Posts by bluzgtr68

    Hello. Shouldn't it be possible for the Kemper to compare the spectra of the Amp/mic/preamp chain to the initial created profile and give statistical data about how they match?

    In my simplistic idea of how the Kemper works I think that the Kemper simply tries to match the frequency spectrum of the signal it sees to that of a standard in its memory. Isn't that why you have to give a gain or distortion range for your profile when you create one? In that way, the Kemper chooses a standard spectrum closest to the amp and settings you are trying to profile? Maybe I'm thinking about this in wrong way, but its the only way I can make sense of how great the Kemper sounds.

    Maybe the Kemper could give statistical data about matching between the amp and the profile for various frequency bands. That could guide how you proceed in further refinement.

    This should help quell your misgivings on the matter, bluz. Something Christoph wrote in June last year:

    Christoph Kemper's Take on the DSP

    The Profiler is not aged. The DSP we use is not the fastest by megahertz, but it has AFAIK the highest code efficiency per megahertz for DSP jobs, of all processors out there. The Eventide H9 and others runs on the same processor family.

    But adding new effects is not a matter of horsepower. We could theoretically add another 500 new effect types. It is all about memory to keep all this code in the hardware. Since we are not running all possible effects at the same time, but only those that you have dialled into your rig, calculation power is not really an issue.

    Thanks for bringing that comment to my attention, Monkey_Man. My whole question or comment stemmed from the little bit of knowledge I have about early parallel computing when the real concerns were indeed communication and storage. I know things have come a long way since then.

    It is indeed a moot point. Perhaps modern computational technology has me spoiled. If they are still using the same DSP chips they installed in the first KPAs off the assembly line then that certainly offends my sensibilities with regard to hardware technology.

    However, the value of the KPA isn't found solely (or actually mostly) in its hardware, but within the software. When purchasing a KPA you are subscribing to the Kemper software service. They seem to have made great progress in squeezing all they can from their algorithms.

    I was mainly wondering if the KPA 1.0 was develop with an eye on modular upgrades. It would be rather odd to me if the KPA I purchased a few months ago (and was built approximately a year or so ago) would have the exact same DSP chips that they installed in the 2012-13 model. If this is indeed the case, then that makes my musings a moot point.

    You are indeed correct that software efficiency buys you much more than computing horsepower, but 6 years in computational technology is a very long time in regard to hardware.

    You will note that I mentioned that the KPA 1.0 would be relevant for a long time to come. That's because of Kemper's commitment to continuous improvement of their software. I was wondering if perhaps they had designed the Kemper hardware with thoughtfulness for hardware upgrades.

    When I assemble my PC the components I use always are in regard to future upgrades. If possible, I purchase a motherboard that will not only be compatible with my CPU, but the motherboard should also be able to interface with CPUs that are more powerful and (at the time) much more expensive. The RAM, expansion and peripheral slots of the motherboard are all considered with an eye on future upgrades.

    Why not design the KPA 2.0 with a vision of upgrading the KPA 1.0 hardware? The KPA 1.0 was a significant investment for many of us and though (in my opinion) it will continue to be relevant for at least a decade to come, having an eye on upgrading the DSP and memory capabilities would not be a waste of resource. I think many of us would invest significant resource to upgrade our KPA 1.0 to a KPA 1.5.

    Am I completely off base on this? Is the hardware of the KPA 1.0 so integrated that any upgrade would require gutting the whole thing?



    Welcome to the Family:)

    Thanks! I have been a die-hard tube amp guy since the early 90's and could never get used to the sound and feel of modelers, but boy has the KPA changed my thinking. At least in regard to I wanted the line six heelicks to work for me, but it didn't come close to what I could hear and feel with the KPA. I know some have success with custom impulse responses and the heelicks, but it wasn't for me.

    I've been using a Furman PL-PLUS DMC with no issues at all.…r-PL-PLUS%20DMC

    How did you determine it's related to your power supply?

    I started a problem ticket and was told to do some tests. The problem appeared to disappear when I moved the power supply for the Mackie further from the KPA. The background distortion came back today with the Mackie power supply segregated, but I eventually noticed that is was related to the guitars proximity to the Mackie mixer as well.

    The problem is that as a chord is decaying to silence I could hear what sounded like a low volume distortion for a few seconds before the gate kicked in. It was still present when I turned the gate to zero, so I started a problem ticket. Tonight I determined it was related to the guitars proximity to the mackie's power supply.

    I'm not 100% sure that this is the culprit, but it seems to be. A good power coditioner or maybe UPS could help.

    Thanks for all your suggestions.