Posts by msuijs

    I didn't make profiles of the Morgan amp.
    I sold the Kemper so I won't be making new profiles.

    I you want to profile your amp using the Suhr Reactive Load IR, I think the process of profiling I not so complicated.
    Before profiling, just setup your amp and load box with IR's to the sound you like and want to profile.
    Listen to the sound coming from the load box, not from a cabinet if you use one.
    If you have a sound which you like connect everything to the Kemper.
    Be sure to set the levels properly, 'cause you don't want to overload the Kemper.
    Start the process and fine tune the profile by playing guitar. I normally play some lines on lower strings all over the neck and do the same on the higher strings.

    Good luck

    I'm glad you like the profiles.

    When profiling I normally profile the setting I use with my guitars I use most of the time. These are my '65 Strat, '73 Les Paul Deluxe and '68 Tele.
    Personally I don't like a lot of brightness, so I'm quite surprised you think the profiles are bright.
    I use my Kemper direct to mixing console and never used a guitar cabinet with my profiles, so I don't know how they sound on a guitar cabinet.
    I know my strat is dark sounding, by the tele is quite bright but sound ok (Although I always turn back the tone to 7-8)
    With the Kemper I rarely use my volume knop.

    The Plexi uses the IR's of a Marshall cab with Celestion GM-25 Greenbacks (Ownhammer evolution series)
    I think this IR is also used for the Bassman

    Regarding the question about the EQ blocks, I don't know for sure, but I think one block is used post amp for fine tuning (I think this EQ is always on).
    The pre amp EQ is used together with the drive block to shape the drive pedal.

    I'd love to know if any other DI's come close to your profiling technique. Been looking at a few Behringers

    What guitars do you use to refine? A strat?

    The 'DI' I use has speaker simulated output. I don't know if the Behringers DI has speaker simulated outputs.

    I use a Fender Strat indeed to refine the profiles.
    It's the guitar I use the most with my Kemper and when it sounds good with the strat it sounds good with my Gibson Les Paul Deluxe

    I decided to go on a Rig Exchange hunt yesterday for Dirty Shirley profiles to see if there are any good ones. Before ending, I decided to check out Deluxe Reverb profiles and happened upon these.

    Martin, I have to say, I was immediately pleased with how good these profiles sounded. I’ve been using other paid ones and while they’re good, I find they’re way on the bright side and When compared side by side with a real Deluxe Reverb, they don’t really hold up. I even called a friend to tell him about these.

    I just got done comparing the Clean profile through the Kemper Kabinet using the Jensen P12Q and P12R speaker imprints side by side with my DRRI and Deluxe Reverb Tone Master Amps. They’re phenomenal. So good, I had to come online and search to see if you’ve done other profiles, and ended up seeing this thread. So I’m posting to thank you for your great and exceptional work on your Deluxe Reverb profiles. Thanks, these are AWESOME.

    Yeah, I know I’m gushing, but they’re really that good. Thank you for providing them!

    Thank you for your kind words!!
    I also think most profiles are too bright.
    I created to the profiles I can use them my self and they sound almost identical to my Deluxe Reverb.
    Check my profiles of a 64 Bassman and a '68 Marshall Superbass and '71 Superlead.
    I did by a new amp lately, a Morgan AC20 Deluxe, so when I have time I will created some profiles for this amp

    I'll give it a try.

    The signal chain I use is like this:

    The guitar is plugged into the Kemper guitar input.
    And the output of the Kemper is connected to my audio interface/speakers

    The input of the amplifier is connected to the Direct output / send on the back panel of the Kemper.
    The speaker output of the amplifier mus be connected to the speaker input of the Boss Waza Tube Amp expander

    I use one of the L/R outputs of the Boss WTAE and connect this to the Return input on the Kemper back panel.

    You can use the Mono output too, but the level cannot be adjusted by the Line out knob on the front panel.

    For profiling just read the Kemper manual.
    Switch kemper to Profiling mode.
    On the display you see the option to listen to kemper or real amp.
    Here you can set the level of the return input so it matches the kemper.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask


    Spending some time lately in profiling all my amps.
    This time I took my '71 Marshall Superlead.

    I profiled the amp with different gain settings. Also profiled the amp in combination of some pedals (Mad professor Underdrive, Klon KTR, Fulltone OCD and J Rockett Rockaway Archer).

    Hope you have fun with these profiles.

    It's time to edit all my band-presets to use my own profiles instead of the commercial ones I bought.
    Which are actually very good.

    Love your profiles, my friend. What's your miking setup?

    Actually, I don't use mics.
    I've created the profiles with a Boss Waze Tube Expander.
    I use the Brown 1 mix IR from Ownhammer (r)Evolution 112-DVRB CTS-C12 package.
    When profiling I only used the WTAE as load and IR processing. No eq or other effects are used.

    The Boss WTAE gives me very good direct sounds for studio use and for gigs.

    Phenomenal again! Couldn't thank you enough!

    Your profiles are also the evidence, that it is possible to make profiles that work excellent with different guitars, pickups... No need for "strat profile for neck pu".

    The profiles with stacked overdrives sound really good too. You have to be a master of gain staging, getting such good results with the Kemper and stacked overdrives.


    I'm glad the profiles work wel with other pickups too. I use mij old Strat most of the time when playing and profiling. I do check some profiles with other guitars/pickups. But the amps sound great with different guitars, and the Kemper profiler does a very good job.
    When comparing the amp/profile you can still hear difference, but only in details.
    The feel of the amp is captured too.
    But comparing the amp vs profiles I think that the amps sounds little bit more clear and warm, but the amount of high/mid and/or low frequencies are the same.

    I stack overdrives for years now. I must say I completely rely on the King of Tone when stacking.
    The KoT sounds very good on it's own. It sounds very amp like and works well with all my amps and when I have to use rental amps.
    That's the magic of the KoT for me.
    I use both channel of the KoT in boost mode which I guess disables the clipping diodes. I has the least amount of gain of the 3 modes and also the least amount of compression.
    The other drives boost the KoT with little amount of gain to keep the dynamics and keep the sound not too compressed.

    All the profiles of the clean settings with the pedals, are profiles of the settings on the amp and pedals I have used for years.

    Man these are exceptionell good Profiles, thank you,

    what would be great if you could do some more Profiles of the Deluxe Reverb from the Normal Channel

    clean and crunch, would be great, Thank you again

    I will do these channels too.
    The normal channel sounds great with a body jazz guitar too
    Have to make a jazz recording soon :)


    I profiled my old Fender Deluxe Reverb.

    Most profiles are using a clean setting and use one or 2 pedals.
    I used the amp with these pedals on lots of gigs. Actually still use these pedals with the Deluxe Reverb, Bassman, or Plexi on gigs where I don't use my Kemper.
    Profiles of the Bassman and Plexiglas can also be found on this forum.

    The pedals I use are:
    Analog Man King of Tone (both channels are setup as boost and are profiled)
    Fulltone OCD (1st version)
    Free The Tone Matt Schofield SOV Special
    Vemuram Jan Ray

    Analog Man SD9

    I also like to stack these pedals so you'll profiles with 2 pedals. When stacking pedals I always use the King of Tone of main drive which get boosted by another pedal.

    I also created profiles of hotter settings on the amp.
    All profiles are created on the Vibrato channel of the amp.
    I rarely use the Normal channel, although it sounds great.

    Have fun, and please let me know your opinion.

    Fender 64 Deluxe

    I have a copy from your original set. I could post it here if you would like.

    Thanks, but that's not gonna solve the problem.
    The profile of the Maxed Bassman without OCD got overwritten bij the profile with OCD before posting it on Rig Exchange,
    So in the original set both BM Max and BM max + OCD are the same profiles, but with different names

    msuijs The "Fender 64 BM Max" is identical with the "Fender 64 BM Max + OCD" and both are tagged with OCD in the comment field. So the profile without OCD is missing?

    I think I did something wrong and have overwritten the BM Max profile without OCD.

    I added all comments, settings in Rig Manager, changed names of profiles and must have made a mistake.
    So there's no BM Max profile anymore.
    I've remove the BM Max from Rig Exchange. The BM Max + OCD is still available

    The "Pushed Clean" is tagged with 4x12 cab, but it is also a Ownhammer 112 DVRB CTS, right?

    Again, the profiles sound very good. Very, very, very good!^^

    I play them with a Gibson SG with P90 at the moment and the neck position is so sweet!

    But your profiles work perfect with different guitars, pickup and pu position again. So thank you for sharing!

    Waiting for the Deluxe Reverb :saint:

    It's indeed the 112 DVRB CTS Ir's.

    The Deluxe Reverb will profiled next