Posts by Mr Strongg

    I'm sure that's not the case. Andy released his official Victory Bundle months before the Kraken was announced.

    Yeah I figured that was the case by the time I tracked the timing of when that came out vs the Kraken amp. Also my comment was meant to be more of a joke :)

    My point is everyone and their brother will typically have a 5150 or a Mesa Boogie Dual Rec profiled if they sell/give away profiles but so far only three places (Victory, Lancaster and Reamp Zone) offer profiles for the Kraken, even after its official release.

    I just picked up this pack this morning and I agree with calgaryben 100%.

    I previously bought the Reamp Zone Kraken Kemper pack previously and IMO the direct profiles with my own OwnHammer impulses worked best for me.

    After loading up these official Victory profiles I was amazed right off the bat! I enjoy the added stomps (compressor and green scream) that are easily tweakable and how as the gain stages went up each cabs settings were tweaked by default to let you enjoy the extra fullness without top end harshness.

    I don’t know if these profiles are merged or studio profiles but they accept other impulses extremely well. Definitely pick these up if you’re looking for a proper Victory Kraken profile! 8)

    Yeah I remember seeing that before I even purchased my Kemper and thought that was a huge bummer as I was a big fan of their profiles in the Kemper stock rigs pack. It's like they're trying to turn the Kraken into a boutique amp by not having a ton of people profile it haha. :D

    Yeah, would be interesting to know if Rabea did anything special here.

    In the comment section someone thinks that the profiles are not that good and Rabea is kind of "excusing": "Well, it was my first attempt. Plus they’re designed primarily to use with a cab". I have not tested them, so I can't say anything about the quality myself.

    Yeah I saw that comment and Rabea's response to it was by far the worst thing I've seen come out of him, and I'm a huge fan of his tutorials, playing AND his ML3 Chapman guitar.

    I'm guessing the only reason he got this shot was because he helped with the design of the Kraken in the first place, but don't outright say "yeah this is my 1st time and it might not be great" when you're trying to get someone to buy your stuff lol.

    I'm still debating on if I'll get this pack or not and compare it to Reamp Zone's profiles to get the final results on which I like more.

    If I had a hunch I'd say based on Rabea's response and Reamp Zones description of the entire profiling process, the annoyances with it, and settling on a final product, I'd say Reamp Zone's profiles are better.

    I saw this earlier on today!

    To the best of my knowledge the only other place to release Kemper profiles of the Kraken amp was ReampZone and he mentioned not being 100% happy with his profiles (I bought the pack and the direct/merged ones with my OwnHammer cabs are very nice IMO).

    I wonder how his differ from ReAmp zone, especially since he's labeling this as his 1st attempt at a Kemper profile for commercial release.

    Thanks for this tip. I assumed some tweaking would be in order. This, I think, is probably the area I will need some guidance. Can you point to some threads or websites that might help with it? Or do you think it is generally dependent on which profile you are using?

    1st thing you wanna start with is fully understanding your new Kemper. Watch the official Kemper tutorial videos here --> Once you finish those up I'd check out the Tone Junkie YouTube channel as they go a bit deeper into certain stack settings that'll help your tweaking ability --> In short, know what ALL the buttons/knobs on your Kemper do and how each button/knob adjusts your tone by knowing what to listen out for.

    Of course don't forget to have fun and jam away from time to time as all this can get overwhelming very easily. Just remember that a solid foundation leads to a great house :thumbup: .


    Sorry to hear your order got screwed up in the meantime. I know the pain with that and it's super frustrating. There's still a TON you can learn and fiddle with in the meantime while you wait on your powered unit to arrive so don't fret too much :D .

    Almost any question you might have has been answered via this forum as well so that's super helpful so remember to come back often and search things.

    Yes, there are TONS of options out there for tone in RE and anyone should be able to find something to suit their styles and tastes (not to mention the growing factory rig list with free commercial releases).

    I take the same approach to profile searching like I would anything else, presentation and attention to detail.

    People who take the time to fill out all the meta data for their rigs, including zips with .txt files explaining their labeling system, making announcement posts in the forum when releasing packs, having one author tag so you can find more of their work (+1 to @DonPetersen), extra details on the amp used if it's different than the average or modded, saying if their profiles are studio, DI's or merged, ect. All this stuff for me personally makes rig hunting much much faster and easier because these people must care about their work to put this much effort into it.

    Sure, are there profiles I still don't like even after all this work...yes, but I can easily take a search for a MeBo DR from hundreds of choices to maybe 30-40. All i gotta do is record a quick DI riff, reamp it, load up RE with the kemper plugged in and preview away with whatever adult beverage I prefer on the day :thumbup: .

    What/who/when was your divine moment of inspiration?

    Hmm, I guess I'd say it was a combo of things going on in my life at that time that added up to my divine moment of inspiration.

    After my parents split and I moved to a totally different state and lost all my friends, saying I was an angst teen would have been an understatement haha. I always had natural music talent since I was 4/5 but having perfect pitch, playing piano and producing just wasn't doing the trick for me during this time.

    Being into the pop/punk scene and metal (classic and modern) really got me through those tough times, and after hearing those bands again and again, that motivated me to pick up a guitar and give it a go. I still remember getting my first guitar lesson trying to learn the Crazy Train solo and thinking: mannn this teacher isn't that great, I bet i could figure this out on my own.

    Some weeks later I did end up figuring it out, along with tons of other tracks from that album as well. I guess the collective feeling I felt back then was guitar isn't something that couldn't be taken away from me. All the emotion came out via the guitar, and now some 15 years later I still feel the exact same way about playing :thumbup:

    That was my guess as well because in my own setup I had similar issues when matching head/amp in room to kemper/cab in room eq wise

    I'm not 100% sure strictly eq'ing pre/post will get you the additional 1-5% you're missing vs the real thing but I'd mess with high and low shift in the cab section.

    One thing I've started to accept IMO is trying to match a kemper/cab tone vs head/cab tone in room isn't as worth it to me compared to when both amps are mic'd up or DI'd(kemper). Due to all the differences real cabs portray in shaping the sound, plus the off axis listening points, I don't see it useful to compare amp in room.

    Obviously others can completely disagree and that's cool as well! I'm not stubborn enough to think it's stupid for other people to do amp in room comparisons and match those perfectly. I just go with what's best for me and I'm sure others are doing the same for themselves :thumbup: .

    This track popped up on my Pandora playlist today :thumbup:

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    Yesterday included a full album playthrough of Galaktikon 1 8o

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    I've been watching some great beginners tutorials, looks like I have a lot to learn!

    Welcome! :thumbup:

    Watch those vids plus the Kemper manual vids on YouTube as well. Also download a copy of the main manual so you have all the details possible compared to the one that'll come with the Kemper. Use the search function (with quotes if needed) within the forum to see if others have already asked the same questions you have and have a great time jamming! :thumbup: