Posts by Steve Try

    I certainly get your meaning, but that doesn't sound like Apple's fault. Could they have made it backwards compatible? Probably...but they also don't support an OS more than three versions back. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    As for useless......I'm still running two 12 year old Macs that were purchased new. The iMac is on its second hard drive and requires a video card swap to update beyond High Sierra. Doable, but not for the faint hearted. The Air went to Monterey without issue. It runs a little hot, but loading a 2 year old OS onto a 12 year old machine? I'm surprised it runs at all.

    In comparison, Windows machines tend to not age well.

    Turn of phrase Ruefus; We tinkerers find a way . I baked the graphics card from my iMac twice to re-flow the soldering before it finally gave up the ghost due to the massive amounts of heat that thing generated. I'm still using the screen from that machine to this day. Macs are built like tanks but I think the new MO for apple is to release as many tiny updates to the kernel as possible so that none of the hardware can (officially) live it's full lifetime.

    My comment was really referring to the keyboard and trackpad that will soon become paperweights rather than remaining useful for a few more years.

    I see,
    It seems you didn't do the postinstall. During the installation from the USB stick, no drivers for Bluetooth, audio or graphics card are available. The drivers may not be known at this point.

    The post-installation process determines and installs the necessary drivers only after the installation. Therefore, you should always have a wired keyboard and mouse at hand. With a notebook, the keyboard and the touchpad should suffice for installatio

    I did the post install with both Ventura and latterly Monterey. It's a Macbook so the onboard keyboard and trackpad worked fine.

    I don't think Opencore even looks to install any drivers for the wireless keyboard and trackpad for this machine because it isn't an iMac or Mac Pro. They don't work on either OS. From what I've read, it looks like it is something to do with the bluetooth stack being linked to a legacy USB protocol in certain older machines. This protocol appears to have been dropped in Monterey and there isn't any simple patch available. It looks like a hardware upgrade would be required. Apple do seem to love rendering their expensive hardware useless after a few years. Thankfully not so with CK...

    Having said that, Big Sur worked fine with the wireless hardware so I'll stick with that OS for now.

    How old is your MAC ?
    Im running Monterey on an 2011 MacBook Pro. And Ventura on an 2014 iMac.
    Did you rund the Postinstallation Procedure ?…her/MODELS.html

    2011 Macbook Pro. I tried Ventura but the bluetooth module doesn't work. I use a wireless keyboard and trackpad so it was a no go. Maybe Monterey will work better. I might give it a go when I have a free evening.

    I did some further research and found that the iMac I have requires a graphics card update to run a newer, unsupported OS. Not simple, but possible.

    I had incorrectly assumed my Air from the same year wouldn’t work.

    Just updated it to Catalina. Seems to run fine and RM connected to my Profiler with no problems._

    Thanks for the nudge!


    A really stable and good method to install the new MAC OS Ventura on older MAC's is "Open Core Legacy Patcher".
    I myself have installed this on several devices and it's really easy to use.
    You need a USB stick and should of course have a backup of your data.

    Attached video link:

    Download Link:…eases/tag/0.6.6

    I was going to try this but I think my mac is actually too old to run Ventura using this patch. I patched it with Mojave instead and left a comment on another thread regarding this so I think this may come up again with a few other users as there are plenty of macs that won't officially support any OS beyond 10.13.

    Unfortunately for me - both my old Macs are 2011. One of the years you *can't* update. Unofficially or otherwise. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Mine's a 2011 MacBook Pro. It works fine. I don't know about the other models though.

    Hey Steve, Thanks for the advice. I've used DosDude's patches before. If you're careful, they work! But right now, I've got several projects on my old machine, and I can't take a chance on things going south—too much risk for me.

    With APFS file system you can allocate space for another bootable "partition" that shares the drive dynamically with the older OS minimising the space used for the new version while retaining the stable OS for your other projects.

    Same here. Can't officially update beyond 10.13 (High Sierra). There is a third party patch available to get 10.14 running on older macs and Mojave still has support for 32 bit legacy software thankfully in addition to running the new RM.

    I don't know if this suggestion would be of any use to anyone else, but I thought it might be good if the 'Quick' button could be assigned any one press function from the Kemper, specifically those in menus on soft keys.

    I would find it useful to be able to program this key to turn the power amp on and off quickly without having to scroll through to the last page of the Output section.

    I'm thinking something similar to how the Lock button operates.

    I'd be interested to know how to do this as I don't seem to be able to figure out how to display the tuner on the MC8 either. I really want to be able to reflect the toggle status of each of the Stomps/Effects on the MC8 screen too when I select a preset but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the Kemper to output CC messages (or other MIDI) via the MIDI Out port to the MC8 MIDI In port. Bi-Directional MIDI seems to still be a bit of a mystery. It must be possible because the Uno4Kemper chip was able to do this on the FCB1010.

    Yeah I quickly set up and I get a lot of noise, even with the noise gate....then I switched the sim off and found no difference....I need to play around a bit...

    I'm getting a lot of boomy noise artefacts too when I strum hard. Not sure why as I've turned everything off as per the manual. Sounds a bit crackly too even with the noise gate set to 10.

    My thoughts are that if the keyboard could replicate turns of the pots on the front of the Profiler then it might save a bit of wear on the hardware. Obviously that would leave a limitation in terms of how far one could be from the amp as you would need to be able to see the display to know what you're editing. Maybe deeper editing control wouldn't really be necessary but 'on the fly' stuff for use during a performance could be helpful.

    I'm not clear on how this would work.

    Are you suggesting that a keyboard be plugged into the KPA?

    I have a keyboard with a wireless dongle which I use to edit the names on the Profiler. The dongle stays in the back.

    Anyone on here know what a single Kone does with the Aux input if it is stereo? I read that the cone can reproduce the aux input in a linear fashion when being used as a guitar speaker with an imprint but I haven't seen any info about whether this sums the stereo input for mono output or if it just reproduces the left/right channel.

    No interest?

    I find this surprising since there must be people that just want to edit settings without needing to drag a laptop around with them or to use the (sometimes) slow to use front panel controls.