Posts by hartgtrz

    FreeBlues, try an 1/8" mini stereo to a 1/4" stereo/ balanced. 1/8" out of your headphone jack on the Mac...1/4" in to the KPA aux in. I actually use a rack mount mixer (I have the non power rack unit) and run the KPA mains out to the mixer. Backing tracks in another channel in stereo and monitor from the headphone out of the rack mixer. It works great also live as an IEM/ stereo guitar mixer for monitoring

    you should be able to run your backing tacks thru the Kemper and monitor it with space in stereo from the kPA headphone jack. I've never done it but some guys run their monitor mix into the KPA and mix it with the guitar. the backing tracks may not be may not be stereo though, not sure? I run my main LR out to my audio interface and monitor thru that and it sounds pretty good to me?

    I can say that my Kemper sounds awesome with my DT770's. There must be something affecting your sound via the setup? In over 40 years of playing guitar, I have not had a better sound via headphones. I suspect it is not the Kemper but the way you have it set up. I wouldn't give up yet, go thru the video tutorials. You may find something there that corrects your problem. check your input section. good luck.

    Good day all!

    After performing with my KPA for several months, I am going to take a stab at profiling my amps this weekend. Question: is there any noticeable difference or advantage in using a Les Paul w/ humbuckers or a Strat with single coils when profiling or refining the signal? As I understand it, the initial profiling process does not involve or consider the guitar type and pups (other than the amp is set up with whatever guitar you are using at that time). Any advice regarding this?

    Line6 allows for 2 amp blocks to be loaded at the same time allowing to 'Morph" between 2 amps at different distortion/ gain settings. Kemper does not.

    Using the morph feature to add hi degrees of "amp" gain does not work well IMO. the amp model used is captured/ profiled at a certain gain stage. adding great amounts of gain to a profile makes the profile sound "fizzy". Conversely, starting with a hi gain profile and lower the gain to a clean setting yields a lifeless profile sound. Morphing gain/ distortion levels works better using stomps. The Kemper really works more like a multi channel amp. I do use profiles that are clean or on the edge of breakup and then morph a stomp pedal to increase gain. I think that works well in most situations, but it cannot go from a Roland jazz chorus clean to a Diezel full blown roar and yield a convincing amp sound. At least I have not been able to do that?

    My take; the amp in the room discussion is not even a thought for me. I've played with 100 watts into 412's/ split 412s with (2) 50 watt Marshalls, 212's, dual 1-12s, single combos, dual combos, etc...just about every combo out there. When it comes down to it, here is what the kemper offers IMO...

    a multitude of great tones that translate very well to the FOH for your audience. I monitor my Kemper in stereo via IEM and the sound is awesome. I run a FRFR to get feedback on stage as needed. To get such variety of tones you would have to run a slew of amps on stage and a well stocked pedal board/ outboard EFX unit. Even a 3 channel tube amp (mesa, etc) lacks in what you can achieve (variety) with the Kemper. Please know that I am not discounting your concern, I simply believe the benefits of this gear far outweighs the need for the "amp in the room" feel.

    Most new pedal train kits come with double stick velcro for the board rails and for the backs of your pedals. Pretty simple to put together. As far as the EFX pedals, usually you would run time based effects in the EFX loop of the Kemper (or an amp). Not the hard rule, they just seem to "play well" in most EFX loops.

    Actually if you emulate the way Kemper has its EFX laid out, you should get good results. Drive pedals before amp profiles. Time based EFX after amp. EQ can be pre or post profiles depending on if you want to drive the profile (pre) or do a final EQ shape of the sound (post). If you add drive pedals to your board, run them in front of the Kemper- now, as to the order of your drive pedals, it depends on what you are trying to achieve. But that could probably be a thread of its own and widely debated by guitarists far and wide 8o

    curious, what about the pure cab function is not working for you?

    Makes sense. I have a few Pedaltrains (and Voodoo power), among them one of the small ones. I had my Shure wireless velcro'd onto the board as well. Even though I won't run pedals now with the Kemper, I'll probably keep the same power / wireless config on a small board both for ease of setup and fewer things to break from fooling with them.

    Out of curiosity, if you've got the Voodoo, why do you still use the wall wart for power - is it a non-standard voltage?

    good question. I do not have a cable that will go from the Voodoo to the mini usb to power the G10. I am sure they exist, just never have tried to find one. The other reason is that all my power ports from the Voodoo are being used to power other pedals. I just bought a new, larger pedal train board and flight case (with wheels!) that I will be setting up so I have enough room to mount the Kemper remote. I am trying to set up a pedal board that I can run with my MeBo mark 5/35 analog or any other amp... or use in sync with the Kemper and the Kemper remote. I do a chruch gig that they prefer me to use a tube amp (I am working on them to let me use the KPA- but old attitudes can sometimes die hard). I also do a few travel dates every year that I just take guitars and a pedal board and run thru provided amps. I figure if I set the board up correctly, I could meet any of these requirements and be able to use the Kemper if allowed to do so.

    Yes. It stays wired at all times. the wall wart plugs into the AC plug of my VooDoo lab 2plus. That sits on a Pedaltrain board (secured via velco) which is transported in a road case. I can see where it could break if you are always plugging in / wiring it for every gig. So far, I've had no issues.

    G10 user here for the last year or so. No issues for me. I mount the docking unit on my floor board. I don't usually roam too far from the unit, but i have walked out into an empty auditorium during sound checks to hear the mix and had no problems. That was easily farther than 15 meters without any drop outs. I can't sense any latency at all. I have A/B 'd the unit with a gold tip monster cable and cannot hear any noticeable loss in fidelity. The bug is nice and fits wells in all my guitars (les pauls, strats, teles, godins, jacksons) super easy to swap it out when changing guitars vs using a belt or strap pack unit with a cord. All that for $160, hard not to love it.

    Wheresthedug ...I think you have a good point about using the Main Out (mono) to the board via balanced signal. I will re wire my rack and send the direct and monitor outs to my rack mixer and see if there is an audible difference. I was hesitant to do this first as sending unbalanced signals to my IEM mixer would be unbalanced and possibly carry line level noise in my IEM mix.