Posts by jak888

    Definitely don't feed the Speaker out from a powered Kemper into anything but a passive speaker cabinet. Is that the fried bit you mention?

    Nah, I just had the setup: kemper-> scarlett and when the kemper started playing audio the scarlett's input showed red a lot... all good, though.

    Can these settings be made from the rig manager?
    I also noticed, that when I turned up the rig volume, the peak in reaper showed something like -18 dB, but the output LED of the kemper was red a lot. I'm guessing this is, because my signal is very low overall and I have to crank the rig volume a lot.

    Hi all,

    I recently found out the kemper can record (by cooking the input of my scarlett, lol).

    I got my kemper rack set up through ASIO4ALL and can see a signal in reaper. Ideally, I'd like to record the signal (stereo) and the DI signal at the same time. Where and how do I have to set this up? I haven't found any volume knob yet, that changes the signal I'm seeing in reaper. Also, can I set these up per bank, to account for different levels of say, guitar and bass?

    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks, that explains a lot! It should be possible to give the momentary switch some sort of pressure point, shouldn't it? Well, at least I know it's working as it should.

    I'll look into tightening the screw for the pedal.

    Hi all,

    quick question: How does your EP1-K feel? I just got one and so far I'm not impressed when I compare it to the crybaby I owned years ago.

    In your EP1, do you have a pressure point in the switch? For me, there's no feel for when it switches between modes, neither, when I lean on it nor when I stick my finger under the pedal and press the switch like that. I would expect a bit of resistance under the toe switch or a loud click when pressing it by hand.

    Apart from that, the pedal travel is very light, I prefer having to work a bit more.

    Is this just how the EP1 feels, or are yours different?

    Thanks in advance!


    OK, I retract everything I said and will deny I ever said it!

    This is a problem I have on both laptops. For me it's not a problem, because I practice standing up most of the times and am far enough away from it and it doesn't register at all. Noise gate was my friend there (as far as I cared...). I get that it's an issue, when recording, though.

    Question: If it's coupled through the pickups, is it there, when only the guitar is plugged in?


    I was actually going to post a very similar thread, but haven't had the time yet.

    I recently had an XPS15 here, which was an utter disappointment, and it did the same thing. It sounded like a chirping sound, which disappeared when I disconnected the power cable. Yours sounds more 50 Hz-ish, so I'd guess that your transformer output is not smooth enough. Does the behaviour change with different charge %?

    All I can say about my experience with this issue is:

    1) It is not a Kemper issue, as it doesn't happen with my current laptop (a measly clevo, that cost 1/3 the price of the XPS)

    2) In my case it also depended on the profile I was running, with it being more present int High Gain profiles.

    Can we please write a thousand posts in this thread and hope that it shows up in google?
    When I first searched for “kemper high gain” the autocomplete added “fizz” at the end and when you search for “kemper high gain” the first post that shows up is High gain profiles sound weak. Made me sweat like a whore in church when I got my Kemper, as I bought it for that main purpose...

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for all your answers! And a special thanks for putting up with grumpy old me. I know that this is a good place for a discussion, (especially thinking about the meltdowns that would have happened on the line6 forum by now). I just want to extract most from my Kemper as I’ve already heard how good it can sound when you dial it in properly.

    I should mention that I am very familiar with the miked up sound of the VS. In my last band we used in ear monitoring on stage and during rehearsal, so I know the miked up sound a lot better than the in room sound.

    Here is how I would solve my problem if I were Kemper:
    1. Get rid of the number of amp names for a single amp, replacing them with a moderated list. I know that this might be due to licensing issues, but I’d still have a moderated list of the fantasy names and a list of what amp they correspond to. This would resolve the issue of filtering for all the amp names, e.g. x different names for the mark2c (mark 2c, markiic, JP2c).
    2. Same for cabs.
    3. Add dedicated fields for the standard knobs and settings: gain, Bass, mid, treble, presence, (depth punch) and channel number.
    4. Add empty fields to put in additional, amp specific settings, e.g. mid-voiced, bright switch, etc.
    5. If all else fails, an easier way to contact the creator

    I realize, that 3 might not be entirely necessary if we go by ear, but if there are a lot of profiles for an amp it would help with sorting.

    There are many Rigs that include the actual amp Settings in the Rig Tags. In Rig Manager, you can easily display all of the Tags.

    Right click on the Tags in the header of the folder you are viewing, and select All.

    As an aside, if a Rig sounds good to me, the original amp settings are not necessarily relevant to me.

    But is there actually a tag that allows to enter the data?

    As long as it sounds good all is good, but if I'm looking for a specific sound it would be helpful to have this info and filter for it.
    The whole point of the Kemper (as I understand it) is to reproduce sounds of the original. If it's going to be at random settings this is only ever going to get me that far.
    Especially with the Smolski, I would like to get some of the gimmicks profiled in, as well.
    My standard setting was very mid heavy, to the point where it only sounds great with the band. This setting would be pretty hard to figure out with just the headphones plugged into the kemper. It would also be nice to have some of the features profiled, e.g. the mid voice setting. Would you be able to hear, that the mid frequency just went up a couple of Hz? I wouldn't. Especially not without a Band around me.
    As much as I love the Amp, if someone doesn't profile it at something resembling a good setting, there's not much tweaking to be done since the mid frequency of the kemper might be completely different.

    Also, I really dislike the classification of amps by gain. My gain setting on the Smolski was 4 for rhythm and 6 for lead. Still managed to sound absolutely brutal.

    I don't mean to start anything here, but for me usability is a major shortcoming of an otherwise great product, as most of the time using it is spent turning knobs and trying to stumble on that tone.

    Kemper makes snapshot of an amp sound with fixed settings. Not the whole amp with all it's channels and gain/EQ/presence knobs response, so the knobs that you see on the Kemper do not exactly correspond to those on the amp, they're just Kemper's "interpretation". That way, all those 6 profiles could be profiles of one 4th channel, but with different gain/EQ settings; or 2 profiles of 1st channel, 2 profiles of 2nd channel and 2 profiles of 3rd channel, but with different settings; etc

    I was more asking a rethorical question here. There's just no way to know, what the settings are and where they are in relation to what I'm used to.

    Is there a place to request specific profiles?

    So jak888, I may not be the best resource if you are in a band with unlimited stage volume! Lol.....will let you know though.

    So, in an ideal world (which I just left), there wouldn't even be too much stage volume.

    In my last band, we had everything miked at all times, even during rehearsal. It all fed into an X32 and to our wireless body packs. This meant, the first couple of minutes of practice, everyone played around with their phones and set up their in-ear sound. No one ever touched the amps, because they were set up once to sound good and never touched again.
    One problem in this setup was, that a tube amp just needs a certain level of volume to come alive, a problem I don't have with the Kemper (at least not in terms of stage volume)

    My next band needs to be at least willing to gradually move towards that setup. If I see one more guy touching their volume knob during rehearsal, it's not going to be pleasant.
    But for the meantime, maybe the Headrush might help me out
    ...if it doesn't die too easily.

    Hi all,

    I am pretty new to the Kemper. Before it I had a line6 pod x3 live and an engl VS.

    After almost two weeks I am getting warmer with it and have found a couple of profiles that I can build on. I found these completely on accident after I didn’t like any of the high gain amps I was recommended. And this is where my question kicks off: How do you build your sounds if you have a specific sound in mind?

    I want to give two examples:
    1) Of course, it would be ideal for me, if I could keep playing hat sweet, sweet Engl. I searched for it and found that someone had profiled 6 versions of it. However, I do not have any context for these, or do I? What settings were used? How do 4 amp channels translate into 6 kemper channels? And what settings were used? Probably not mine, as no one in their right mind would profile an amp with a mid heavy sound, when it sounds so bad on its own?
    I later found out, that Ola also has a VS profile, but that is pretty scooped as well.
    Also would be nice to contact the guy who made the profile and tell him how to dial in the amp correctly and redo the profile. Where could I ask for this?

    2) this is more of a comment. I also wanted to find a John Petrucci IIC+ profile, so I went looking for mark2c and mark IIc. A few popped up, but none wowed me. Yesterday I stumbled on someone mentioning a JP2C here in the forum. I looked for it and apparently, someone profiled 3 pages worth of that amp in various settings. Some of which I really liked. Seriously, what’s up with that? Is there any way to effectively narrow down choices?
    And is there any way to get the artists profiles or at least something similar? E.g. Trivium uses Kemper on tour, can I just get their profiles somewhere?

    Yeah, basically just wondering how you approach 1 sound and 13.000 choices without context?

    Also if anyone has high gain recommendations, I’m listening.