Posts by 27bf3e8ea742c4c0cded662a31a9e1af5ee27084

    Im not too familiar with Fryette. So, I did a google search for the amp you mentioned. I checked out their corporate page as well as some audio reviews of it. Very impressive! I noticed another amp they make called the "Fryette G2902S Two/Ninety/Two 90Wx2 Tube Guitar Power Amp" Have you tried it too?

    Most of the comments I see are people praising the fryette power station in regards to their other gear. I have yet to see a kemper user complain when using that with it and a cab, but the lxii is designed specifically as a neutral power amp for modelers and the profiler. The amps are very loud and used to be vht , I think till they changed their name. Just be careful if you get any of their stereo amps especially the lx ii to not hook anything up until you understand how to put it under a speaker load correctly. They ship them without manuals , and the lx ii is the most confusing power amp I have ever owned , and the company just keeps referencing their manual when I ask them how many safe load configurations there are.

    I can't speak for Alan, but I think he meant that it is hard to accurately replicate the 5 band eq, as the sound differs from amp to amp. Also the the components change over time.

    I have occasionally stacked more eqs to deal with problem frequencies and you could do that to create your 5 band. In the end though, the strength of the Kemper is that you can just find a more suitable profile instead. There are thousands out there and modelling just takes all your playing time up.

    Not with digital profilers it is not. They can update it in respect to their programming cost , and give us more value by creating new more versatile eq sections, that take up less effect slots. If I have a reference sound , and the eq space I can make a iic+ sound like any iic+ I want given that I can get it react the way that I want during the refining process alone. If Kemper gives us the options we ask for then I do not have to spend more money on the overpriced versions of these physical devices , I can spend that money on Kemper gear instead. I have bought two near mint condition Triaxis preamps why would I spend more money to buy more Triaxis profiles? The only thing it would make sense to spend more money on is Impulse responses, so I can cheaply afford all the speaker curves I want. Given the argument that no two amps are the same they should just give us equalization that we ask for so long as it is cost effective , and we can own virtual versions of long lost amplifers , and equalize them to bring out our favourite aspects of them in our playing space.

    you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Although Mesa specified component values in the design to achieve a specific frequency the actual components have a tolerance range and are almost never exactly the number specified. As a result the real world EQ frequencies will be close to the designed frequencies but not exact. They will vary slightly from amp to amp. The values of these components also drifts over time, as in an original Mark iiC+ EQ will probably sound different today than it did when new. I don’t mean that they drift during the profiling process.

    That is why we have five band equalizers, some equalizers even have master q settings. The higher your q value the more specific your selectable frequency may be. So you can adjust to taste during the time of profiling which takes less than 5 minutes which is hardly time for those components to drift in most cases.

    One thing you should be conscious of is that the actual frequencies on the Mesa EQ aren’t actually the numbers on the front panel. They just chose rough numbers that were close to the actual frequencies for simplicity. Also, as an analog circuit where components have tolerances, the EQ frequencies and Q can fluctuate from unit to unit and drift over time. Therefore, trying to target down to tenths place for Hz is a pretty pointless exercise. Modelling your Mesa 5 band would be close but not identical to modelling one of mine. Having said that, and EQ that approximates the Mesa 5 band would be nice to have.

    Not when profiling , the profiling process takes mere seconds, and the amp can be profiled with the use of only the tone stack in the signal chain. If it came down to the components drifting in those mere seconds on all amplifiers with a regulated mains voltage no amp would be worth profiling. It really is not that much to ask for an eq that has more than 4 selectable bands, otherwise other methods have to be employed , and I have to build or buy my fix. The bands are not even fully customizable, my guess is the cost effective method for doing this would be to allow us the ability to have a customizable cursor box in the rig manager, depending on what script they have to write for what software.

    That's interesting to know and makes a lot of sense.

    I think the basic problem with this request is that is veers closer to modelling than profiling. You would have to profile a Mark amp without the EQ to authentically use it. Available profiles were made with the EQ already set as part of the sound

    The triaxis is not a mark series amp, and I do not see why they cannot add a larger selection in eq presets, when they decide to do so. If they can add a tone stack pre or post gain they can , add a second eq post gain , or post amp pre cab , or post cab, in respect to the cost of their programming, or processing.

    One thing you should be conscious of is that the actual frequencies on the Mesa EQ aren’t actually the numbers on the front panel. They just chose rough numbers that were close to the actual frequencies for simplicity. Also, as an analog circuit where components have tolerances, the EQ frequencies and Q can fluctuate from unit to unit and drift over time. Therefore, trying to target down to tenths place for Hz is a pretty pointless exercise. Modelling your Mesa 5 band would be close but not identical to modelling one of mine. Having said that, and EQ that approximates the Mesa 5 band would be nice to have.

    i know it is pointless, because the people at kemper failed to give us that option when it is in fact the decimal place that is represented in their proprietary unit.

    Definitely needs the Mesa 5 band graphic and the MXR 6 band graphic.

    The MXR was used so much in front of a Marshall to shape a specific sound. From Boston to Van Halen. It’s a big part and it would be nicer not to have to bake these into a profile. The profiles would be much more flexible with the ability to add the graphic pre or post after an amp has already been profiled.

    Ya while the kemper is great we are basically stuck with the frequencies they have chosen for us , and they have yet to make it to where you can select very specifically to the tenths place when it comes to hz. I mean the thing is digital so why not give us the freedom to do this?

    I had been trying to use the acoustic simulator on my kemper cab , and kept getting a strange coloration from one of the frequencies it puts out. I tried adjusting as much as I could, and may have solved it with a rig I built. Is it possible to get more parameters in the acoustic simulator , to solve this, twice I have found it hard to use depending on the monitor speaker. The rig I created if anyone wants to use it is called KCAB ACOUSTIC in the rig exchange, I cut some highs and mids so far it is working great . start with adjusting your clean sense I am using a kiesel osiris with lithium high output pickups , so the rig has the clean sense all the way down by default. If you are having the same problem I was with the kemper cab with the acoustic simulator on hard strums you will get a mid spike that sounds like popping or a slight tap on a drum. So far not getting any of that with the adjustments I made. I believe the one I uploaded has the rig volume at zero , but that leaves plenty of room for adustment.

    Yes, right, the volume settings are not saved, but inconsistently the -12db switch. Which leads to an enormous jump in volume when switching an output preset. So it does exactly the opposite of what they actually wanted to avoid, namely unpredictable volume jumps when switching the output profile.

    Looks like it will have to be accomplished through the rig volume. You can go completely silent through the rig volume , but looks like you would just have to save a performance of rigs with every rig volume set to silent. Problem can still happen but wouldn't they have to step on the bank footswitch first?

    Definitely another string to Kemper's bow if they could do it. Does the AxeFX or Quad Cortex do this yet?

    ax fx does. you have the option of having any amplifiers eq as the five band mark series or choices of other types of graphic eq. I still have no idea why kemper has not made it possible to select the specific frequency down to the tenths place you want by clicking the value and typing it in as long as your q parameter is precise enough or even without. this way it would be very easy to do it with the onboard studio eq, but then you still have to use two eq's then use up those two effects slots. In the past I would use my ipod or my phone to capture a frequency curve with an analyzer app. I mean I could do it that way I imagine and only take or subtract the specific frequencies I want, but it is still very hard to select for instance 6600 or any zero place via the knobs of the kemper or rig manager. I basically now have to apply the eq I want when I profile the amp , and have the mic color it anyways. One could even post a list of frequency spectrums for all of the popular microphones , and would give the guitarist a great way to decide which coloration to add or subtract for the specific profile, I almost always use a high cut on all of my rigs. I am convinced the largest obstacle in the chain is whatever mic was used to capture the profile, but it is nice having the option to choose from a ton of impulse responses. I have put a lot of thought into it , and I honestly think the kemper should already have this eq onboard to save time. Unless you build your own , a mesa five band eq costs over $280.

    You could also, save an output preset with volumes all the way down, but until they program a work around you would have to kneel down and put it in that output during breaks. Maybe you can find some way to use the lock function too. My guess is they would be more apt to program a board lock in that you have to know the combination of buttons or pedal presses to unlock.

    They are awesome. I am a iic+ fan , and they are extremely hard to find now. I have a dual rectifier and Triaxis already , so not going to get a iic+ any time soon. Every time I mess with a profile it is like having a brand new rig. In my opinion especially with some high cut , which I like doing to mesa amps anyways there is virtually no difference , and no latency issues , especially with lots of cabinet I.r. to choose from. I even love the character setting all the way up , makes it sound like you are mic'ing the back of the speaker. My Kemper rack even survived an electrical mishap while my dual rectifier did not. Just a little bit of latency during the store operation , and switching to next performance is only thing I have noticed. You can even put a tiny bit of spring reverb in front of the stack section to simulate the sponginess of some tube rigs for a slightly wider in the room effect. It is usually subtle but on some rigs is pretty good at fooling you.

    I have lot's of iic + profiles that I love. The problem is on these amps to get the desired sound at any given time is to stack eq slots on top of each other in addition to high or low cuts. So can we have a consolidate rig feature? Where it saves the overall output of the amp , cab, and any eq , as the stack section to a brand new rig? This would free up every effect slot on the newly created rig with the complete overall desired tone of the rig it was created from , without having to sacrifice any of them with an eq. Thanks.