Posts by Ghormenghastly

    Have you tried toggling the Ground-lift switches on the rear of the unit in and out?

    They relate directly to the outputs, not inputs, but hey, it couldn't hurt, right?

    I hadn't tried that - was thinking too much about this presenting at the inputs and surprise (well sort of...) ground lift on the outputs drastically improves the issue - can still hear it buts its barely audible to a point I can probably live with it.
    Good call - thank you.

    Just out of curiosity could you try to unplug the powered down device (Kemper or AX8) from the wall and see if you still hear the noise?

    Even with the device is powered off, there is still a connection (and therefore reference) to ground. If you unplug it, that ground will be referenced - through the DPDT switch - to the other device.

    Good plan - and as soon as I pull the mains cord out of either device the noise disappears. So its mains supply borne...
    Wonder if there's a better strategy to consider here?

    what I have just noticed was that even with KPA powered down but with a commoned input to the KPA and AX8 the noise is still present at the output of the AX8. This and vice-versa i.e. with KPA on and AX8 off noise at KPA outputs). So it certainly isn't developing on the KPA but is created when the AX8 is linked to the KPA. A rather typical digital noise loop.
    Am now wondering whether there is another way to block this but I guess isolating either input will work anyway.

    Thanks for the very helpful answers. I did rather think that an isolating transformer was likely the only way out of this and the Radial Tonebone looks to be most cost effective option. Still have slight concern about so called "tonesuck" but I guess if I buy one from the Amazon monster I can send it back if I detect any which does seem a little unlikely based on the comments here. It is clearly designed for this purpose and hopefully impedance matching or any passive attenuation aren't going to be evident.

    Not at all sure why the KPA is more susceptible than the Fractal or Helix - as you say may be something built in to those devices.

    As an aside I am impressed with the KPA. Haven't dare launch yet another comparison thread (tho suspect here there is less chance of starting a forum riot - kinda easy on Fractals place...!) but the profiled amps feel and sound a good deal more real than the other 2 competitors and I rather like the way the fx have been implemented. The interface (simulated amp) is OK but still feel the Helix suits me better.

    Thanks again for the replies.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Er, no. Its a very simple passive dpdt footswitch. Simple - cheap.
    So something like the Lehle switch is going to have isolating transformers presumably? That would probably make the difference....
    Presumably something like that isn't going to affect the sound output in any way?

    Wonder why it is the front end to the KPA is quite so sensitive when an AX8 or Helix doesn't do this?

    I typically like to use a 2 way A+B or A or B splitter box directly after my guitar to feed to the Kemper and an AX8 ( - I am fortunate to have a KPA, an AX8 & a Helix and rate the KPA as top amp sim by a good way but there's stuff I like about the other 2 also)
    Anyway, with the simple passive A/B in front I get a load of digital noise, and unrelated to the actual signal, becoming audible particularly with hi gain presets that ordinarily (i.e. with a direct input and no A/B) remain much quieter.
    Yes sure I can utilise the noise gate to gate it out but that's not quite the same and I would rather not fix a problem that may be avoidable altogether.
    Same A/B box to the AX8 and the Helix does not (perceptively) increase the noise floor on either of these other devices.
    Is the front panel input highly sensitive?
    Any ideas how I could avoid this?


    I link directly into a good quality hifi and the results are (to my ears) excellent. Whereas I can imagine that less expensive hifi's are designed to colour / enhance the sound output, higher end stuff is designed to be flat. I have tested my home rig with a frequency analyser and that is definitely the case. The only colouration comes from the room acoustics which is going to apply whatever amplification you put in it.
    The sensitivity of the speakers is the biggest issue here - hifi speakers tend to to be highly responsive (same as monitors) but tolerate high power transients poorly (as already suggested and acknowledged) but if you can keep the output low avoiding clipping spikes they will probably survive well and sound as good as any dedicated FRFR system within these limitations.
    Ultimately if it sounds good then do it.

    I do. Boss RC-300 - have not yet identified any other better solution. I haven't tried the KPA looper yet but it looks relatively basic?
    For me I wanted a zero effort instant record solution and anything hooked up to LIve or other DAW was not an option. I am largely happy with the RC-300 as it doesn't get in the way of any creative workflow. Only downside is the inability to sync to incoming MIDI so it has to be Master.
    I continue to look at emerging Loopers (EHX 95000) but still think this was has the edge.