Posts by DennisJ

    Is it possible to get PC sounds, such as online backing tracks, though the Kemper headphone jack? My set up is a bit complicated as I am using the Kemper FX loop and 4 cable method to also run a tube amp into the interface and use kemper IR's and fx with it. The Kemper headphone jack blows my audio interface away as far as sound.


    Very bad idea. you need a little console or mixer to take care of that. Plug your computer outbut and kemper output to the mixer and THEN listen to the mixer headphone output. Dont try to cut money on that you'll end up with bad results just to save some$

    Are the new reverbs suppose to show up under the "Rverb" fx tab? They are not there for me. They are in my main menu of FX but they will not load from their either. I loaded the new update, restored factory rigs and presets and the Kemper restarted but no reverbs.


    Impossible your update is not completed then. Update again and look if it says SUCCESSFULL

    Thank you so much do you use an external graphic eq or the one inside the Kemper???

    well we equipt TRV (SRV offcical touring tribute) - with a setlist of exclusive rigs for this purpose, - Mostly fender brownface and blackface delux's with a few editions.

    With SRV you need the tightness of the bass strings but looseness of the others, its hard to get via a normal rig (He used varible string gauges same as Hendrix used too), so a lot of post is needed, - but you can start with putting your strat on the neck, raising the "Clarity" and "Definition" until you get a equal balance of his !Quack! sound.., then adjust from that point..

    Good luck though!

    Also just curious are we gonna see all rigs seller pop in our conversation to make promo on their stuff when we discuss here as users?

    well we equipt TRV (SRV offcical touring tribute) - with a setlist of exclusive rigs for this purpose, - Mostly fender brownface and blackface delux's with a few editions.

    With SRV you need the tightness of the bass strings but looseness of the others, its hard to get via a normal rig (He used varible string gauges same as Hendrix used too), so a lot of post is needed, - but you can start with putting your strat on the neck, raising the "Clarity" and "Definition" until you get a equal balance of his !Quack! sound.., then adjust from that point..

    Good luck though!

    Allright but what guitar and pick up do you suggest for it? Coz getting rigs is only a part of the game

    I didn't mean it has a sound, but it is flat. It's 1's and 0's at the end of the day.

    We all choose digital because at a certain point the convenience of it in many ways is just easier to handle and maintain. But listening to a CD vs Vinyl is a completely different experience. And I'm talking true vinyl, not the stuff they make now which was all digitally recorded, mixed, mastered, etc.

    My point was mainly about the "flatness" or "coldness" of digital sound. I've experienced this with other devices, which in my mind makes it more of a reality one has to accept and adapt to. Though, it's definitely improved from decades past which means it will probably continue to improve.

    I disagree 1000% with you. But I won't debate it with you, coz you're the kind of person that think he is right and it will be an endless debate

    I've been going through the new rigs one by one in Rig Manager and previewing them on the Profiler, keeping the ones I like and skipping those that already exist.

    But are the older / existing rigs updated? Should I just import them all?

    Note: I've avoided doing this because I've had bad duplication issues in the past, where I updated the 5.1 or 5.5 content (I forget which) and all of the sudden I had dups of butt-loads of rigs. That took a LONG TIME to clean up. However, I just did a test, uploading the first 3 rigs in the 5.7 content, only one of them with a new name, and there are no dups.


    I dont even care about the basic Factory rigs. I BUY rigs every week , and dowload from RE too, and got enough job fine tuning every rigs and choosing the best . It depends also on the guitar I use so I indicate Les Paul or Gibson retc on every rig as I fine tune. You should try to get the best you can instead of the basic factory ''ordinary'' preset . Buy some you'll see how good some are and it's not expensive . Download some on RE Come on !

    I was like you before , anything on my sound was bad unless it's stereo . Or til it's stereo. Then with time I realised that stereo is a mirage. So I work in mono til it sounds good in mono (its harder) then if I can I put it in stereo, But stereo is not the goal . I mean the goal is to sound very good in mono... and stereo comes after. And if it,s impossible I dont care coz it's already good in mono. Get it?

    With my stage guitars, I use Clean Sense= 4.5, and Distortion Sense = -0.5 But, I think it depends on the specific guitars someone is using, and even more on the gain range and tonal variety of the Rigs being used. I use squeaky '80s clean to Modern high gain, and guitars ranging from a Telecaster to Super Strats to Les Pauls. I don't change the input settings for the different guitars - I want them to sound different from each other.

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    Thanks for the reference and thank you all for your answer

    Exactly I agree with the moderator. So please let's try to be polite both ways in the future.