at home through your studio monitors/guitar cab? Any major changes with output settings for playing live vs. at home?

    Also, are in-ear monitors pretty much standard for performing live today?

    Thanks in advance! :thumbup:


    Hi Guys!

    I wanted to get some opinions on how modern metal bands (eg. As I Lay Dying/Killswitch Engage) and producers are tracking guitars to achieve that fierce, thick, in-your-face, punchy guitar tone (while maintaining extreme clarity and avoiding a muddy/washed out sound)

    I'm still new to recording with the KPA, but something tells me there is a lot more going on than simply double tracking with a high gain profile.

    Is it a specific KPA amp setting eg. clarity/dry mix?

    Is it quad tracking?


    EQ/compressors/maximizers in the DAW?

    Fancier audio interfaces? (although with SPDIF does this matter?)

    Or is it all of the above and more? :/

    Overall, I've been extremely happy with my hard rock/metal mixes w/ the KPA thus far, but am always looking to improve and optimize.

    My basic setup = ESP LTD MH1001 (EMG pickups) -> KPA -> Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 (SPDIF) -> Cubase DAW

    Thanks in advance!:thumbup: