Posts by Jamesc

    - "doesn't quite get the idea behind it"

    Well, you say that but that's not really how a product and its lifecycle work.

    What the people want and how a product solves their problems are king.

    People (including myself) want this thing to be a tiny all in one unit for smaller gigs, traveling, low key shows.

    Sure there have to be tradeoffs but the Kemper Drive pedal should not be one of them.

    I'd love to here from Kemper as to whether they are interested in adding a couple of those stomps back in.

    There's a big difference in being able to show up at a gig with JUST this and a guitar (as their promo material shows) and this, a guitar and other pedals, no?

    Eyyyyy gang,

    I play guitar mostly, recently though, I've been playing bass a lot.

    I find that I have to severely re-do the output section and wish I had at least two memory banks in the output section where I could store different parameters in the output section and switch between them at the touch of a button.

    I am lazy, please help.

    On the subject of someone cloning the kemper algorithms, I can't speak to it but it sounds like fantasy.

    On the subject of the notion of piracy in the commercial rig space...

    I don't think I've ever seen a user plea for a close ecosystem like this. I think it would be hell if profiles had DRM. In the words of Gabe Newell, "Piracy is a service issue".

    If it's easier to pirate or there are regions where people can't afford the product, why not pirate it? The more hoops you have to jump through to get stuff working, the better the experience.

    It's kind of a bummer that Kemper doesn't have a storefront for all the commercial profile creators so we can have one place to visit but I think the ecosystem is quite fun to be honest.

    HW from ToneJunkie makes fun content, Michael Britt makes just quality stuff you know you can rely on.

    I have a few of their packs and a few others and have spent about $200 on commercial profiles after engaging in the world of the Profiler for a few years and I basically use the Morgan AC20 from the Rig Exchange, two profiles form the JMProto pack from Tone Junkie, a JMP and Plexi profile from a pack I'm not sure where I got em.

    Piracy isn't even remotely an issue facing this community.

    Just curious, @OP do you not have insurance on the items that are damaged? If you do then just claim from insurance and buy new gear? Obviously I'll understand if you don't have insurance on the gear.

    Yes we do however, we just moved into the house and for some reason it was part of the agreement that the previous owners throw in a year of home insurance and home warranty.

    I haven't been able to dig the policy up yet. I will of course try to claim.

    I have now sent it off via the provided shipping label.

    Also, the laptop has gone. I'm waiting to see if there are any black friday/cyber monday deals for studio monitors and would love recommendations :D

    Thanks for some of those compassionate sentiments there all. When if all happened, I was in absolute shock. I'm working from home during the pandemic, luckily I had a desktop machine but I do most of my work on the laptop and travel a lot and play video games, record music on the laptop and of course play with the profiler every day.

    I'm incredibly lucky to have had that set up and even more lucky that I kept my job throughout so as it is all a set back, we (my Wife and I) will not suffer much hardship getting it all up and running again.

    I'll update again once the diagnosis is complete, also when an electrician has been and after thanksgiving, once I've tested the outlets with a tester.

    I've just talked to to the person you've spoke with. possibly, details were lost in translation but "he couldn't say for certain but he doesn't see why it wouldn't be covered" wasn't what he stated and wanted to relay. we operate the same way out US office does: if there's an issue we'll of course have a look and do our best to help - but we cannot make a statement or claim about warranty coverage without even looking at the unit. i hope that clears it up.

    I was trying to state that whereas the initial contact stated very quickly that -

    "this type of damage is not covered under warranty. So you will be responsible for the cost of the boards."

    As Mountainman said, the blown components are very telling and their investigation will give insight as to what occurred, damage from power surges aren't covered. Is a far stronger communication of the policy than what I had received.

    The gentleman on the phone had not only an excellent approach to dealing with a situation that was clearly upsetting to me, his English was fantastic, his concern for my experience was clear and far more in line with the customer service I expect from Kemper and he didn't convey a message that essentially wrote off the idea that this warranty is in play. He also didn't contradict Parker, he clarified that he couldn't say for certain which is far more appropriate.

    Also, I still haven't received my RMA label.

    Have now received label.

    chu, No "accusations" merely speculation. The OP has stated that his home has been looked over by an electrician. In my 35 years of using and working with non-voltage related musical equipment, on stages and in studios, I have never come across an issue such as this. Please do not suggest that I have no sympathy for the OP. Indeed, I have.. Having said that, I find the title of the thread, "Kemper killed speakers, laptop and finally itself " to be highly misleading .

    Good call fair enough, I neutered the insinuation in the title.

    As I've said a few times. I have no certainty as to the cause. I only know what happened on the day.

    The fact that I plugged in from the same output into a different device later that showed the same symptom whereas the kabinet was still plugged in and working felt like that output had a fault.

    Quit the trolling accusations, let's see where this goes. The OP has been polite but understandably he's upset because he's just lost a tonne of gear. We'd all be upset.

    There's clearly something at fault, and logical fault finding starts with one step at a time. Hopefully the KPA will be checked over and repaired without significant cost. Once done, then rest of the gear can be considered.

    Thanks mate. Needless to say, I will get another electrician. I will also send the unit in for diagnosis and will trust the Kemper staff to figure out what's wrong.

    I'm beginning to smell a troll here. There is absolutely no way the KPA could have caused the amount of damage the OP describes without there being other manifestations of electrical problems within his house... Lights, refrigerators, washing machines. microwaves etc.. If he's not troll, then he's not telling us the full story.

    That really isn't the case. I'm being honest and including as much info as possible. I'm devastated and blown away by what happened on Saturday. What on earth would lead you to believe I'm not speaking in good faith?


    I can only advise to get somebody to check the electrical situation.

    There is absolutely no way you can can damage a laptop and active speakers with a Profiler unless you either do something fundamentally wrong, the unit is damaged in a way we never have seen before. Maybe there is an outside factor such as the cabling of your house etc. I understand that this must be totally frustrating, possibly an issue you can forward to your insurance though.

    For the safety of the people living at this place, you should find the reason behind all this.

    Hey, thanks for the reply. Honestly, we just moved in and had a thorough inspection. I had an electrician in a few months ago when I last contacted Kemper support because I thought the amp sounded strange through the kabinet.

    I am really just upset that Parker from Kemper American said it wasn't covered in the warranty, I spoke to someone from EU support today who said he couldn't say for certain but he doesn't see why it wouldn't be covered.



    Strange indeed ......

    BTW, how does your kabinet make sound when connected to the monitor out ?

    There must be some power amp to , right ?

    Or do you have a powered KPA ?

    Not that it matters now when it is "toasted", just wondering .........

    I actually think it's sounded strange for a while. I opened a previous support ticket and set recordings. Support staff said they thought it sounded ok.

    Something fishy with that Furman ? :/

    Could be. It is quite new. Here's the strange thing too though. My kabinet was plugged in the monitor out of the profiler the entire time and was working throughout!

    If the power was the problem, I figured the profiler itself wouldn't have functioned. It only malfunctioned when something was plugged into it.

    Nothing else was plugged into the Furman.

    A safety warning :

    Just make sure that there´s no malfunctioning electric cables or outlets

    that have made the KPA housing electric instead of grounded, and

    thereby even made the XLR ´s ground / shield electric .... Hense the

    big pop when connecting to other gear ...... =O

    Yes sir, I am plugged into a Furman surge protecting power strip before the wall outlet. We've had electricians in the house before we moved in to inspect and certify their inspection. House is not something I am worried about.