Posts by sixstring12

    After a good few months of tweaking on the stage profiler with my Godin grand concert nylon, importing IRs into the cab block, no amp, getting a not so convincing reproduction, I decided to try a Fm3 with the same IRs. Much better! Very natural sounding by far!.. but I struggled getting my electronic cleans and overdrives with the Fm3, I wasn't getting the same feel and the way the Fractal responds. And the Kemper has way more headroom. With the Fm3, I had to push my FRFR and the Fm3 to its limits..not good..I got this idea that maybe I could incorporate a Tonex 1 with a acoustic IR in the efx loop of the Stage..BINGO! with no amp or cab block just a booster, graphic EQ, a little compression, reverb, delay...just wondering if anybody has ever tried this?