Posts by The Schwartz

    Everyone loves David Lynch’s 1984 film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune, right?

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    One thing that I can’t seem to wrap my head around is how the level control works for the distortion stomps. In real life, a drive pedal’s level knob controls the output. If the level is all the way down, no signal passes through it.

    The Kemper’s drive pedals do not appear to work this way. Even when the drive and volume controls are turned down all the way, I’m still hearing a boosted/distorted tone.

    Am I missing something simple here? I checked the manual, but didn’t find the answer. Is this a distortion/clean sense issue?

    Awesome Black Limba goodness! Congrats. Kiesel is one of the best kept secrets around - the Zeus is so smooth to play.

    How do I know? ;)

    Wow that’s quite the stable you’ve got there! I’m really looking forward to trying out the trem. I had a first generation HH2x with the JCustom trem, which I thought was pretty mediocre. The Hipshot appears to be much more stable and expressive.

    Agree. Different gain on the profiles. Say like 5 profiles. But please avoid over-cranked profiles so many high gain profiles suffer from. No matter what pickups you have that amount of gain is just silly to much.

    Yes, I agree. Too much gain kills tone. I like controlling my sound with picking dynamics, and if I do boost things a little, it’s only enough to add some natural compression to even things out when playing legato. My profile pack will primarily be aimed at players who like controlling overall gain by riding the volume knob and adjusting pick attack.

    This is great input, everyone. Gives me a lot to consider. I might just end up creating profiles using humbuckers, but ones that are lower output and on the brighter side. My current favorites are the Xotic Raw Vintage PAFs. As far as humbuckers go, they do approach single-coil clarity.

    Thanks for all the advice!

    Mo’ SKUs, mo’ problems.

    Over the years I’ve become more and more appreciative of companies that stick to one thing, and do it better than anyone else. As a longtime Fractal user, one thing that started to bother me was their business model of releasing updated hardware every 2.5 years or so, and the constant firmware updates that oftentimes fundamentally altered the sound of one’s presets (this criticism doesn’t extend to bug fixes, which I always appreciate.) Of course, it’s not mandatory to update, but it eventually becomes detrimental not to do so.

    Past business practices are not always indicative of what’s to come in the future, but I’m hesitant to recommit to Fractal if we’re to expect regular hardware updates. I am on the waitlist for the FM3, but I’ll need to hear more about its capabilities before deciding to pull the trigger when I get the invite, which, considering the fact that everyone on the AX8 waitlist has been moved over to the FM3, could take a long time.

    Also, I just like this forum better. You’re all much nicer.

    Hey all,

    I’m in the process of creating my first commercial profile pack of a Suhr PT-100. My target price point is $10-15. About how many profiles would you expect to receive for that price?

    Of course, I could create an infinite number of potential profiles, but my personal philosophy on the subject is that for any given amp, there’s a limited range of settings that produce the optimal tone. I’ve purchased profile packs that contain 100+ profiles, only to discover that maybe only five or so are useable (for me, at least.) The last thing I want to do is bombard customers with a ton of profiles, and force them to spend their time weeding through them all.

    My goal for the moment is to create 3-4 profiles per channel, per pickup type (humbucker and single coil), and provide direct profiles for each. This would amount to 18-24 studio profiles, and an equal number of direct profiles. My plan is also to provide free updates and additions for anyone who purchases the pack.

    There’s a sample PT-100 profile in the rig exchange if anyone wants to try it out. Just search my user name.

    I’d appreciate any input. Thanks!

    My switch from Fractal to Kemper has been great, and I don’t regret it one bit. Buuuuut, there’s one tiny little thing I miss about the Axe-Fx: the controllers (LFOs, envelopes, ASDR, etc.)

    I realize that not many people — including even Fractal users — have much use for them, but there are some interesting things you can do with LFOs and envelopes, and I’d love to see them added to the Kemper.

    Just the ability to assign an LFO to morphing would be very handy. I think this may have been discussed before?

    Give this one (attached) a try. Just made it a minute ago. I'm relatively happy with it, but I didn't do any refining, which may or may not improve things.

    The guitar I used is a Carvin Bolt with AP-11 SCs. These pickups are highly underrated in my opinion, and are a bit beefier than your average strat pickups. With that in mind, you may have to drop the definition parameter if your pickups are on the bright side. This profile should also work fine with PAFs.

    I should also add that how well you utilize this tone is going to be highly dependent on your technique. If your technique and vocabulary is similar to Johnson's, you'll be most of the way there. Let me know what you think!

    Definitely not cool. As others have said, you only own the right to use profiles. I’m about to release my first commercial profile pack, the cost of which will be determined by many factors including number of work hours, cost of equipment, quantity of profiles, and of course, my 25+ years of experience. You know what doesn’t factor into the final price? The possibility of thieves using absurd justifications to distribute my work without authorization. I can’t imagine any profile producer would inflate his/her prices under the expectation of theft.

    To the OP: I hope you’re just speaking hypothetically, because I kind of get the impression that you may have already shared commercial profiles, and are looking for moral support here. Don’t expect to find any.

    Hey everyone,

    Today a friend of mine brought over his Suhr PT-100 for me to try, and I figured that since I haven't had a real amp in my house for quite some time, I figured why not give profiling a go? So I put the amp and cab in a closet, dusted off a SM57 I haven't used for probably ten years and placed it using my newbie mic'ing skills, hooked it all up to the Kemper, and hoped for the best.

    The result? It ended up being not as terrible as I thought it was going to be. In fact, I rather enjoy this profile!

    It's a pretty bright profile meant more for neck humbuckers (specifically with the volume rolled down a touch), but you guys know the drill -- reduce definition and so on. Search "Suhr PT-100 CH 2 Bright" or my user name to find it. Let me know what you all think!

    Hi everyone,

    Before I begin, I just want to point out that I have no idea how anything works, have zero audio engineering or programming experience, and am 99.99% ignorant of most things in the universe.

    So from my understanding, the Kemper creates profiles by sending a series of test signals to the amp for it to interpret, then science happens, and then out pops a profile. As we all know, one of the limits to this process is that the Kemper doesn't learn how the reference amp's EQ controls work or interact other than how they're set while the amp is profiled. Same goes for gain.

    But what if the Kemper could learn those things.

    The idea I have in mind, is that the Kemper would send out a test signal targeting a specific frequency range, and then you would sweep the EQ knob for that frequency on the reference amp from it's minimum to maximum for the Kemper to interpret. For example, let's say you have an amp with your standard bass-mid-treb controls. You would tell the Kemper to target those frequencies individually, at which point it would send out the appropriate signal and prompt you to start sweeping the range of the EQ knob. This process would be repeated for each EQ control. Gain could be profiled in a similar fashion.

    So basically, it would be amp modeling by way of profiling, if that makes any sense. Of course, if this doesn't make sense, remember that I know nothing!

    One important thing that one should never overlook regarding profiles vs. expectations, is the cab. MBritt uses Celestion Classic Lead 80 speakers with almost every profile, which are not what I’d personally consider to be a “classic pairing” with most of the bread and butter amps. For example, when I think of vintage Marshall, I think of G12M or G12H speakers, or for Dumble tones, I think of EV12s or G12-65s.

    I’ve only had the Kemper for a little over a week, and after my initial profile orgy, I’m finding myself looking more at the speakers used while profiling rather than just the amp. Generally speaking, if I know I don’t care for a certain speaker, I’ll usually avoid profiles made with it.

    Honestly, the Classic Lead 80 is not my favorite speaker, but I like so many aspects of the MBritt profiles that I don’t mind taking the time to experiment with other IRs or playing with the EQ.