Posts by Voider777

    I found a profile with less mids issue. After trying thousands of profiles (even paying for some commercial packs) i stick with one profile for my main gainy rhythm tone, and i only use another profile for clean to crunch tone with my band, i tweak both profiles depending the song-gain-fx's.

    This profile is the XTC PLEXI BLUE 2 ANAL by maizin you can find in rig exchange. Equalized for even more mids and gain up to 6.9 for juicy and organic metal tone, versatile. (Yes, metal, but i hate all reampzone, sinmix, and similar extreme and scooped tones). Apart from these i can recommend mbritt cranckngo, cililab, and tonejunkie. They have free demo profiles.

    Recently i have been a/bing between a lot of profiles with my ironheart 60w. I always use a 2x12 v30 cab. There was always more richness in the mids with the ironheart, even compared to one profile I made using the loop send of this head. This mids issue make the profiles more similar through a cab and less defined. I also notice a weaker attack with the kemper, with tubes i hear like a clean transient even with tons of gain, and that makes also a better note definition.

    Maybe is an issue with my kemper.

    I think the kemper is the best option, but it makes its best using the line output, for recording or PA, but i can,t get used to the frfr monitor sound in a full band live, i don't have a high quality monitor, but i am not sure it will make the difference.

    Soon i will profile some amps in a studio and then i will be able to judge if the mids issue or any possible difference is negligible or not, but i suspect this way (through studio monitors) in a mix is where the kemper shines.

    I recently DI-profiled my blackstar ht-5 and the mids weakness was slightly there (maybe is a DI fault).

    Maybe my ears are blown, some people recomend more bass and treble in profiles buy i always need more mids or filtering bass and treble.

    well there is something like the Kempertone or the Kemperflavour... the amps sound ultra close to the original + the distinctive Kemper sound, stiffer sound less cream, compression and sag and not so dense mids. Let's say the kemper is 95% the original sound and 5% other stuff. Once you hear it is hard to unhear it but still for me there is enough left of the original sound that i like the kemper versions overall.

    But don't hate on the kemper all digital devices have this. Helix has the Low end problem, Axe fx highs, Bias has the gainstructure problem, elevenrack has the dynamics problem ... only because they mimic other tones doesn't mean they have a sound on their own, so yeah. Don't Worry! :)

    So much knowledge and truth on a few lines.

    I bought the kemper 7 months ago..i have been using it with a 2x12 cab v30. I tried some frfr but..amp-cab in the room is the real deal for me and a must when you play with a full band in a room in my opinion. But i am not sure about it, not entirely satisfied. I need a lot more mids in almost all profiles. I use the most middy profile i found, and i add mids in amp eq, post eq module, and direct monitor eq. And a bandmate already complaints about too much bass and treble. So i have been a/b-ing my amps, and yes, i find always, not a lack of mids always but a lack of mids-high mids texture and harmonics, and a little bit lack of the clean attack, the clean transient you have even with high gain on tube amps. This makes a lack of presence, when you compensate can get shrill but without kick.

    I am making right now some DI profiles with a DI-E box millenium, and the same.

    For the profile research i used headphones and cabs, on rig exchange, all the free packs and some cililab packs(for the excelent presence they have) and mbritt cran n go.

    I know using a cab reduces versatility, but in my experience all the profiles sound a lot more similar than swaping real amps in the same cab.

    I have to try extensively the same but making studio-merged profiles.

    This is my experience right now, excelent for studio, very good for amp in the room sound, but not yet there...trying to convince myself it is user error..

    I am pretty sure that Munky uses a Mesa Rectifier of some sort (Dual, Triple, Road King, ...). His guitar tone on the first album (and others) sounds very "standard" Recto'ish to me. I even doubt that there are many pedals (if any) involved.

    Can you listen to "chi" song and tell me again it is a pure amp distortion??

    After some web research the most consensuate answer is thet they were using jcm900 with a modded big muff for the core of the main sound, like sepultura, and similar to many ross robinson productions.

    Some people witness them using H&K on the early days. Some people says they mixed the jcmb900 with a triple rec clean or dirt with a fuzz always. And many studio tricks probably.

    It is not my tone. But i want to experiment and never could replicate it with an amp. For sure it has some fuzz but not a regular fuzz, it retains some of the definition and tightness, it squeals, it is not a regular recto sound at all.

    I am using 2 rigs from rig exchange, tweaked for almost every song, 15 songs setlist. I bought crank n go and some cililab packs..but i am not ready to change my sound yet.

    I think when you work with less sounds,and a guitar cab for example aswell, you have less variation but you have some kind of coherence, consistence in the mix. And you have less problems due to the room sound or PA sound of the venue.

    I mean if you have 10 very different sounds, on the venue you cant check and compensate for every sound. Maybe one rig has more high end and in the venue you have to use a PA and a cab high freq dominant for example. you dont know and check and adjust monitor or main out eq to compensate for another rig with less high end and you can end with an ear pierce surprise when turning on that especific rig..or not hearing you if the example goes on the other way.

    Tone junkie are my favorites from clean to mid gain far..for this controled lack of bass, they are very present, balanced and a very very nice texture: vintage but not muffled.

    Maybe my ears are screwed..but i find a lack of mids in 95% or more of the profiles, commercial or not, low gain to high gain. (Filtering is the solution most of the times)

    In fact i have enough with the free pack. You can live perfectly without buying profiles.

    I just bought for first time some packs from cililab, and the mbritt crank n go( black friday), almost all fantastic. But i dont think it was necessary at all. My mains profiles playing with my band are only 2, from rig exchange yet, xtc anal by maizin for gain, and metropoulos 45/100 for clean to low gain.

    Hello. I tried 2 of the stock kemper profiles with fuzz.. i was not used to play with fuzz, i never had a real fuzz pedal. But it is very nice, so stoner..doomy. The only profiles i found were the TAF errrror 401 and one called germanium fuzz.

    I heard thet the fuzz was not well profiled..maybe its not very realistic but i found these profiles useful.

    I am also looking for a sound very difficult to recreate. The korn 1st and 2nd albums guitar sounds. Its like in between sound of a high-mid gain metal sound and a nasty fuzz. So it is nasty but with definition on palm mutes. Very similar to sepultura roots album. They both used the same hand made or modded pedal i think.

    Any suggestion? Rig exchange or commercial..

    You can control kemper through midi with this pedalboard. Research a little bit, read the midi section of respective manuals..should be quite easy to setup. At the same time you could:

    -Use some of the effects, automatically assigned to each kemper patch. I dont know the quality of the modelling or fx of this pedalboard, but maybe there is something curious you want to use.

    -Record your ideas with the 8-track recording embeeded.

    -Use the drum machine for practising.

    -Use the looper.

    I think guitar cabs and speakers need higher volumes to develop their resonance and sound. For me the feeling is more the tipical real amp, just for using a guitar cab, dispersion..i dont know why but it is very different.

    If you want to record, it makes a lot more sense an frfr monitor.

    If your only priority is enjoy playing and you are able to play more or less loud in your house then I would go to guitar cab, all rigs sound a lot more similar, specially with vintage30, but the dispersion, attack, and bass ressonance is the real deal experience.

    But people get used to frfr. And in your case is a better choice. It depends on your tastes and experience playing. For record and mixing frfr 100%.

    I noticed a big noise. After some months with the kemper(very busy summer), now tested in different places, audio interfaces and cables, i can be pretty sure it is not user error. I didnt need to use dry signal..but now i have time to record i wanted to try to reamp.

    Making a quik profiling test the first days with the kemper the noise was there, but couldnt be sure if i made something wrong. Noise happens too when profiling obviously because dry signal output is used.

    ----it happens only when dry guitar is selected (analog, guit process, guit studio).

    ----It is like a pink noise, plus some high armonics starting near 2 kHz. Ugly beep. I even recorded a pulsating mid-bass hits.

    ----it happens in all 3 outputs, main,monitor and direct.

    ----my input sens is at 0.0 and i get red spikes(with guit studio line out level signal should not be very important).

    ----with spring reverb beta and non beta OS.

    ---didnt try spdif yet, i never use it, but now i need to try. Tried an old rca analog standard cord, but didnt work, no sound. I Need a 75ohms cable.

    ---ground lifting..the same

    Btw, the direct output only works when dry signal is selected, but from source stack selection and beyond i have no sound. Its only my unit? Maybe a beta bug? If somebody wants to try..

    If anyone solved similar trouble..thanks in advance.

    I find the knobs response in the kemper too temperamental, unpredictable with the speed sensitive behaviour. Sometimes with a live adjustment you never know how much it will change the parameter with a certain degrees rotation. Sometimes too much, sometimes less than expected. Even if you try carefully fine tuning a parameter you must try it for too long.

    The infinite rotation knobs are some kind of wasted if you get the maximum value only because you rotated it too fast. It slows me down. This unceirtanty makes you to watch the screen always, corrections are unpredictable.

    It would be easy to add an option i think. Easier than the default behaviour.

    It would be very appreciated.

    Thank you very much.