Posts by kingoffalcons

    If you Profile just the pedal, you have s profile of just the pedal.

    But, You can connect the pedal to a guitar amplifier, and create a Profile of the pedal connected to the amp.

    Yeah but I don't have the amp that was used in the original profile. The profile that is already made in the kemper sounds perfect when putting the ts808 in front of it. I want to save that. It doesn't look like there is a way to do it from everything I've read so far on the internet. Unless I had a second kemper to make a profile of that exact sound. Or if I had a studio with reamping gear I could record a track of the tone along with the dry guitar DI and reamp a the tone into a profile. Unfortunately I don't have that option at the moment.

    Hey guys, I noticed that my ts808 sounds very different, and much better, than the green scream stomp box that comes stock in the kemper. Is there a way to save that tone so that I don't need to keep putting the actual pedal in front of the kemper? The reason I am asking is I only want that pedal to be engaged for my rhythm sound and not the clean and lead tones. I've tried dialing in the green scream stop box as close as possible to the ts808 but using the actual pedal still sounds way better. Thanks for the help!

    The PROFILER does not overwrite existing rigs when you create a new one by profiling. If you do not change the name of the rig prior to storing it, you will create a new rig with the same name but the one that was loaded prior to entering the profiling mode is st

    It faked me out at first but after checking in the library the original profile was still available. The weird part was that it also pulled up all the pedals that the other profile had so my newly made profile had a bunch of kemper pedals pre-assigned. I had to go through and delete them after. Would have been easier starting with a clean slate. However, I do see the benefit of keeping the information if you're making multiple profiles.

    I did the exact same thing. I profiled my own amp and it saved over another profile leaving me unable to rename any of the rig information except for the Author and Name. This is very frustrating and at the time of saving the profile I couldn't figure out how to save it as new. After restarting the rig manager and kemper a few times it finally let me edit and save the new information while in Browser mode and after previewing the profile. I also had to press enter after editing each field or it would not save.