Posts by tcsned

    Hey man, there are some free JMP Profiles out there IIRC, but some commercial vendors have also offered them, so all is not lost in that regard. When you said you sold the amp, I thought, "yeah", but when you mentioned letting the JMP go, I thought, "why?... you could have Profiled it and then sold it had you hung onto it all these years...", then I remembered that at least there're Profiles out there.

    Welcome, mate. Great that your unit did the job gigging straight-away. :thumbup:

    I saw that there were some JMP profiles on the Rig Exchange even found some from profile vendors. I wish I hadn't sold that JMP . . . or the JCM 800. That was 4-5 years ago and I had a guitar to pay for. I'm really loving this thing. I haven't played guitar at home this much in a long time which is a really good thing - bad for getting sleep though :)

    This box is a beast! I don't think I'm going back to using my amp at gigs. I do want to try doing my own profiles of my Mac/SMS rig, the Twin, and my Boogies.

    Hello all!
    I'm a gigging guitarist from Southwestern Virginia. I play in a local Grateful Dead-ish band and a handful of other things. After 30+ years of playing in bars my ears need a break from the loud-ass guitar amps. I got the Kemper last Wednesday and gigged with it Friday and Saturday. I still have a lot to learn about this thing but I love what it does so far. My stage rig is a Sarno Music Solutions Classic Twin Preamp-->McIntosh MC2100 power amp--> 2x12 Beyma Liberty 8 speakers. I also have a 65 Twin Reissue, a Mesa Boogie Mark III that I bought new in 1987, a Mesa V-Twin preamp, and a handful of other things. I sold off my Marshalls a few years ago (a late 80s JCM800 and a JMP1 preamp) and I regret it. I was looking to buy another JMP1 and had looked at the Kemper and AxeFX. I decided that the Kemper was more my thing. I was right! Looking forward to exploring this thing some more!!