Posts by CelticGibson

    There are two options: 1. the USB class compliant driver. 2. the Kemper ASIO driver

    The first one is what we are all using up to this point. It's a standard driver built for compatability with all devices using the USB class. So you can use the Kemper as a windows/Mac OS audio device for streaming purposes. It doesn't have ASIO features so isn't really recommended for DAWs because of latency.

    The second is what you should use for DAWs that are compatible with ASIO for recording. You get all the features of the ASIO platform (fast latency) specific to the kemper device you have. The ASIO driver does not stay running after the DAW is closed so your OS doesn't use it so that's why you don't see it.

    You can only choose one or the other.

    There seems to be confusion on the Official Facebook page that all updates upgrades are going to be paid for in the future. If this isn't the case, Also there's a confusion as to what happens to the upgrade if one loses or breaks their Player and buys a new one. Would the upgrade transfer or not. etc etc

    I think it might be beneficial for Kemper to release a statement saying that this only pertains to the Player and not the rest of the line up. That might let out some air from this... IMO

    I believe the issue is that people tend to think of software upgrades as either cheap or free because the hardware is what they paid for. They don't understand that the meat and potatoes always was and always will be in the quality of code that pushes the hardware. Look at the QC. It has buckets of processing power but the software, especially the effects, leave a lot to be desired. Before the Player came along then users never really questioned the cost of the big units because they were considered flagship products containing all the feature sets of software with free updates.

    The Player was pushed as a cut down product with free updates to the limited features contained within. When a software upgrade is offered that expands that feature set to include most of the features of the larger units where the prices are justified due to their feature sets, users fall back on that ingrained perception that upgrades/updates were supposed to be free and they can't see the inherent value of the different level upgrades because they are software. It's not like plugging in a piece of hardware to expand the functionality of the device. It's software where there is no discernable change until they plug in and play.

    Still it comes down to how much users consder is worth it for software that even the most powerful devices cannot function well without or even at all. Maybe it would have been better to leave well enough alone. šŸ˜‚

    Crazy idea but did you reboot the computer?

    Ok, here is my take on it.
    They are gonna sell a less expensive version of the Kemper Player "lvl1", which will come with 'Distortion Drives Compressor Boost Phase Flanger Rotary Speaker Tremolo Wha Wha Spring Reverb Tape Delay Eq Double Tracker Acoustic simulator". This will directly compete with the nanocortex at a comparable price or just above it.
    Then lvl2 at the actual price with actual fx of the player plus fx of the lv1. And lvl3 at around 1000 euros will all the fx.
    Don't know how they are gonna implement the 8 slots though.

    They can implement the eight slots in software on the Rig Manager?

    You might be able to control on off and whatever via external controls...

    Long time owners understand the Kemper methodoligy when it comes to updates: Patience and patience has its own rewards.

    They did the unifying of uodates for the Stage when it first came out and after that, updates with new features were introduced for all in one update.

    You can be assured that time is well spent when it comes to updates to the Kemper ecosystem.

    According to the manual...

    For Delay...

    Mix Location Pre/Post
    Determines whether the Mix control is positioned at the input (Pre) or the output (Post) of the delay. This option does not change the signal immediately, but it becomes relevant when the Mix control is morphed by a switch or pedal.
    In the "Postā€ position, a change of the Mix control changes the output level of the delay, and thus will have an immediate impact to the delay tail when modified. In the "Preā€ position, the delay tail will be unaffected by fast changes to Mix, which will control only the delay input level

    For Reverb...

    Mix Location Pre/Post

    Determines whether the Mix control is positioned at the input (Pre) or the output (Post) of the reverb. This option does not change the signal immediately, but it becomes relevant when the Mix control is morphed by a switch or pedal.
    In the "Postā€ position, a change of the Mix control changes the output level of the reverb, and thus will have an immediate impact to the reverb decay when modified. In the "Preā€ position, the reverb decay will be unaffected by fast changes to Mix, which will control only the reverb input level

    When I bought my profiler, all we had was legacy reverb fixed into the last position. It was either on or off. That was your choice. I still purchased it knowing these restrictions compared to other tech at the time because the sound of the profiles were so inspiring that it didn't sour the experience at all. Since then we have had the reverb unleashed from its end slot prison and set free right across all eight slots and complimented with some of the finest examples of reverb I have ever heard. Of course this came AFTER the fantastic delays that added crazy experimental effects that could only come from the Doc Brown of the music tech world with this green coloured DeLorean with constant upgrades that take us beyond back to the future. And he's still not finished. Genius seldom is...