I am a new user and set up the kemper and rigs with 3 foot controllers through the foot controller.
on thursday i turned on the kemper and it had lost all system settings as follows _
Tuner default to standard - set up with mute and bubble by me
no morph or wah pedals working
Also the name in the user name has defaulted back to factory settings
i reinstated some of the settings , however the wah effect will not switch off even though its set to toe off in the rigs.
As i used it for the firsat time on a gig yesterrday i was not impressed with the wah situation and had to reprogramme the wahs to off in all rigs to use it.
Questions is how do i get the wah in toe to work - recalibrate the controller ?
How do i back up the system settings , Rig manager did not restore these and therefore i assume they are not saved, rig manager is worse than i thought as an ex Axe FX user.