Posts by mmmaslowski

    Hi there,

    I can certainly relate to the dilemma of making a serious financial commitment to a platform one has not exhaustively explored beforehand (gear hands-on experience completely unattainable where I reside). At this point, we both can only make conjunctures about the platforms. Myself, I am debating between the KPA and the Helix; at this point I've ruled out the FX III based on practical considerations (sounds great, though).

    As a side note, I would caution anyone from making generalizations. Good tone in objective terms does not really exist - there is no absolute reference model for it (but certainly, there are good guidelines how to craft one!). When we listen to our favourite recordings, or the artists whom we idolize, it is not that uncommon to hear subpar guitar tone, yet the music is what shines through. What I am reading from your description is that you prefer the lead guitarist's tone, and it so happens that he utilizes the FX III; thus the latter has more appeal to you - I get it.

    Now, the ultimate question is how you intend to use the gear. Will you require portability? Are you comfortable spending minutes (hours) creating patches that you would consider record-level quality? To share my experience, not that long ago I bought a GT-1000 by BOSS. I tinkered with it (I like that), loved the form factor, as well as the overall tone, but eventually ended up returning it. Reason? It was consuming too much time from my playing/practice routines - that can add up to serious hours per month when you like to alter the settings. In this sense, the Kemper may feel a better proposition than any modelling gear in general (feels and looks like an amp). Finally, will you require hundreds of guitar amp models/cabs to experiment with? Will you be utilizing a guitar cab, or an FRFR? The list goes on, and on, I know.

    Realistically speaking, with the right amount of experience you'll be comfortable to dial in great tone and make cool patches with either platform. What I would personally consider in the decision-making process is the user interface (vital for efficient patch creation), ease of re-amping (recording), and routing options.

    Good luck!

    These guys review it with the Kemper.

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    Thanks for sharing! Great video and it sounds quite amazing.


    Very cool to read the stories of other seasoned KPA users. BTW, I am with the OP on this question, too.

    I've recently acquired a Laney IRT Studio (15W of all-tube goodness + USB/reamping capabilities) and I have now decided to opt for the regular toaster (in that lovely white colour); I already have two active L6 Powercab Plus units, thus the output question has already been settled. Overall, I'd like to think that having an amp (in a small format), especially when you are unable to dial the desired tone with the KPA, is a sensible idea. In the interim, you can always aid yourself with that kind of fallback option.

    Hey Gang,

    I received my unit couple of fays ago and, so far, I've tinkered with it a bit with my Ibanez AZ series axe. So far, I am blown away how dynamic the GT-1000 is. I have not created my own pathes, yet; instead, I've been focused on exploring the fx part of it and I very much enjoy it. FYI, I've been running my unit through the ATH M50x (adjusted the output type accordingly). My next step will be to run the GT-1000 with a pair of Powercabs Plus units.

    Having listened just to the factory presets it does not sound like a real amp to me, however that is not to say that it sounds bad, it just sounds different and definitely better (especially out of the box) than everything digital that I've heard to this date from a floor-based form factor. Speaking in absolute terms, the GT-1000 can yield better results than most amps as it solves a lot of problems of running an amp cranked up all the time - you get similar dynamics (not the same, but close enough) and are allowed to avoid the challenges of running your amp super hot.

    I now tend to think that the BOSS factory presets (only some of them utilize the AIRD amp models, btw) are more to showcase the processing power and seamless patch switching rather than sheer tone fidelity; some of those sound natural, some of them are just a tad too processed; I relish the former, and avoid the latter - no big deal.

    Let's add that it weighs maybe 4.5kg and easily fits into a backpack. Add the fact that you can edit/build/tweak your patches from your iPad/iPhone, or Android device is a win situation for me.

    Overall, I am VERY pleased with what I've heard and dabbled with, so far. My ultimate plan is to run the GT-1000 along the Kemper, and I am certain they will blend very well.

    I'm curious where some of you get 'serious tweeking' only with and editor? I can just 'push a button' on an editor too, just from a farther location, or even right on top of my rack. Choices are great. You people keep talking like it's one or the other. Did I miss something or do I lose the option of 'quick adjust' on the Kemper if I have an editor?

    If I use an editor, is the face of the Kemper just going to suddenly disappear?!

    An editor is an --------> ADDITION. If I care to make a quick adjustment from the Kemper, or a quick adjustment from the editor, I get BOTH not one or the other. I can use BOTH for studio or live, depending on whatever comes up.

    I have a sunroof on my car. Who needs a hole in their car roof? I don't need it all the time, but when I do, I push the button and enjoy! If I don't have a need I simply ignore it for now.

    Very good point, Nemo13.

    Just to add - in the context you have defined here - I like what BOSS have done with the GT-1000. They have simply married portability, compact design with functionality and utility (monochrome LCD screen is far better to use outdoors) by offering a mobile app for advanced rig editing; one can edit and tweak the setting (live) without kneeling over the device.

    Choice is good and should not be considered as mutually exclusive relative to the options available at the face of a device.

    You can currently connect digitally via an adat conection.
    No more conversions than plugging right into your interface.

    Thanks; yes, I am aware of that. I was referring to a similar scenario in which you could run, for example, Line 6's Helix as USB Audio interface directly instead of using separate interface for that purpose.

    With respect to conversions, you see some cool stuff that Line 6 have done with their Line 6 Link (which is in line with the AES/EBU) where you can attach powered speakers digitally utilizing that connection. In this sense, there are no conversions but the initial A-D as everything else (signal-wise) remains digital.

    None of these are deal-breakers to me.

    I could not agree with you more :)

    It would just be extra gravy for me as well.

    I see couple of things I'd like in a Kemper 2 but nothing that would be a deal breaker. I would like a better editor just to make set ups quicker but its a nice to have rather than essential.

    Exactly, nothing on the list of requests is a deal breaker for me either. My wish list would actually have just one, or two items - USB Audio interface, and a pair of AES/EBU for digital connectivity (less A-D/D-A sequences). But it’s cool if it doesn’t happen.

    As great as the Kemper is, I felt bottom line it was an overkill for my bedroom playing. I wasn't using it in a way to justify the cost of it.

    At some point I decided it has to go. Of course I'd love to keep it, but the rationale to keep it was simply not there.

    Big thanks to you guys once again. :)

    Thanks for sharing your story.

    Wszystkiego dobrego!

    I am actively interested in this thread as I've just ordered a GT-1000; ultimately, I may end up utilizing it paired with the KPA.

    I like the GT-1000 for its tone & dynamics (I am a sucker for BOSS stuff), seamless patch switching, and how compact it is - it's almost ridiculously small. I will treat it as a plug & play platform for fx experimentation, and quiet guitar practice.

    I wonder how the KPA & the GT-1000 get along in the same signal chain - I am expecting a lot of goose bumps, lol.

    I agree with you but quite a few people on here want an upgrade for various reasons...but really interesting to hear your point of view. Seems to be a very sensitive subject on the forum at the moment :)
    Oh I'm an IT guy as well...

    It's nice to meet you, then!

    I certainly appreciate & understand the need for an Mk 2. However, I am in no position to suggest what it should be as I don't even have the Mk 1 yet. What I was trying to convey in my original post was that I would personally not have any issues adjusting to doing things the way the Mk 1 requires, even if it were remain unchanged, for many years to come. That's because I've never had the exposure to rig editing with the KPA, so I would be starting from scratch doing things as the KPA dictates - that would/will be my bottom line.

    Having said that, I've read a lot of suggestions for the new software/hardware revisions, particularly from more seasoned users, and I think some of them sound very reasonable; for example, the fx editing process directly on the KPA, their assignment, or an official rig editor. Now - mind you - I am merely speaking from an observer's perspective and judge based on how sound those requests/expectations feel to me. Clearly the designers and engineers behind the product had imagined, based on their understanding, how most players would interact with the KPA. But, as the users have become more familiar both with the technology, as well as the competing platforms, it does not surprise me they see valid use-cases for revision two. That is a good thing, in most cases as it means that they identify themselves with the platform and wish, at least for some time, to stick with it.

    The bottom line is that CK & Co, have no obligation to follow suit and implement those requests, because they have already delivered what was initially announced - a fantastic profiling amp/platform. Everything else can be improved, but it's - as we say where I live - extra gravy :) Ultimately, it may, or may not happen. The question I ask myself now is "will I be okay, if it does not happen", and my answer, at least for now, is "yeah, for sure".

    Looking forward to hearing about more ideas!


    I just wanted to add my .02; I'm a newbie to the digital realm of guitar rigs & one the reasons I've decided to forgo the Ace-FX platform is the number of iterations it has gone through in a lifespan of a Kemper. How many have there been altogether, four, or five in the last seven years? BTW, this reminds me of the annually held smartphone race for the "latest & greatest" whenever a new revision is announced, and I am an IT guy saying this! Having to even think about that in the context of my iPhone is enough, thank you very much.

    To me, KPA's tone fidelity, demonstrated longevity, as well as the standard three-year warranty paired with support & free OS upgrades are very compelling reasons to invest in this platform. I would not mind having a KPA with no radical changes for a number of years, just like I would not expect a tube amp to be updated every single year.

    But what do I know ;)

    Hey, thanks for your input and very useful tips.

    While I agree with the overall take on OD, I don't feel being bound to any rules - I want to experiment, and that means doing the - seemingly - wrong things. Myself, I am not an OD guy, really, but after watching the Precision Drive tone tutorials with Misha Mansoor, I had to give it a try. In addition to that, I've also talked to other musicians (some of them recording), and the conclusion has been the same - the PD feels better than anything available on the market these days. Also looking at the overview, it appears that the PD has been designed with KPA and modellers in mind. While I don't necessarily buy in to the marketing speak, I need to give credence to some of the folks who have had extremely positive experience with it.

    As I am sure you all know the KPA is a sizeable expense. If I find the built-in fx being on par with anything I've heard from my pedals, I'll be happy to sell all of them, no exceptions! That actually would be a fantastic outcome of transitioning to the KPA.