+1 for Fluence
I installed the Greg Koch Fluence Set in my Tele, and it´s the sound they give me are excellent.
i vintage and one more modern voice, but the best: they are single coils but dead silent,
no noise at all, not lifeless at all
+1 for Fluence
I installed the Greg Koch Fluence Set in my Tele, and it´s the sound they give me are excellent.
i vintage and one more modern voice, but the best: they are single coils but dead silent,
no noise at all, not lifeless at all
when you hover over the line between the columns, the cursor will change to a red cross with arrows that can can drag left or right:
these are not presets at all, but effect types!
sure, i wanted to say:
first try the presets that are already included on your Kemper (for the above mentioned reverb effects)
Hi Christianbad, I contacted this site led by Thomas Dill to order the Atmospheres Rig Pack for the Kemper Profiler. Quite a drag! He insisted of having either Pay Pal or a credit card. Since I only have a bank account but that wasn't enough for him. So no buying.. A great way to attract customers....
no need to buy anything. you got all the fx in your kemper already.
i only posted the link to Dill so you can hear that you already have much more than the "the standard" reverbs.
try the Kemper presets DonPeterson suggests in #6 and add some of the new tremolo and pan effects.
i am too lazy so i bought it (also because i like the amps in his rigs)
with paypal.
no problem here.
....but are there more different kinds of reverb available for the profiler than the standard ones?
maybe you find some inspiration here:
WARNING: with any electric equipment, you should never(!) connect it to a higher Voltage, you can destroy it!
If your power supply has more Ampere, no problem, but Voltage can fry things.
USB is it
* automatically set up for morphing functionality?
yes, this works well
* powered by USB and can still be set up for switching via TS -cable
powered by USB: yes, but i don´t understand what you mean with the switching?
@Lehleswitcher : any news on changing from CC11 to something else?
to me that sounds just like a vibrato effect with some eq (bass boost, hi cut).
i just checked :
at the device (i have a toaster) you can dial in the delay time you want, down to 0ms, but
in Rig Manager, only down to 40ms. Probably a bug?
only option here is math : use the quad delay, use the quad delay, set 100ms fot delay 1 and 2% for the second delay, set the level of delay 1to zero
i think i went down to 4ms and that first i couldn´t go lower than 40ms.
long time ago...
i think you have to press a modifier key to go shorter than 40ms, don´t remember how, but yes, it was possible
i never experienced the static problem, but maybe that´s an solution?:
Not FoundThe requested URL was not found on this server.
this one is working fine https://mbritt.com/
i haven´t tried it, but in this video they say it´s 434.5ms
there´s a free one from Kemper/ MBritt:
MB - Dirt Shirt Lo 3
i think Jeff is the right direction, your sound is to bright (roll down the treble on your guitar) and
in the video it sounds like the guitarist is fading the notes in with the volume pot on the guitar in a Jeff Beck way, make fade in but also turn it up more as the note is fading out.
also: the sound is a bit more distorted than yours.
and finally :
added: To Tempo option in Tremolo, Slicer, Autopanner, Phaser, Phaser Vibe, and Flanger effects
Unfortunately it can't, although it should be able to.
Zappa used 2 MicMix Dynaflanger at the same time with different settings, so a stereo DynaFlange would be perfect!
same as the others:
from the manual:
"Regularly, the Looper operates at Half Speed with a recording time of 60 seconds. When a loop
playback is set to full speed, it will sound one octave up at double tempo, as though you had
sped up a tape recorder. Press the Half Speed Button again and you are back to normal speed."
it wasn´t my intention to offend you.
I just wanted to say that a tuner is not the solution for a tuned guitar.
A bit off topic, but maybe not everyone knows it.
Are you arguing against tuners ? How do you feel about tuning forks and pitch pipes?
well, after 45 years of trying to get guitars in tune, i found that (for me), the best way is to tune one string to a tuner, and then tune the other strings in octaves to that string.
so yes, a tuner or fork or pipe is absolutely necessary, but tune every string with a tuner?
no. only silent in a live situation.