Posts by crf3rd

    One thing I've noticed (and I noticed this with the Friedman), is that the gain profiles sound a bit harsher if you push the volume on the FRFR. Maybe this is just my own ear sensitivity or some tweaking in order. But the Powercab is definitely the better buy imo.

    Which profiles are you using for your Marshalls and Vox tones? Britt?

    I've been trying out the various pre loaded profiles by author and something odd is happening.

    Trying to go through all the TAF profiles for instance and it will load some and not others. Sometimes it gets stuck on Gentle King, I try to move to the next profile and it stays on Gentle King.

    Does this with some others, some will load others not.

    Known issue? User error?

    Ordered the Powercab to possibly replace my Friedman ASM 12. I haven't compared the two yet, but I did A/B with my Deluxe Reverb.

    To my ears just running the Kemper into the Powercab on FRFR mode left me with a far closer'amp in the room' sound than did the Friedman. In fact, I couldn't tell that much difference.

    I'll need to do a lot of tweaking to be able to use the cabinet models because they definitely color the sound.

    But given my initial impressions, as opposed to the Friedman, and the weight difference (Powercab is easy to carry)...I'm probably going to stick with the Powercab.

    Oh wow, I wasn't thinking you used that for a live setting. I guess I'm can use the Powercab like a regular guitar cabinet and then switch it to frfr? Powercab doesn't give you that shrill sound?

    Nice to hear that the Powercab works live...I can't see the Friedman working live like that...

    To me, FRFR is fine when playing alone in a room, or when you’re monitoring or recording, as it’s the miked sound.

    But in a band mix, live, it has nothing that I love about how a guitar should sound.

    I use a Line 6 Powercab and it sounds great. It thumps, it has decent cab models and I can use FRFR if I so wish at home.

    Even if I take a good profile of an amp I love and play it live with cabs on, it won’t sound like it does when I’m playing the amp. Not even close. It’s a completely different thing.

    Like you say, it sounds shrill and alien to me. But each to their own.

    Do you use your Kemper live? Straight to PA?

    Find a Deluxe Reverb profile that you like (or a Carr from TAF for instance) and then run the powered Kemper in to your actual Deluxe Reverb speaker, for starters. And sure then experiment with other guitar speaker cabs. FRFR’s have plenty of volume but the feel is completely different. They’re great as monitors in conjunction with a traditional cab but on their own run the risk of feeling like you might get blown off the stage by someone using even a tiny amp like a Pro or Blues Junior. Of course that’s just my experience.

    It's definitely a different feel. To be honest (and this definitely betrays my rookie status with FRFRs), I was thinking I could use the Kemper into the Friedman much like a Head to Cabinet. given the total wattage of both units. This is helpful advice, thank you.

    So the Friedman ASM-12 is a "Powered" FRFR speaker, and you are using this with a "Powered" Kemper?

    I'm connecting the Kemper from the left main out to the input of the Friedman. I spoke with Kemper and they confirmed that was fine. You just cannot connect the speaker output to the Kemper, which you'd have to have a separate cable for that. I could do monitor out to the Friedman, but again you'd have to have a separate cable.

    Very excited about my new Kemper (powered). I ordered the Friedman ASM 12 to start with the option of returning it to try out other options.

    Funny thing is that when I was playing the Kemper through the Friedman in my living room I was just blown away, didn't seem to need a lot of tweaking on the sounds I liked.

    Took the units down to my band's practice room, cranked the volume more and the tone seemed a lot more shrill. The rooms aren't that much different, both carpeted. Played the Kemper next to my 65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue and the sonic difference was enough to make me have doubts.

    So, I know that some tweaking is in order for sure. made me wonder if going the guitar cabinet route might be better to my ears. I've read a couple of the threads about FRFR vs Cabinet route so I know that the cabinet will color the tone and maybe too different from what I like about the profiles I'm using.

    I'll probably try a cabinet anyway, but do you have any recommendations of what tweaking I should try using the Kemper and the Friedman? Anyone encounter what I'm describing and was able to adjust the Kemper/Friedman to their sonic satisfaction?

    Noob issues! ;)

    1st thing you wanna start with is fully understanding your new Kemper. Watch the official Kemper tutorial videos here --> Once you finish those up I'd check out the Tone Junkie YouTube channel as they go a bit deeper into certain stack settings that'll help your tweaking ability --> In short, know what ALL the buttons/knobs on your Kemper do and how each button/knob adjusts your tone by knowing what to listen out for.

    Of course don't forget to have fun and jam away from time to time as all this can get overwhelming very easily. Just remember that a solid foundation leads to a great house :thumbup: .

    Awesome, very helpful. :) Thank you.

    Welcome - try all the commercial guys free packs and then buy as many as you like. As many have found on this forum it takes a while to move over from valves to get their sound just as they like it.

    Thanks for this tip. I assumed some tweaking would be in order. This, I think, is probably the area I will need some guidance. Can you point to some threads or websites that might help with it? Or do you think it is generally dependent on which profile you are using?

    Hi, my name is Chuck and am a gigging musician in Virginia. Just decided to pull the trigger! The units will arrive on Thursday.

    I plan to get some MBritt packages. Have been looking at TopJimi's 64 Deluxe profiles, which sound amazing through YouTube. I'll post for thoughts on those in another thread, but decided I should introduce myself to the community!