Posts by Fedest

    I had a TP-Link WiFi range extender (TL-WA860RE) laying around unused, so I decided to test it with the Kemper.
    Not suitable to use with the remote, but works like a charm otherwise. And the AC Passthrough socket came quite handy, as I didn't have an additional free socket nearby, so I can use a single socket for both the Profiler and the WiFi range extender (it's a bit bulky, though, so the plug next to it must be a skinny one)

    Why don't put your pre-amp FXs before the Profiler guitar input? that way you won't need another loop. Also, why not send analog out from the post-amp pedals into the interface and record that to Protools? With a decent interface (and I would assume most of the interfaces supporting S/PDIF are), it shouldn't make any significant difference to sound quality vs. using a loop return and S/PDIF, as you'd have one step of A/D conversion after the FXs, in both cases. Plus, that way you could have at the same time, available for recording, analog stereo signal with all the FX, and mono signals for Stack and DI via S/PDIF.

    How can the same software be in a beta state for hardware A and in a release state for hardware B ?
    I would understand if hardware B was older than hardware A, so you could say that the software is beta for the new hardware because of the new features. But since as we know, the stage is the new hardware, this doesn't make any sense.

    The reasoning is that it was not possible to sell a device with only beta software, so they decided to call it release instead, but the stage is indeed sold with beta software. Which makes me think the stage release was rushed (for financial reasons ? ).

    Well, it is also possible that they did much more thorough rounds of internal testing for the 7.0 software against the new Stage hardware, than what the did/usually do on the Toaster/Racks for which they can also "outsource" big part of the testing to the big user-base willing to instal Beta releases.

    The release of the Stage may have been rushed or not, but as a new piece of hardware running complex software, it is not at all unthinkable that the first versions of the software will have bugs that the users will run into, that weren't found in the internal testing, and that these will be quickly solved.

    Regarding the different naming convention (Release vs. Beta) for what appears to be the same software, it makes sense when you consider that there is no 6.* version of the OS for the Stage to be considered the stable one. A beta release warns the user: "This is not the version that Kemper recommend that you have installed in your hardware for the most reliable performance. You should only go ahead and install this software if you can put up with running into a few bugs that you are likely to find. Otherwise you are better off staying with the latest stable release for now".
    For Stage users, the recommended version for the most reliable performance is the latest 7.0.x update, and there is no reason not to install them. Calling those Beta would actually be more confusing, and may prevent many users from updating. And this, in turn, could imply a longer time for bugs on the Stage to be found and subsequently fixed.

    Also on the Rack-Profiler (it has no LEDs round the knobs)?

    What he means that was shown on the NAMM videos is the new Software editor, AKA RigManager 3.0. In the demos, the editor had "software knobs" for setting parameters, and the morphing parameters displayed in colors around those. Nothing being displayed on the hardware profiler, so makes no difference for Rack, Toaster or Stage.

    Do performances have to have identical effects chains to have spillover work properly when switching between rigs in any given performance.

    If I understand it correctly, you can always have spillovers when switching between rigs, for delays and reverbs that are located in the default DLY and REV modules. CK himself mentioned " 'condition-free spillover' of the DLY and REV module" in this same thread (page 21) as one of the reasons to keep the serial signal flow as it is and not introducing parallel effects routing.

    Wouldn't setting the KPA in reamping mode and playing some audio from the computer while browsing and tweaking profiles work exactly as you want? I know it requires additional connections, but since the usb cannot be used as an audio interface, this idea seems unlikely to work through usb either (although it may be technically possible since it doesn't have the same requirement for low latency. I have no idea, just speculating here).

    Sorry if I miss something obvious about the reamping setting, I haven't made myself familiar with that process yet.

    Universal Audio Twin MkII has two analog Mic / Line / Hi Z inputs, 4 line outputs and an ADAT or S/PDIF input. To connect to a Kemper, you'd need a decent S/PDIF to lightpipe adapter.

    The A/D and D/A quality is excellent. Many commercial music releases have been made using Apollo Twin. Better still, you get access to all of the world class UAD plugins.

    You can get a Twin Mk II with a single DSP chip for $599. The 2 chip model is $799 and the 4 chip model is $1199.

    You are totally missing the point. Even at $599 that's about at least 6 times the price you would pay for an entry level interface. And at that price range there are plenty of (cheaper) options that include S/PDIF in & out, without the need for any additional adapters.

    What I am proposing, is a different product, with the main goal of being of being the most affordable option, while still delivering the best possible signal from the Kemper to the DAW, because of that signal remaining digital all the way. Should be considerably more affordable than what's already in the market.

    And to keep it affordable, it should be just S/PDIF in & out. No additional Mic / Line / Hi Z inputs. No additional outputs. No A/D nor D/A conversion at all. No fancy chip able to run tons of plugins, just enough processing power to handle S/PDIF signals with low latency.
    Portability would be a side-effect of the simplicity. Target market would be those who would use the Kemper itself as the USB audio interface if that was possible, like it is on competitor products like the Helix, AxeFX, Headrush, etc.

    I have seen many requests to enable the USB port as an audio interface, but it’s been suggested that is probably not technically possible since USB port may not be connected to the DSP.

    Cheapest solution is to get an entry level audio interface, and stay analog. Downsides are that routing the signal through entry level preamps andA/D converters, and reamping with these is difficult. To get S/PDIF and keep the signal digital and unaltered, and reamping easy, one has to invest more that twice as much to get a higher quality interface, with probably much more I/Os and higher quality preamps and A/D D/A converters, that someone looking for the cheapest alternative is probably not planning to use. Plus they are in general not super portable.

    I assume that a super simple interface that has S/PDIF in and out only, and nothing else, could be made for considerable cheaper than even the entry level audio interfaces, and with a quite small footprint. It could be the ideal add-on to the profiler for those wishing it had USB interface capabilities. And with the release of the Kemper Stage, potentially a number of new users whose main focus is live usage and don’t already have an interface; or that would like to keep equipment as light as possible, and still be able to track guitars at the highest quality while on the road, would find such a product very interesting.

    So there you have it: Kemper or anyone reading with entrepreneurial spirit, go for it! ;);)

    (And if such a thing already exists, please let me know where! my research has been unsuccessful).