Posts by gears78

    Yeah I did open one up. I had one opened up the other day and sent a response on that ticket earlier today. I thought that I would reach out to the group to see if anyone had experienced the same thing if there were any tips that I could use. I think that I will just have to wait to hear back from the Kemper folks.

    Hey gang! I bought a used Kemper and it worked perfectly for a couple of weeks, but on Wednesday it just shut off unexpectedly. I asked around on FB on a Kemper page and then looked at the manual harder and sw that if i hold down the RIG button while powering up, it would reinitialize. I went in to practice last night and it would not turn on. The RIG button does not work and I tried another power cable. It is possible that the other power cable is bad, but does anyone have an idea how I can power back up or what may be going on? Thanks for any input!


    I was able to restart my computer and reinstall this time and the download worked. Thanks for your checking in. Just going through the forums, this community is pretty awesome and I am glad to now be a part of it.

    Hey everyone. I just received my Kemper today and I am trying to download the Rig Manager, but it will not install. I save the file and when I open it, I try to install the installer then install the rig manager, but i says my only options are change, repair, remove. I have tried this several times. Does anyone have any suggestions?